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A Big Canadian Hello

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  • A Big Canadian Hello

    Hi everyone,
    I am new to the site and biking in general and have been looking into my first bike for quite a while. I wont be getting my license until the spring but you can never start researching to early. Im 23 and have been waiting a long time to ride, so i made it a resolution i plan to follow. On other boards the Katana has been bashed so much i had doubts even coming here. But from some polite people this may be the bike for me. I plan to go sit on one soon and hopefully in the spring find a good used one to be my first bike. Thought i would stop by and say hello to everyone.
    "I'm not accustomed to riding with strangers"

    "We're not gonna be strangers"

  • #2
    you must mean the GTA not go by ANYTHING thery say!

    Welcome...lots of info here...and NO Katana bashing


    • #3
      Hehe, well i guess that is common knowledge that is where i came from. Glad there will be no bashing, first things first have to go read about gear in the gear section. First time buyer its all over whelming
      "I'm not accustomed to riding with strangers"

      "We're not gonna be strangers"


      • #4
        Welcome to Katriders

        AramK from the GTA site?

        Sit back and do some reading, there's lot's of info on the board.

        I think you'll find most here will be honest and tell you the good and the bad points about the katana.

        BTW if your getting your licence in the spring, start calling around now if you want to take the MSF course. It'll fill up fast once they start taking registration. You might want to ask the insurance companies when you call around for quotes to see if they will give you a discount for taking it. Some will give you a break as long as you take it within 30 days or so of getting you licence.


        • #5
          don't listen to Woobie...he frequents THAT site too much....I don't trust him.

 will have a blast getting ready to ride....and the people on here will help out a lot!


          • #6
            There are just a lot of people that bash it in general, but different strokes for different folks, and i have been looking into the courses, i have three options either Humber, Sheridan or RTI which have all been highly approved. Ya the insurance is a big issue as well, but katanas are lighter on insurance most of the time apprently, so step by step get m1, get gear, take course and m2, get bike, learn learn and have fun, safely of course.
            "I'm not accustomed to riding with strangers"

            "We're not gonna be strangers"


            • #7
              Originally posted by SmilingCharmer
              There are just a lot of people that bash it in general, but different strokes for different folks, and i have been looking into the courses, i have three options either Humber, Sheridan or RTI which have all been highly approved. Ya the insurance is a big issue as well, but katanas are lighter on insurance most of the time apprently, so step by step get m1, get gear, take course and m2, get bike, learn learn and have fun, safely of course.
              I like the way this guy thinks. Must be the beer up there.
              Glad to have you with us. Welcome to the addiction.


              • #8
                Welcome aboard Smiley!

                As Range mentioned, you can pretty much ignore 99% of the crap that people talk on the GTA forum. Most are just a bunch of noobs that like to sit on their SS bikes infront of Tim Hortons and sip frappacuino all night.

                LOTS of reading for you around here. Make use of the search function, it'll find you most of the info you're looking for. For anything else, JUST ASK.


                • #9
                  a big welcome from germany! 8)
                  West of Germany
                  greetz Carsten


                  • #10
                    Welcome to KatRiders SmilingCharmer.
                    As I'm sure you have noticed there are alot of great people here that like to help out whenever posible.

                    Help Support via


                    • #11
                      Welcome to KR.

                      Ya, as allready said. The GTA board is about 80% poseurs who's idea of "going for a ride" Is sitting around in the Timmies parking lot for an hour then zipping up and down the dvp for an hour crankin' out wheelies, then heading back to Timmies for another hour. About the only thing that board is good for is the classified section. Usually some pretty good deal on gear, parts, etc....

                      Welcome aboard


                      • #12
                        Welcome to the forum man.
                        Tito "Every day I get up and look through the Forbes list of the richest people in America. If I'm not there, I go to work."


                        • #13
                          Hello from NS. Welcome to KR.


                          • #14
                            No need to go the GTA site "lose the zero, and get with the hero" *done in my best Vanilla Ice impersonation

                            Welcome to Katriders Smiley!
                            Welcome to! Click here to register


                            • #15
                              Howdy from the country of Alberta!
                              FrankenKat 1216
                              GS Fiter 816
                              GSXR750! (race)

