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Hello from Montreal! New to forum, new to bikes...

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  • Hello from Montreal! New to forum, new to bikes...

    Hello everyone!

    I just stumbled upon while trying to get as much info as possible on my latest acquisition... a black '94 Katana 600.

    I just last week got my license, and already have managed to put nearly 400km's on my bike with the help of my accompanying rider (stupid Quebec law).

    The bike:
    A '94 Suzuki GSXF-600 Katana. The previous owner was meticulous with this bike, right down to changing every single screw and bolt for some nice red anodized ones. I purchased the bike with ~67300km's on the odometer. I have the complete service history all the way back to the original owner. I honestly feel like I got lucky with this bike when I found it.

    I opted for this bike primarily because of it's looks and low insurance premiums. However now that I've had a chance to ride it around, I'm falling in love with it's handling more and more... As a first bike, I'm sure it will serve me well for many years to come.

    I've noticed that there aren't many aftermarket parts available for this bike. Such as huggers, fender eliminators, rear seat covers, etc... Is it just me or this really the case?

    Here's some pics:

    I'm not a big fan of the chinese lettering on the side... Those will most probably go the way of the dodo once I figure out a way to get rid of any sticky residue left behind without damaging the paint....

    I'm lookin forward to checkin out the rest of this site....

  • #2
    Welcome. Your ride looks sweet. I like the idea of anodized bolts.

    There a multiple ways to remove stickers. My experience has included a hair drier plus a plastic pizza stone scrapper. Another experience included the rubber wheel of a toy motorbike to slowly rub back the residue.

    Goo Gone is great at getting rid of sticker gunk, and it won't harm your paint or clearcoat. But if it has issues, try the rubber wheel trick. It's just like rubbing it off with a thumb, but without the pain.
    "I reject your reality and substitute my own" - Adam Savage, Mythbuster


    • #3
      Welcome Welcome .. finally another Montreal area rider yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh
      Try and keep up now


      • #4
        that is a nice looking bike....not a fan of the chinese lettering either, but that actually looks pretty cool!


        • #5
          nice bike, welcome

          Walter Sobchak: You know, Dude, I myself dabbled in pacifism once.


          • #6

            welcome from philly
            You're Welcome,
            - The Social Invalid


            • #7
              Welcome From St Pete FL

              nice looking bike!!


              • #8
                Welcome to KR 'eh...plenty of canadians up here, you should find plenty of people to ride with you...NICE Kat
                I love the smell of gas and asphalt in da mornin'


                • #9
                  THanks for the warm welcome everyone!!!
                  I already feel at home here.


                  • #10
                    Welcome to the forum Red-line, nice ride!
                    Tito "Every day I get up and look through the Forbes list of the richest people in America. If I'm not there, I go to work."


                    • #11
                      WELCOME TO THE FORUM!!! That's one fine looking Kat.
                      This "Phat Chick" rides her own!!!
                      BTW, I think they may have been correct. It does appear that BLACK is indeed the FASTEST color. R.O.R...R.I.P.M

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                      • #12
                        Here are a few shots I took yesterday...


                        • #13
                          nice bike,
                          I kinda like the graphics it stands out.
                          In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.


                          • #14
                            Pretty sharp bike you got there. Good score! Welcome.


                            • #15
                              Welcome to KR from east texas.

                              very nice looking bike

