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CYBER POET DIED tonight 9/20/09

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  • Originally posted by SweetLou View Post
    I have been thinking a lot about this. Things like this really seem to hit home for me, and I just want to put this out there, so please don't take it the wrong way.

    We are all motorcycle riders. Some of us, it is our life passion, others of us, its our weekend relaxtion/getaway. Whatever it is for you, that is fine. No judgement because we are all brothers and sisters of 2 wheels.

    I think Marc was in the catagory of Life Passion. And I know that if I have to go, I want to go doing something I truely love. I like to think, that maybe it was his time, and on some Karmic level, he choose his own destiny, and his out in this life was to go out doing something he truely loved. Something he loved with all of his heart and soul.

    I know it doesn't make it any easier to accept, and that it still sucks. But to pass away enjoying your passion, or to pass away in a bed, a frail old man not even able to wipe your own azz. Well, I know what the choice would be for me.

    Again, RIP Brother. You will be missed.
    Yes, that is the way I see it too. How many of us truly get to choose to go out while enjoying our favorite pasttime? Many die after months in a hospital bed. Though it is still a HUGE loss and much too soon, I think that if Marc had to choose, this would have been the way that he wanted to exit. It would have been one of my choices too. Thanks, Lou.
    =USAF= Retired

    "If you can be convinced of an absurdity, you can be made to commit an atrocity." -Voltaire


    • I know a lot of you from way back in the KatanaPlanet days, and the same goes for CP. We definitely didn't see eye to eye on many things, but he was quite a character and I know will be sorely missed. The amount of people he helped and opened up his heart to is astounding. Just reading everyone's comments makes me sad. My thoughts go out to his family and friends.

      *Just a quick memory* The first time I met CP was at a KP rally many years ago. None of us had ever met him in person, he rode up and said "The Cyberpoet has arrived". At the time we thought he was an arrogant SOB, but it was just his way... RIP Marc


      • Well put Lou,
        I lost two friends a long time ago, brothers, only kids in the family. Motorheads.
        We got together nearly every weekend to work on cars, go to cars shows or just mess around. In every picture I have of us; tools, greasy hands or one of our vehicles are in the background. Grady (the older brother) and I had settled on a deal one weekend. He was going to sell me his CB750F-SS. Then next weekend I was moving some things out of my apartment and was planning to talk to Grady some more about the sale. I got a call right before leaving the house.. It was my buddy Candyman: "Grady and Beef were snowmobiling on a lake up in Vermont, they went through the ice. OK, I said, I'll pick you up and we will drive up there.. Thinking they were in the hospital or what not. "They are gone cuz.." I was devastated. But the one thing I took solace in was that they died doing what was fun for them. Better that then a drunk driver, stepping off a curb and getting hit by a bus etc. I shared these thoughts with Motorcyclist editor Siobhan Burns after one of their writers died in a riding accedent. She passed it on to Will's (the writer's) mother. After coming back from a ride I opened my mail to find a letter from Will's mom. It brought her some peace to hear that point of veiw.


        • OMG.....

          RIP CP

          Your were a great help to us all on here... Answering questions and giving good advice. You will be greatly missed.

          Ride like there's no tomorrow!!! You never know when your going to run out of "tomorrows"!!!
          Current Bikes:
          1997 Honda CBR1100XX Blackbird
          2007 Kawasaki Ninja ZX14R Special Edition


          • R.I.P CP. I have only been a member for a few months but was always blown away by how much knowledge and info CP had in each and every post he contributed. My condolences go out to all his family and friends.
            We don't stop riding because we grow old, We grow old when we stop riding!


            • Hubby just called to tell me the sad news. It's really hard to believe this is true. I've known Cyber (online) since WAY back in our Katanaplanet days and finally met him at the Gap. He will be missed by alot of people.

              Very sad
              Start every day with a smile and get it over with - WC Fields


              • Wow I've been away for a minute and come back to this!!! **** man....this sucks....

