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HOW TO: Mesh Mod w/ pictures (56K Warning)

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  • HOW TO: Mesh Mod w/ pictures (56K Warning)

    (I tried to post in the How to section but it's Moderators only)

    Hey Guys,

    I was putting mesh on my fairings and decided to make a How To article because I know some people were wondering how.

    #1) Purchase a mesh to your liking. I used a HEPA filter that I dissected, but you can use gutter guard or just plain screen door mesh. You will also need an epoxy from a local hobby shop. 5 minute is good incase your impatient like myself. If you choose to paint your mesh a color, be sure to use a high temp paint.

    #2) Remove your fairings, easiest way to do this is to use a cordless drill with hex fittings. Once you have them off, place them with the inside up on some cardboard. We don't want to be scratching your paint job.

    #3) Take your mesh and cut it to the appropriate size. You can do either 1 piece of mesh per hole, or just have 1 piece for both. I did one of each to see how each would look. Form them around the fairings so their flush for adherence.

    #4) Once you have everything shaped to your liking, mix your epoxy up and place it in the areas you wish to glue. For my individual pieces I used epoxy on the top, bottom, left, and right sides. For the large single piece, I simply glued the left/right sides. After you have the glue in place, put your mesh ontop and form it into place. You can use masking tap to hold it down and then weigh it all down with something heavy. In my case a bottle of brake fluid, spray paint, and beer. Ahhh, the many uses of beer continue.

    #5) After the epoxy has dried, check your mixing puddle to make sure, you can remove your weights and tape. I had no issues with the masking tape coming off, even where it was directly over the epoxy. At this point you could add more epoxy around the outer edges to ensure the whole piece is stuck down, but it isn't required.

    #6) Put your fairings back on your bike and voila! sexy looking mesh that's ready to impress the ladies. You'll notice I didn't do my two rear holes; this is because the idle adjustment access is on the left hand side and I wanted things to be the same on both sides. Once I put more miles on my bike and am sure I don't need to fiddle with my idle, I will mesh up those holes. Otherwise if you mesh them, you'd have to take your whole fairing off to adjust your idle.


    "I reject your reality and substitute my own" - Adam Savage, Mythbuster

  • #2
    Great pics..
    (I also like your mesh souce!)


    • #3
      You put unconsumed beer in the hot, hot sun?! I hope it didn't skunk on you!!!

      Oh, and thanks for the pics and write up...

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      • #4
        LOL, never thought about that. I was just looking for something heavy and they were handy. I haven't drunk them yet, so I'm sure we'll find out.
        "I reject your reality and substitute my own" - Adam Savage, Mythbuster


        • #5
          I heard of another way of doing it that instead of using epoxy to hold the screen they epoxied smaller boltz to the faring then placed the screen down and basically bolted it into place...this allows easy removal of the screen and replacement if needed...just another view on the same mod...
          Good judgement comes from experience, and often experience comes from Bad Judgement :smt084
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          nah nah nah nah nah nah JAX! (special thnx to sexwax)


          • #6
            great source for the mesh!! Thanks for the info

