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why do harley riders hate people on rockets??

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  • Mat0302
    no prob clover

    I think this threads about done.

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  • whitecl0ver
    Originally posted by roccop View Post

    i said it was a comradery being in a brotherhood

    she didnt accept the answer.

    some females will never understand!

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  • mr.lucky
    i wave to everyone on any bike...even the geek on the

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  • whitecl0ver
    but I wouldn't mind riding a cruiser bike (like whiteclover's).
    aww thanks MAT!!! i feel all warm and fuzzy now!! lol

    my girl is sexy no doubt about it lol

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  • roccop
    my wife asked me....'why do you wave to other bikers?.....i dont wave to other car drivers..unless i know them and you will wave to a biker riding past who you dont know'

    i said it was a comradery being in a brotherhood

    she didnt accept the answer.

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  • newride
    yeah, there seems to a be a new wave (no pun intended) of sportbikers not waving at me, but Harely guys are waving now. I don't get it.

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  • GytRDunKat
    Yeah, it's hit and miss, different every day. I tend to not wave unless I see them wave first.

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  • Brosh187
    Ok, so with this thread in mind, on my way home from work today I purposely waved at everything on 2 wheels just to see my results. I passed many bikes, and not a single sportbike rider waved back.....about 90% of the cruiser bikes/Harley's waved back....and I even waved to the scooter weirdo today, and he gave me a thumbs up. So my conclusion to this exercise is that people are people and will do what they want.....the bikes don't always dictate their personalities.

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  • paintmann111
    some people are just asshats.

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  • ontariokatana
    Real harley riders wave back. (Never pull first wave) they are motorcycle riders and just appreciate bikes. The posers, professional people that wear leather and bandanna's on the weekend typically do not wave. I watch these idiots in my small town (Port Perry Ontario). They come here every weekend, park their bikes on main street and then take 25 minutes getting ready to leave. The whole time they are getting ready they have their bike running to attract even more attention. I bet they also wear temporary tattoos as well!!!!

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  • oldgangalee
    Originally posted by Brosh187 View Post
    There's this guy around here, ... rides a red scooter .... Everytime I see him, he waves at me, ... I feel waaaaaay to embarrassed to wave back at this idiot.

    Anyone who takes the time to wave at me, i'll wave back to.

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  • RoadRashed
    Well, I think we all just need to wave first. If the other person doesn't wave back, oh well.

    I had my first ride yesterday, and there were about 90% that waved. I had a couple of sport bikes that didn't(may not have seen me) and 1 cruiser(I don't know what kind). I didn't care. I'm sure there are going to be days that I don't notice the other guy.

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  • Brosh187
    There's this guy around here, usually all in leather, who rides a red scooter (dunno brand). He's got a milk crate bungied to the back, and usually buzzes all over the place, including sidewalks at times. Everytime I see him, he waves at me, or gives me a thumbs up, if he's parked somewhere. Now, I feel waaaaaay to embarrassed to wave back at this idiot. I think he's a disgruntled Harley wannabe rider. ... Just thought I'd share that :P

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  • ctandc
    They are different types of bikes...

    My buddy had a V-rod for several years...and he also owned a Ninja 250 (his "wife's" bike who never "got around" to trying to ride) and a NICE ZX11....all at the same time. So some evenings, because I was bikeless at the time, he'd call me and we'd go riding. I liked the V-Rod....but it's not exactly what I'd call "nimble" but I wouldn't call any cruiser exactly nimble, that's not the point of those bikes.

    And 1 percenters or not, most true 1 percenters could care less whether you ride or not. It's all business to them. You are either with them, against them, or you don't exist.

    It's always the idiots who make a stink anyway...there's a local Harley group near my place...they ride a circuit, and park at a local gas station every other night during nice weather. Most are 50+ and that's fine. I remember riding up on the Kat one night to grab a pack of smokes, coming back from a 200-300 mile of the younger guys made a smart azz comment, and one of the older farts said "I bet he puts more miles on that bike in a month than you do all year...." and several others started laughing..

    Sportbike riders can be just as bad..."Can'o'Tuna" etc etc......I even had one guy on a stretched Buuusssaaa (the only reason I'm not riding a Busa RIGHT NOW, is because of how stupid the VAST majority of Buda riders are around here...+ I haven't seen a used Busa that wasn't stretched / polished / chromed etc in forever) tell me that my bike wasn't a Katana?????????? And when I informed him that technically the Busa was the evolved Katana 1100 , he told me the Busa was the "drag racing" option for the Gsxr LOL..........

    There are idiots everywhere........doesn't matter what they ride.

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  • IndyGunner
    I always wave and then they dont I find myself mumbling bad words for a mile or two lol

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