                Godspeed man!! I dont even know what else to say

                I dont have "hobbies" I'm developing a robust Post-Apocalyptic skill set....



                • After awaking this morning I was hoping that my experience seeing the bad news yesterday was just a dream. Unfortunetely it wasn't. I still cannot believe this happened. This website has lost a great friend, mentor and rider. He can never be replaced. We should all try to follow in his footsteps and try and be as patient as he was with people asking newb questions. He didn't tell them use the search button he would take time to answer their question no matter how many times he already did it. I hope that all his stickies and how to's are saved somewhere on a harddrive or something. It would be awful if something happened to this site and all his helpful posts were lost. Again, RIP Marc, May you find everlasting peace.


                  • R.I.P

                    - The CyberPoet -

                    93 GSXF6 PIX.

                    "Opinions are like A$$holes, Everybody has one"


                    • RIP CP. I was amazed by how much he had lived in his life. What he shared with all of us is a legacy we can all try to liive up to.
                      Pepe Bouchard


                      • Heard the news yesterday... just staggering.

                        RIP Marc.


                        • Sad news indeed. RIP Cyberpoet.
                          Visit And sign up now!


                          • Truely devastating. I never had the pleasure of meeting him, Didn't know what he looked like or even his name. But this tragic news hit me like ton of bricks. I cannot imagine the feeling of loss by those closest to him. You have my deepest,sincerest condolences.


                            • well sorry to hear about it.... i didnt know the guy personally just on this site and well he was really good with every one from wath ive seen.... always there to help with info.... you will be missed....


                              • Originally posted by SweetLou View Post
                                I have been thinking a lot about this. Things like this really seem to hit home for me, and I just want to put this out there, so please don't take it the wrong way.

                                We are all motorcycle riders. Some of us, it is our life passion, others of us, its our weekend relaxtion/getaway. Whatever it is for you, that is fine. No judgement because we are all brothers and sisters of 2 wheels.

                                I think Marc was in the catagory of Life Passion. And I know that if I have to go, I want to go doing something I truely love. I like to think, that maybe it was his time, and on some Karmic level, he choose his own destiny, and his out in this life was to go out doing something he truely loved. Something he loved with all of his heart and soul.

                                I know it doesn't make it any easier to accept, and that it still sucks. But to pass away enjoying your passion, or to pass away in a bed, a frail old man not even able to wipe your own azz. Well, I know what the choice would be for me.

                                Again, RIP Brother. You will be missed.
                                I hear ya, Lou. That is what I told least he passed on doing something he loved, and right up until that split second that was the beginning to the end for his life here on earth, he was having a blast on his bike and totally happy. If you think about it, what better way is there to go?

                                This is hitting me quite hard as well. Marc and I have been from one extreme to the other with each other....get along great, argue like two old ladies. you know...kind of a love/hate relationship for years....although I like to think a lot less hate. Then we got to meet and spend some time with each other....and when we took off to Cherokee for the day with Paula and Arsenic, we started discussing his visit to Canada. He had never been here, and I told him my door was open to him when he was ready and able. It was definitely something that was going to happen. And now...well, it just isn't going to happen....and that saddens me. And since the news yesterday, I keep hearing him in my head. two things stand out....the first being when he narced on malloc at the dinner buffet (kinda funny and so wrong on many levels), and when we were talking in the truck to/back from Cherokee. It's his voice. You gotta admit....doesn't quite fit the physical image of him. or maybe it's just me that thinks that. this is not meant in a bad's just that his voice seems sort of unique to me. he would suck in playing marco polo against me....I would pick him out in a

                                Anyhoo....this just really sucks. This isn't the first time we lost someone, but it just isn't the same. This one strikes me the most. I have had a ton of virtual interaction with Marc....and just recently had a great time with him. Damn....I am still feeling quite a bit of pain in my knee from the rally....that is how "fresh" this is. To be honest, I am still in the "damn....I can't believe it. It has to be a dream", stage.
                                I don't have a short temper. I just have a quick reaction to bullshit.

