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CYBER POET DIED tonight 9/20/09

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  • I too have not logged on in a few days and just read the news. I'm sorry for his family. It's too late for me to say thank you for all of the help he has given me. I'm just at a loss.


    • Found this one of Marc and Paula
      R.I.P. Marc (CyberPoet)


      • This is so frustrating.

        I just started a new job, things are going crazy with a major project that I've been called in on and I have no time to write my feelings or really convey my thoughts.

        Needless to say, Marc was my friend. Not just a "cyber" one, but one that I called and talked to about lots of stuff other than bikes or Katanas. On numerous occasions we solved Global Warming, the Sub-Prime crises, military intelligence faults, Microsoft shortcomings (yes, we two Mac guys thought peaceful co-existence was possible), Christianity and Catholicism, Racism, and the best wine for big, fat, steaks.

        During his stay at my house I went to church. Naturally, I invited him to tag along and naturally Marc was very up-front about his beliefs and was passionate about them. Would expect no less from The Poet. But he did tell me that he had visited Calvary Chapel in Tampa a couple times and he was up for a little debate. And over the months we did just that. (It was very cool! And I love me some spirited debates )

        That is what really impressed me about him. The willingness to engage and the personal responsibility to be able to defend his position. I have met many other people on this forum that possess the same attributes. I, too, call them "friends".

        I warned Lisa before he arrived that Marc was... interesting. She had read some of his posts and said that this was going to be... interesting.

        After he and Van left she said that he was all that she thought he was going to be, but way deeper. They had some long conversations together and her take was simple:

        "He knows who he is and how he comes across to others but he really has no idea how big his heart is. It's natural and genuine and it covers the imperfections. He's a good man with a huge heart."

        When we picked out the new sofa for the living room remodel we joked that it was going to have to be "Marc and Van Approved".

        He knew he could come across as a know-it-all. But his mind was a sponge and given the extreme bouts of insomnia he had to deal with (chronic illness) - the Internet and books were a relief from the agony. Given his personality he really couldn't help but become a wealth of knowledge. And the "quick to answer" and "ready with the info" was more of an outgrowth of his personality - he genuinely desired to help. It was just how he was wired.

        I suppose it could all be viewed as an act. Some extraordinary attempt at self-flattery. I work in marketing so I have LOTS of experience identifying that trait. God says when you help, don't scream and call attention to yourself. Just do what needs to be done. I have heard so many stories of selfless acts of kindness and help that was given by him that never found the light of day (or thread), that I have a difficult time believing that it was all for show. It's just who Marc was.

        "He was a good man with a huge heart."

        We never did totally agree on anything, (you should have heard some of our bouts regarding the Church - EPIC! ). But in the end, when the dust settled, there was a mutual respect. The willingness to agree to disagree, and meet again to debate and give an opinion. That's what makes a friend. The ability to look him in the eye and say, "I sooooo don't agree with you. That's a pretty wacked-out position... So, is that new MacPro sweet, or what!?"

        I'm really going to miss that.


        • Psalm 23
          The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want.
          He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters.
          He restores my soul; He guides me in the paths of righteousness For His name's sake.
          Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.
          You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You have anointed my head with oil; My cup overflows.
          Surely goodness and lovingkindness will follow me all the days of my life, And I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.
          R.I.P CP, you will be missed dearly.
          2008 GSX-650F / 1990 GSX-600F sold facebook


          • Something told me tonight to look at the forum for some reason. I kind of wish I hadn't. I am sorry for his family and their loss. Marc was an interesting individual and had something to say on just about anything. I know the KR community will miss his rants and my prayers go out to his family.

            Md86 -TDRCOM -Z - Cyber - BraadaJim
            Help Support via

            "That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness." - Declaration of Independance


            • We're a family, you know. I'm having a hard time holding back my tears right now. Need to get out and get a guitar in my hands...that's how I deal with it. I can't make any rides with the rest of you, but please know my heart is with you. This is going to hurt for a long, long time.

              But you know what? This afternoon I was in the backyard trying to get a trailer hooked up and noticed a thing that made me sad. A turtle was on its back with its openings sealed. I was afraid it was dead, picked it up, gently felt its hind legs and there was no response. I took it to a safe place in the alley just behind my fence and set it down. I went back a minute ago, three hours later, and it had taken off. If this gives solace to even one other person besides me, it was worth putting out there. Marc and I spoke of turtles more than once. I think someone's grinning somewhere.
              Last edited by zuma; 09-22-2009, 09:42 PM. Reason: something mighty cool happened

              "A knight proves his worthiness by his deeds."


              • This is totally depressing news.. RIP. I'm a complete noob and have corresponded with him on various issues regarding my first bike. It saddens the heart to hear of this unfortunate accident.. and as I've been nagged so much lately on getting a motorcycle, makes me think twice about riding again! Drivers around here are really.... scary...


                • Sad to hear this, Great Guy w/ Great Knowledge


                  • I have to admit that I held back my tears until tonight. I saw the banner at the top of the page. For some reason that just hit me. I think Marc would appreciate this thread and the banner at the top. I can only hope he knew how much people appreciate him. Rest In Peace Marc.


                    • Rip cp...

                      THANK YOU...
                      Last edited by DayKat; 09-22-2009, 09:24 PM.
                      It would't be any fun if it was easy! BUT, it does have to be this much fun!!


                      • Originally posted by macgyver View Post
                        I have to admit that I held back my tears until tonight. I saw the banner at the top of the page. For some reason that just hit me. I think Marc would appreciate this thread and the banner at the top. I can only hope he knew how much people appreciate him. Rest In Peace Marc.
                        +1, the banner is awesome...
                        Originally posted by katanawarrior
                        I keep coming here because of the smileys, really.


                        • Yes... the banner is perfect.
                          My current rides: (see my garage for a complete history of my bikes)



                          • yes....great job on the banner.
                            I don't have a short temper. I just have a quick reaction to bullshit.


                            • +1 - Great banner. A really nice tribute.


                              • excellent job on the banner.

                                I'm still speechless and holding back feelings day-to-day. I'm greatful I had the chance to hang-out and have lunch with him and ride a few times. Such a great guy. I wish I would have takin' the time to drive over more often.

                                Our ongoing joke was everytime he looked at my bike, it was so clean. He always told me to get out and ride it, make it dirty. I kept showing him the odometer to remind him how much I ride it.
                                Last edited by Mat0302; 09-22-2009, 09:54 PM.
                                2006 Suzuki Kat GSX750F

