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CYBER POET DIED tonight 9/20/09

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  • Originally posted by arsenic View Post
    This type of thing can happen to ANYONE. Marc hit a guard rail, I hit a guard rail. Marc was a MUCH better rider then I was. I don't have a foot, and I can't walk well. Marc is no longer alive. I get the chance to walk again, Marc doesn't. Kinda puts things into perspective eh? RIP Marc, I will certainly miss you.

    **NOTE** I unbanned Arsenic so he could pay his respects to Marc. HS2020
    It really does put things in perspective. I've spent a good deal of my life on 2 wheels, but Marc had exponentially more miles under his belt... We have a habit of always looking down our nose at accidents. We assume they are a squid, or a newbie. Maybe it's just our way to not be afraid, to not accept our own mortality..... but we should. None of us are immune. All you can do is be as safe as you can.

    I feel like it was just yesterday (though it wasn't) that Enjay went down, and Marc agreed with me that if it's possible for you to give up riding, you should. This is why. It's something that we all like/love to do, but these are the risks that we take. I won't tell you not to take them, but at least be honest about what you are doing. And consciously decide whether or not it's worth it.

    HS2020- Big up for you. You and I don't always get along, but it's nice of you to unban Chris for the occasion.
    Any and all statements by Loudnlow7484 are merely his own opinions, and not necessarily the opinion of Anything suggested by him is to be followed at your own risk, and may result in serious injury or death. Responses from this member have previously been attributed to all of the following: depression, insomnia, nausea, suicidal tendencies, and panic. Please consult a mental health professional before reading any post by Loudnlow7484.


    • I never knew you, but as a fellow motorcyclist you are family. Pegs are down for you. R.I.P. Somebody should organize a ride in memory of Marc.


      • Speechless. Sorry CP. Only had one transaction with him and was top notch customer service. Will miss his insightful posts here. RIP. Condolences to his family.
        Attached Files
        Last edited by chrisx2; 09-21-2009, 10:39 PM. Reason: picture added
        2004 GSX750F


        • RIP i'm speechless
          RIP Chuck... grandfather in law just passed away this morning.

          There are no words


          • I'm saddened and upset. I can't comment any more than this at the moment.
            sigpicLife throws you curves......enjoy the ones you get when riding.
            89 GSX750F(sold....sob)
            96 YZF 1000R


            • my heart dropped when i read dude...may you live the better life up above.


              • Originally posted by The CyberPoet View Post
                Glad you kept it up, buddy -- I'm sure your wife would be proud!

                The type of "lines" you are slipping on here in west-central Florida (and pretty much used throughout this state and certain others) are not painted-on lines, but heat-applied thermo-plastic strips. And that should pretty much tell you why there's no grip on them when they're wet (and why they pose a hazard under any form of input or off-center lean angle when crossing them while wet).
                It's not unique to your brand/make of tire (although they may be slightly better or worse than other compounds in the same situation, it's an universal problem for bikes here);
                it's not unique to your tire's foot-print size (although narrower tires in this scenario means more weight loading per square inch, driving out more water, and thus marginally better grip).
                The best coping strategy is to stay off the throttle, pull in the clutch and coast over 'em when you have to cross them, plus knock down your speeds when doing hard corners across them. The place I see most riders go down because of them is coming off the last light to a left-hand on-ramp of an interstate, because they're accelerating and banked off-center as they start moving after a red-light (obviously, bikes with more power have a higher likeliness of ripping the tire loose in this condition).

                =-= The CyberPoet
                I can't help but think of this thread I posted the other day. I almost went down in pouring rain on those lines. When I went back and read this i got chills over my whole body.
                Last edited by erok011; 09-21-2009, 09:21 PM.
                May the road rise up to meet you.
                May the wind always be at your back.
                May the sun shine warm upon your face,
                and rains fall soft upon your fields.
                And until we meet again,
                May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
                RIP Marc


                • I am so sad, at the loss of a truly great man. May all of us keep him and his family in our prayers.
                  I would rather be judged by 12, than carried by 6.

                  It doesn't matter what they say about you as long as they spell your name right.


                  • Steve sent me an email this morning at work to let me know the news. I was shocked and saddened. My thoughts and prayers are with Paula. He was taken too young.

                    I've already told Steve to make sure there are flowers at the funeral from Katriders.

                    I had a great ride yesterday and will make sure to have my pegs down on our next ride.

                    Live each day to the fullest.

                    Ride safe everyone. I know I'm not on the chat a lot, but Steve always keeps me in the loop on what is going on.



                    • When I returned to riding at 40 yrs.old I found Katriders...
                      ...and the Cyberpoet.
                      I have not posted on this forum for many many months, however, I feel I need to express my feelings.

                      Marc helped reintroduce me to the Passion I'd been separated from for so long.
                      His guidance and enthusiasm is contagious.

                      Thank you Marc, for helping me find myself.
                      From a Friend you never knew.
                      -Bob Bond
                      Nova Scotia, Canada
                      "Speed Junkie Since 1975"


                      • wow, i been skipping on the katriders lately, and now i come back and see this, just sickening. never got to meet him in person, but i always remember the generosity and help he has given me.

                        man, marc you are and will be missed.

                        “Programming today is a race between software engineers stirring to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the universe is winning.”


                        • Very saddened to have heard the news tonight, RIP Cyber...thoughts and prayers to his family and close ones.


                          • I don't know what to say. It sucks to hear this news about someone you know and have ridden with, but it is a risk we all take every time we we ride. The first things that came to my mind were the "coffee maker" and "google librarian". I think Marc's sense of humor would appreciate that, so no one take offence! If had pegs, they'd be down.

                            RIP Marc, keep ridin.......


                            • I didn't know Mark but read alot of his post as I am fairly new around here. I read the first few pages of the thread this morning and just didn't even know how to respond. I have a group of about 7-8 bikes ready to go for sometime this week. I can't make it to the funeral and would feel strange if I could since I didn't know him personally, but me and my friends are going to tribute a ride through the local canyons to Mark. I wish I could have known him from the post I have read he was an amazing man and I have missed out.

                              I own a busa bet you can bet your a$$ I will be rockin the kat on this ride.
                              2004 hayabusa LE-my ride
                              2006 ninja 250-the wifes ride

                              Riding is not just something you do, its a way of life.


                              • Wow, can't believe it's true, RIP Marc. My condolences to Paula and Marc's family. A very sad day indeed.
                                Last edited by katman05; 09-21-2009, 10:44 PM.
                                R.I.P. Marc (CyberPoet)

