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New Rider Welcome

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  • New Rider Welcome

    To all the new riders and new KatRider forum members:

    Welcome! I've noticed a healthy boost in new members recently- whether this is due to usual spring boom or the economic turns/gas prices around the world, welcome to the world of 2 wheeled enthusiats.

    Rather than post this repeatedly over the plethora of introduction posts, I'm just going to throw this out there once with vain hope someone may actually read it.

    First, it will benefit you more than you can ever imagine to take the Motorcycle Safety Foundation courses. At bare minimum take the Basic Riders Course, but I highly recommend the advanced riders course and the sportbike riders course for developing your skills. It will make you a safer rider, which gets you home at the end of the day, as well as make you a more aware rider. Typically the most hazardous factor on the road is the cagers who just aren't paying attention. MSF courses will teach you how to ride in ways which prevent putting yourself in bad situations.

    Second, wear your safety gear. Despite what "friends" may tell you, it isn't cool to ride in shorts, flip-flops, and a backwards hat. I'm not telling you to go out and buy $2k in safety gear tonight, but be smart. Dress for the fall, not for the ride.

    Third, always seek ton continue develop your knowledge and skills with regards to motorcycling. Learn how to ride better and smarter, you'll find yourself still riding several years from now. Buy or obtain a maintenance manual for your iron pony. Then slowly develop your skills in working on your bike, don't just jump into a motor rebuild and carb jet replacement if you've never turned a wrench.

    Fourth, remember- rubber side down.

    I wish you all the best of luck, motorcycling is a truly great passion which will reward you for the rest of your life. Enjoy it, but as always, do so responsibly. If you ever have any questions, try using the search bar on the forum. Just about every topic has been hit on at some time during the history of this group. If you still have questions or just want to chat someone up, feel free to start a new thread. Other than the *occasional* sarcasm, you'll find this is a very supportive and helpful group of experienced enthusiasts.

    "Character, in the long run, is the decisive factor in the life of an individual and of nations alike." Teddy Roosevelt