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CYBER POET DIED tonight 9/20/09

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  • Marc was a good man. One of the best.

    He not only served our community, but also his country. The world is a better place because of him.


    • Our internet had been down all morning and I was absolutely floored to log on and find this news. I cannot believe that Marc is actually gone. We've exchanged calls and emails for years, but never had the chance to meet in person being on opposite ends of the country. That being said, I still considered him a friend and we always talked about getting together for a beer. My condolences to his girlfriend, his family, and to our extended KR family. Marc's passing is a great loss for all and he will truly be missed. Today I feel empty...RIP Marc

      When good men die their goodness does not perish,
      But lives though they are gone. - Euripides


      • What?????? I am reeling with incredible shock! I have known Marc for about 4 years and just got a message from him the other day. We were going to ride next weekend! I just can't believe it. Pegs down and I will need to know funeral/viewing/memorial arrangements.

        Van - are you going to coordinate? Is there ANYTHING I can do?????

        With my deepest condolences to you/Paula/family.....

        RIP Marc Glasgow
        Last edited by FloridaKat; 09-21-2009, 12:18 PM.


        • I'm absolutely at a loss for words to express my state of being right now. Shocked...confused...bummed...I just don't get it.

          Rest In Peace, Marc.

          Help Support via

          Originally posted by EmpiGTV
          You know why you shouldn't hold in your farts? Because they'll travel up your spine and into your brain. That's where shitty ideas come from.


          • My prayers go out to his family and friends. You will be missed by many. Thank you for touching so many in such a positive way Marc.


            • OMG.... he helped me so many times I cant believe this.

              Marc you will be in my thoughts. God bless.


              • OMG somebody please tell me this is a joke.. after reading all of the post i still cant belief it. My gawd tell me its a joke.. We all love you brother for you were a center of gravity for most of us..i'm at a loss right now.

                Funeral : May I suggest that we let our brother go out in style ? I dont mean to offend anyone here but its what i would want, I'm thinking everyone is range ride this funeral to show respects.. If this was me I'd want a whole lot of bikes with pegs down during this funeral.. somebody give me info. and if this is in bad taste " I'm not sure of my own judgement right now" Just tell me when and where so i can attend. please
                Last edited by kidblooper; 09-21-2009, 12:30 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


                • I dont know what to say.. This is a Big loss for all of us. His knowledge, his sence of humor & just knowing that if you got a question, he would always have the best answers. I wish I got to meet him in person. KR has lost a great man.

                  Prayers go out to his family & friends..

                  Thank you Marc (The CyberPoet) for all your knowledge. We will ALL miss you. May you Rest In Peice.

                  Even though my bike is in peices, I asked a good friend to ride with his pegs down for me.
                  Last edited by GSXF 600 Guy; 09-21-2009, 02:30 PM.
                  If you think routine maintenance is expensive,... Try Ignorance!


                  • Heck if the funeral is on or pretty close to the weekend i will make the trip down to the home state and attend with the kat trailered. Again im with kidblooper if this is in bad taste of the family does not wish this to happen i will by all means respect there wishes to the letter.
                    Gravity works 100% of the time.


                    • guess it's all up to paula and the family .. but the pillar of a local forum died riding about 2 years ago ... I couldn't make it but about 200 bikes went to his funerals in the pouring rain and made the biggest smoke show in front of the funeral home ... first one on the sidewalk to cheer them on was God's Mother (his screen name was Godzilla)

                      But the decision was put in the family's hand and the forum would have accepted any answer. Only to show up in cars if that would have been the family's wishes.

                      So no chad it's not in bad taste if the family agrees.
                      Try and keep up now


                      • I've now given this some thought and I've something to say:

                        If you attempted to define and encapsulate motorcycling as a way of life, you'd not be wrong to use Marc's name. When I first met Marc in person at the rally, it was an awkward moment. Marc could come-off very brash (and he would be the first to admit it), yet he was a very deep person too. The words we first shared at the rally were in direct contrast to his actions. For the rest of the rally, he continued to impress me as a man that cared deeply for others. As I believe actions speak louder than words, it is those actions that will forever define Marc to me. So, though the first time I met Marc was odd, it is charity of the man that truly stands out in my mind. It is my belief that who you are is defined by what you leave behind in hearts and minds.

                        I fairly assess my posts on this forum as large in number yet little in substance. -Largely self-humoring in nature. Yet, it seems to me that most every one of the 26,000+ posts that Marc made were rich in information and often deep in thought. He was an excellent researcher. If Marc didn't know the answer to your question, he would get it for you. To the uninitiated, it may have seemed that he sought accolades for having done so, though I never saw any evidence that he wanted other than to be kind. When Marc heard that I was having heating problems associated with my medical condition, he bought me a bandana to help keep my head cool. -Now bandanas are not my thing but I appreciated the thought and I still have it. I'm going to tie it around my handlebars when I get home to remind me to remain safe when I riding and helpful when I'm not.

                        There is simply no way to replace Marc. I will really miss him as a cyber-friend and a fellow enthusiast of this hobby. My pegs are down and I am truly humbled by this monumental loss. I not...want to see a KR without him. I can only hope we can do this forum justice by carrying his memory, and helping each other.

                        Marc: Rest in peace my friend. You have earned it.
                        =USAF= Retired

                        "If you can be convinced of an absurdity, you can be made to commit an atrocity." -Voltaire


                        • I am sick about this whole thing. I have so many stories about him and his visits to my house, etc. The one that sticks out the most is his infinite love for Mellow Yellow. He came to my house to show/teach/instruct me on how to do a valve adjustment. All for the low cost of a steak dinner. He said he loved Mellow Yellow, yet I couldn't find a single store in Ocala that carried it. I thought Mountain Dew would be an acceptable replacement. Not so. He would bring his own 6-pack of M.Y. I will miss you...your steaks...your knowledge....your open heart...your patience....your humor.....your friendship.....
                          Last edited by FloridaKat; 09-21-2009, 12:54 PM.


                          • I had gotten a call from another member this afternoon telling me about this sad news. Marc was the most helpful person on here. If i had posted a thread, and Marc replied to it, i was honored that he did so.

                            R.I.P. brother.

                            pegs down, cowl off


                            • RIP Marc. condolances to your family, and all the extended family, and those you've touched over the years.
                              99% of the questions asked here can be answered by a 2 minute search in the service manual. Get a service manual, USE IT.
                              1990 Suzuki GSX750F Katana
                              '53 Ford F250 pickumuptruck
                              Lookin for a new Enduro project


                              • i thought this was a sick joke or something . i mean he helped me out with my carbs , my rusty gas tank , cables , etc, . he always answered my questions . i am honestly in a state of shock . i can't believe it . he just got that bike ! rest in peace . my thoughts and prayers go out to the family .

