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New Owner/Rider in N FL

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  • New Owner/Rider in N FL

    Hi y'all. Proud new (old) Kat owner/rider here. 34 Years old from St. Augustine, FL. Been riding dirt bikes since age 8 or so, and last summer bought my first street bike/scooter, a 1999 Aprilia RS50.

    It was sitting alongside the road with a FOR SALE sign on it, somebody had owed somebody some money and for $800 that little pocket rocket was mine. Since I am a short rider, it was a great way to get my feet wet. I was talking to somebody months later about buying a "real bike" and they told me what those little Aprilas' were selling for (around 1500 bucks).... AND that he had a Katana for sale, cheap. So on ebay the RS50 went, eventually bringing $1300. Money in pocket, I went to look at the Kat in December.

    Guy wasn't around, but the bike was there and I was given the key. 1994 750. Fairings badly cracked, one mirror missing, windscreen cracked. But when I fired the thing up, it sounded great. A quick ride taught me two things, one, the bike ran GREAT and two, some front brakes would be nice.... it didn't have any. I was dismayed at the 40,006 miles shown on the odometer, the bike while rough just didn't look or feel THAT used. I figured the way it ran it was either rebuilt or engine was swapped sometime in the somewhat recent past. Made a deal for $800 and limped it home.

    Rode it around the neighborhood (yes, without front brake, don't yell at me) for a couple weeks and then stored it a couple weeks, had a bunch of medical stuff happening. In the meantime, ordered some parts, a master cylinder, a windscreen, some levers, some fairings, all off EBAY. Then had shoulder surgery, meaning I wasn't riding for a couple weeks. So, I installed everything but the new plastics, I am going to paint 'em first. Ahhhh, front brakes, how nice they are

    The bike .... it's all black with some absoutely terrible purple rims. It's got a low profile D08 on the front and a stock rear tire. I'm pretty sure that front tire is causing the speedo to read fast, that will be a Q for the tech page. The sprockets on it are were changed at some point by the previous owner, what kinda RPM should I be seeing at 70mph in 6th? It's geared very short right now ..... I'm gonna ride here in a bit and will note the RPM exactly then. Glued the existing fairings back together the best I could, they aren't flapping in the breeze now at least.

    Really enjoying having the bike. I'm a very mellow rider, I just love being on the thing. It's only been a few weeks since my shoulder was operated on, so it's still short rides at this point, altho I may try and hit Daytona on Tuesday ....

    And one last thing .... on Saturday (yesterday) I ran into a friend of the guy whom I got the bike from .... he said you know I almost bought that thing but you beat me to it .... he looked at the odometer and said, what he never changed that? Asked him what he meant .... said the original odo broke before he was selling it .... the bike really had about 8,000 miles on it .... because he helped swap this entire gauge panel from a wrecked bike not long before I bought it. Bonus, huh ? 8)

    Jeeze I type alot. Sorry y'all and see ya on the road !

  • #2
    Welcome aboard You will find lots of riders here from your area ... I should know they keep telling me they are riding while I am still stuck in 18 inches of snow !!! Post pictures soon please

    I bought mine the easy way .... new and under full warranty for 4 years
    Try and keep up now


    • #3
      Welcome to KR mod4, glad to have you aboard.

      Sounds like you got an awesome deal on your Kat, congratulations. And now you have something to look forward to when your shoulder totally heals; long rides on a great bike. 8)


      • #4
        If you are ever in Jax look me up we can maybe go for a ride
        here's some southerly advice that may come in handy down the road a piece... Next time you are too drunk to drive, walk to the nearest pizza shop and place a delivery order. When they go to deliver it, catch a ride home with them.


        • #5
          Welcome to the KR forum mod4, congrats on the deal.
          Tito "Every day I get up and look through the Forbes list of the richest people in America. If I'm not there, I go to work."


          • #6
            Welcome to KatRiders mod4.
            Sounds like you got a great deal there.

            Help Support via


            • #7
              when you get ready to get that thing painted let me know
              here's some southerly advice that may come in handy down the road a piece... Next time you are too drunk to drive, walk to the nearest pizza shop and place a delivery order. When they go to deliver it, catch a ride home with them.


              • #8
                Welcome to Katriders, great intorduction!
                Welcome to! Click here to register


                • #9
                  welcome to KR!
                  West of Germany
                  greetz Carsten


                  • #10
                    Rode with NO front brakes?!?!?!


                    Glad to here you have a project on your hands!! Projects are fun!
                    -89 Gixxer 1100 Engine
                    -Stage 3 Jet Kit / KNN Pod Filters
                    -Ohlins Susupension
                    -Various Other Mods

