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CYBER POET DIED tonight 9/20/09

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  • Its taken me most of the day to get to the point where i can put fingers to keys and not stop three words later in tears.
    Like some of us here I was blessed to know Marc, truely blessed. We could talk on just about everything and joke about it.
    If it wasn't for Marc, I would not be who i am today. The skills he taught me, in the saddle and in the machine itself, has made what is a major part of my life. I said it in the chatbox earlier today: "I cannot walk into my garage and not see where Marc hasn't touched my life." He taught all of us so much. In a blink of an eye he was gone.
    As I finish up school this week, my mind will not be totally focused on my studies. There is no way I can express the ammount of gratitude to him.
    I will miss you, My Friend

    Pegs down, for a while...


    • wow...i just saw this and i dont even konw what to say...RIP bud, keep an eye on all of us down here..enjoy the rides on the forever twisting roads up in the sky...
      sigpicLife is 5% what happens to you, and 95% how you react to it
      k9 GSX-R 600
      GO VOLS!


      • RIP CyberPoet,

        Do a burn-out and pop a wheelie through Heaven's Gates.

        True Riders Never Fall....They Ride Forever!!!
        You got it.
        Get on it.


        • My God this is very sad to read about Marc's death. Even though I've never met him personaly I conversed with him in emails and PMs. He been a decent and respectful man to myself and in his post here to others.

          A very sad day for our extended Katana family.
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          How To Install Audiovox Cruise Control On A 1998+ Katana


          • OMG, this is terrible; he has always been there for everyone on KR. Its almost impossible to believe. It almost feels like the spirit of this website has died a little. I wish the best for his family and his close friends.

            RIP CyberPoet, god speed!!!
            Grab life by the horns and punch it in the nose!



            • Cyber was an amazing wealth of knowledge, and always willing to help solve people's problems. No matter where in the world you may be. Just following his posts showed that he not only loved motorcycling, but was a truly caring person as well. This is a tragic loss.
              My heart goes out to those who personally knew him.
              God speed Marc.

              "If you're gonna be a turd, go lay on the lawn."
              -My wife


              • OMG...this is a joke, right?
                For once, I'm speechless.
                He will be missed.

                I just went through the 5 stages of greif in the last few minutes. It's difficult for me to process that someone who just responded to one of my postings the other day is no longer with us....Makes me rethink the whole motorcycle riding thing....I mean he was very experienced on the bike and this happened, and I only have 3 years under my belt..what chance do I have in an accident?

                I got nothin...I'm too choked up to say something poignant.

                RIP Marc, The Cyberpoet

                I poured spot remover on my dog. Now he's gone.


                • This really is such a shock. I've only been around here for a little over a year, but in my limited dealings with Marc, I've admired him. Being a technical person myself, I always appreciated the "too much" information he would answer with. I know what it's like to dedicate so much time to helping other people. I think to me, Marc was how I'd like to be if I were a stronger person. It's difficult to be so selfless.

                  My thoughts, wishes, and condolences go out to his family and friends, girlfriend, and everyone at KR.

                  He was such a large part of KR, and can't ever be replaced. In honor of Marc, we should all try to be more patient and understanding of new people that ask old questions, and be extra helpful.

                  Pegs down.


                  • RIP CP! He was a great guy, very sad to hear!

                    Why does Sea World have a seafood restaurant? I was sitting there eating and thought...OMG I could be eating one of the slow learners!"


                    • At first, I thought this was going to be a twisted joke from a good friend (Malloc) But then I read further and tears fell. I am deeply saddened to hear of the loss of a friend, and a community leader.

                      Marc, was a good person. Dealt with him many a times over the years buying supplies and stuff, even after I sold my Kat. Although I never got a chance to meet him face to face, We did speak on the phone a few times.

                      Marc was a great person, no matter if you met him today or 40 years ago. Either case, he'd probably have reacted the same.

                      I was glad to know him many years ago, then saddened to find out his bike was stolen. Added to the "Replace the bikes" fund. Marc was special, Kind and giving.

                      I am truely disheartened sitting here trying to write a eulogy or a friend.

                      Marc!! Pegs open brother
                      If its not broke, Hit it with a bigger hammer and blame it on cheap imports

                      RIP Dad 3/15/08 Love and miss ya already

                      Originally posted by Nero
                      Even I played for a minute or so, then I recovered what little manhood I had left and stopped.


                      • You helped me through some tough times years back.
                        You will be missed Marc.
                        Bike is sold


                        • I have been thinking a lot about this. Things like this really seem to hit home for me, and I just want to put this out there, so please don't take it the wrong way.

                          We are all motorcycle riders. Some of us, it is our life passion, others of us, its our weekend relaxtion/getaway. Whatever it is for you, that is fine. No judgement because we are all brothers and sisters of 2 wheels.

                          I think Marc was in the catagory of Life Passion. And I know that if I have to go, I want to go doing something I truely love. I like to think, that maybe it was his time, and on some Karmic level, he choose his own destiny, and his out in this life was to go out doing something he truely loved. Something he loved with all of his heart and soul.

                          I know it doesn't make it any easier to accept, and that it still sucks. But to pass away enjoying your passion, or to pass away in a bed, a frail old man not even able to wipe your own azz. Well, I know what the choice would be for me.

                          Again, RIP Brother. You will be missed.
                          -89 Gixxer 1100 Engine
                          -Stage 3 Jet Kit / KNN Pod Filters
                          -Ohlins Susupension
                          -Various Other Mods


                          • rest in peace, Marc. It was truly good to have met you at the rally this year- who could have known my first rally would be your last?

                            You will surely live on, in the memories of all the lives you have touched.
                            "Stevie B" Boudreaux

                            I ride: '01 Triumph Sprint ST

                            Projects: Honda CB650 Bobber projects I, II and III

                            Take care of: 81 Honda CM400,72 Suzuki GT550

                            Watch over/advise on: 84 Honda Nighthawk 700S (now my son's bike)

                            For sale, or soon to be: 89 Katana 1100, 84 Honda V45 Magna, 95 Yamaha SECA II, 99 GSXR600, 95 ZX-6, 84 Kaw. KZ700, 01 Bandit 1200, 74 CB360.


                            • Originally posted by SweetLou View Post
                              I have been thinking a lot about this. Things like this really seem to hit home for me, and I just want to put this out there, so please don't take it the wrong way.

                              We are all motorcycle riders. Some of us, it is our life passion, others of us, its our weekend relaxtion/getaway. Whatever it is for you, that is fine. No judgement because we are all brothers and sisters of 2 wheels.

                              I think Marc was in the catagory of Life Passion. And I know that if I have to go, I want to go doing something I truely love. I like to think, that maybe it was his time, and on some Karmic level, he choose his own destiny, and his out in this life was to go out doing something he truely loved. Something he loved with all of his heart and soul.

                              I know it doesn't make it any easier to accept, and that it still sucks. But to pass away enjoying your passion, or to pass away in a bed, a frail old man not even able to wipe your own azz. Well, I know what the choice would be for me.

                              Again, RIP Brother. You will be missed.
                              When I told my wife about The Cyberpoet's passing, she sadly replied, "So he died doing the thing he loved the most." I did find some comfort in that. I'm still shaken, and I will be for quite some time.

                              "A knight proves his worthiness by his deeds."


                              • Count your blessings everyone.

                                =-= Cheers

                                Take a Spin With The KR Mascot...

