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Bad Luck Shmuck

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  • Bad Luck Shmuck

    So today I was thinking that I would come home and brag about how I did a long (for me) ride tonight for an hour and a half in low 40s weather. I felt like a real man making the trip.

    However, about 10 miles from home, I ran over something nasty that fell off a truck. Long story short I got a flat tire, as did 3 cars that were behind me. I nearly wrecked but held on and managed to pull it over without dumping it.

    The wreckers in my small town couldn't tow a bike so we ended up putting in air and limping it the 10 miles home. I have never been so scared in my life. It was more stable at high speeds but was super dangerous.

    Worst part of the story, the reason for the trip was that 2 weeks ago i was visiting a friend, partied too hard and lost the only key I had. I had to thumb a ride home then, and this trip I had to take the ignition off to get a locksmith to make a new key.

    Total cost of the trip an hour and a half away $200+. F this long distance crud.

  • #2
    glad you saved it. $200 due to an object caused blowout is a lot better than $20k in medical bills.
    '05 GSXR750, '86 FZX700 Fazer, wifes bike '02 R6


    • #3
      I agree^ glad you saved it, could of been a lot worse
      1997 Katana 600

      -see my garage for mods-

      'pegs are down for you anytime CP'


      • #4
        glad ya saved others said, could have been worse.

        as for everything amazes me that many folks only have ONE key for thier bike.

        I have an extra bike and truck key in my wallet, and I carry a extra house and bike key in every riding jacket.

        get more keys people... whats wrong with y'all.

        See My Garage for mods...
        T-Rex Racing framesliders install and review thread
        Full Post 98 LED conversion how to thread


        • #5
          Tires aren't cheap, but skin grafts and plates/screws are much more.
          Any and all statements by Loudnlow7484 are merely his own opinions, and not necessarily the opinion of Anything suggested by him is to be followed at your own risk, and may result in serious injury or death. Responses from this member have previously been attributed to all of the following: depression, insomnia, nausea, suicidal tendencies, and panic. Please consult a mental health professional before reading any post by Loudnlow7484.

