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A Katana decided to throw up in my garage

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  • #16
    Welcome to Kr !


    • #17
      wow . you got a good deal cosmetically for 400 bills
      im an american proud and free , a son of the south dont tread on me.


      • #18
        Been messing around with the Kat.....Sanded everything down and will have paint flowing this weekend. Still waiting on a few parts(petcock, rear master, etc.)

        After all the grubby hands that have touched this poor bike....I finally have it running respectably. It's been a long haul and I swear I'm not going to buy any more "projects" I turn wrenches all day long, and the last thing I want to do when I get home is work on more stuff It has been fun though, buying more tools and learning to sync carbs and such

        I'll throw up some pictures later...I did one fairing in a brighter than i wanted silver...I need to break it up with some dark graphics or maybe not. I'll just have to see once they're all bolted up.

        To everyone that buys a basket case bike. There is plenty enough info on youtube and this site and many others to LEARN about how to properly diagnose the related problems that come along with buying a used and abused bike....Granted, I'm a mechanic already, but the info is out there.


        • #19

          i rebuilt my rear master... if u buy used u run the risk of having to rebuild that one anyway... just my opinion tho

