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  • #31
    Welcome to Katriders!

    If you like to group ride in NorCal, hit me up!
    sigpic"Walt Dizzl in the hizzl ." Disease Specialist/Katana Cycling Enthusiast


    • #32
      Welcome to KR
      sigpic2006 KAT 750

      "Ever wonder how some people have made it as far in life as they have?"


      • #33
        So didn't think I was worthy of starting a new thread yet, maybe once I get it all painted and pertied up I will, but just wanted to give ya'll an update on what I have done so far.
        Stock Photo (minus stickers that I removed):

        Modded photos:
        Removed shovel, added integrated clear LED tail light, mesh mod, frame sliders, removed warning stickers, 8500K Sylvania Headlights, Blue running lights:

        Idea for a paint scheme-not too good at paint so sorry for the quality:

        Thoughts?? Ideas?? Tips???
        Oh that crap on the seat is the dried foam from the cowl incident, read my other posts...haha


        • #34
          Bump...let me know what ya'll think


          • #35
            Sharp bike for 3K!

            Those last few pics, is that near where you live? Looks like the Masonic Home in the background, I live about a mile away on Meridian.


            • #36
              Originally posted by paul.miner View Post
              Sharp bike for 3K!

              Those last few pics, is that near where you live? Looks like the Masonic Home in the background, I live about a mile away on Meridian.

     good eye...yeah that is the church parking lot where I practice my figure eights. Don't have a Motolicense yet, heck don't even have a tag on the bike right now, so kind of limited on my riding.


              • #37
                There aren't very many multi-story buildings in Wichita, and only one that looks like that


                • #38
                  Originally posted by paul.miner View Post
                  There aren't very many multi-story buildings in Wichita, and only one that looks like that
                  Very true...we go up to lawrence dumont every now and then and ride around until the cops get nosy. Not too far of a drive.


                  • #39
                    Nice Kat!
                    =USAF= Retired

                    "If you can be convinced of an absurdity, you can be made to commit an atrocity." -Voltaire


                    • #40
                      welcome to kr!!

