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New kat rider, already went down!? Pics included, graphic

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  • New kat rider, already went down!? Pics included, graphic

    Hiya! I've been browsing/posting around these forums since summer started (bought my kat about 2 months ago) and realized I never actually properly introduced myself. I'm 23 years old, a commercial driver and have loved motorcycles my entire life and just recently was lucky enough to buy my first bike. For the most part, owning, maintaining, and riding a motorcycle has been one of the greatest experiences I could ask for in my life. I've never been so happy, at least until I went down that beautiful friday afternoon...

    So there it was, the onramp that lead onto the interstate. a nice easy slightly banked right hand curve with heavy/moderate foliage on both sides. I decided to place myself in the left lane so I could get a glimpse of the interstate traffic early and maybe be noticed by other drives. To my surprise, there was a lot of dirt/gravel/rocks in the left lane that carried all the way to the shoulder. By the time i noticed this hazard, it was already too late and i knew i was going down. it was either go down, or ride it out straight off the road into the woods... after hitting the pavement on my right side of my body, i kicked away from the bike and slid into a mile marker sign or a reflector sign (can't remember what it was exactly). this sign broke my right tibia and fibula. I was moving at a pretty steady pace (i was getting ready to merge with highway traffic), but luckily i hit the sign pole with my whole body so it didnt do too much damage. i'd imagine it'd be a lot worse if just my leg hit. but here i am now, healthy aside from my broken leg and happy as ever. not many people who fall are as lucky as i am so i count my blessings, learn my lessons and live to ride another day. hopefully someone else can take something from my story as well. my leg was the only real damage i took aside from some minor scrapes and bruises. more importantly, i was the only person involved in the accident too which is amazing, considering my bike crashed out onto an interstate at around noon. this type of incident could happen to anyone, at anytime. i was wearing all my gear i had at the time (helmet of course, padded jacket, motorcycle gloves, motorcycle boots, heavy jeans) which definitely saved me from gathering more injuries. scraped up my helmet, and jacket got ripped up pretty good. so please everyone, experienced rider or new rider, be safe. gear up before you ride, and keep your eyes scanning.

    I have attached the pictures of the injuries, yes they are graphic so do not click if you don't want to. I went through 3 surgeries through my 10 day stay at the hospital. They used 1 large metal rod, 3 screws and I don't even know how many stitches to put my shin back together. The picture of my kat is before the accident

    Can't get it to run right? Find a trick to add HP?
    From the first oil change to completely rebuilding the engine,
    this is the place to talk about the heart of the beast!

    There's some pictures here of my kat after the accident
    Attached Files
    Last edited by theonlyepi; 07-30-2011, 01:05 PM.

  • #2
    Ouch! I hope you heal up quickly.
    sigpicLife throws you curves......enjoy the ones you get when riding.
    89 GSX750F(sold....sob)
    96 YZF 1000R


    • #3
      get well soon.
      never sleep with anyone crazier than yourself sigpic2011,2012,2013,2014,2015,2016


      • #4
        son of a ...... hope you heal up quickly
        1990 kat 600 sigpic


        • #5
          Welcome to KR! Sorry to hear of your accident but glad u r able to tell the story. Heal fast.
          1990 750 KAT, 2010 ZX-14


          • #6
            Take it easy until you are completely healed. Everyone seems to go down eventually. Maybe not. Take care and welcome to the forum!

            "A knight proves his worthiness by his deeds."


            • #7
              I was up in the air about purchasing an expensive riding jacket opposed to a cheaper one. seeing this has made me decide not to cheap out. glad your ok man. welcome!
              Sweet Lincoln's Mullet


              • #8
                Originally posted by kohnerbownerr View Post
                I was up in the air about purchasing an expensive riding jacket opposed to a cheaper one. seeing this has made me decide not to cheap out. glad your ok man. welcome!
                Thanks everyone for your wishes, hopefully i'll heal up quickly so i can get back to riding! Before I can ride though, i'm gunna need to fix up my kat though, I think i'll need more luck there than healing up hahah

                I know I wont be second guessing what I spend on my new gear, that's for sure. I always had a strange feeling when I put on my gear before too, kinda like a "man ima look like such a tard" feeling.... Not anymore though. I have a lot of friends that ride and not many of em wear gear at all so maybe that's where it stems from. Taking 15 minutes to put that gear on might be what keeps you living in the long run.

                aside from "buying that more expensive jacket", i think i'll reconsider what parts of my body i'll be trying to protect as well. my right hip which had no protection aside from my jeans took a beating, just from the drop i guess and maybe some sliding I ended up having a bruise from my knee to my ***. i'll be looking to get some hip protection in my next gear. also, i was considering buying full length boots and maybe some shin guards as well. I can't explain in words how much this broken shin hurt, it was unreal. from the actually accident, to them pulling my foot to realign the bones, to the long healing process im going through... i think shin guards and full length boots might be worth it even if it just reduces the damage instead of nullifying it. also, it scares me to think what would have happened if my spine hit the pole, maybe some extra spine protection should be good too. i hope everyone takes a good look at their gear and thinks about improving it every now and then!

                It's not the fall that really hurts, it's the stuff you slide into that will break you.


                • #9
                  Sorry to here about your accident, hope you heal fast.
                  "The shortest distance between two points is for people that don't ride!"

                  2001 Suzuki TL1000R Sold to Cintidude "May you be one with the Torque!!"
                  1998 Suzuki Gsxr 750 SRAD
                  2006 Suzuki Katana 600


                  • #10
                    wow man. that is not good. Hope you heal fast. be safe. after something like this I imagine one gets a couple of brakes inside the head.
                    2015 BMW S1000R


                    • #11
                      Welcome to the forum, Heal fast and consider this a lesson learned. I still have a bunch of metal in my RT leg and ankle from an accident in 05.
                      TRUST YOUR HANG !


                      • #12
                        That's going to leave a mark! Seriously, glad to know you are on the mend, hope that you heal quickly. Don't worry about that bike right now...take care of yourself.


                        • #13
                          Dang man. Glad you're ok ish.
                          R.I.P. Marc- 09/20/09


                          • #14
                            Wow man that is crazy. Glad you are alive and recovering!
                            In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But, in practice, there is." -- Jan L. A. van de Snepscheut / Yogi Berra

                            "after the nuclear apocalypse, there will be 6ft tall cockroaches eating twinkies and driving dodge darts, and riding katanas" -- JayBell


                            • #15
                              Man that looks painful. Glad your here to tell us about. Get well soon.

                              blue 2001 Katana 600 - Hindle slip on, Hole shot 5 degree ignition advancer

