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Wimp needs advice on duping wife into greenlighting a Kat.

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  • #16
    Get her name tattooed on you somewhere, tell her that you love her... Go buy the bike, tell her that you love her...

    When she starts throwing a hissy fit, tell her it was all her fault to begin with, and that had you not gotten HER name tattooed on you, you never would have been dragged into the biker lifestyle.
    -89 Gixxer 1100 Engine
    -Stage 3 Jet Kit / KNN Pod Filters
    -Ohlins Susupension
    -Various Other Mods


    • #17
      +1 on the MSF class. You do want to be able to ride your new purchase home, right?

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      • #18
        A basic tenet of negotiation that if you want something you need to offer something in return. Regardless of what you think her reaction will be, you won't get the bike unless there is buy in from her. As far as she is concerned, there isn't anything in it for her and this represents a real obstacle to overcome.

        As for what you can offer, I'm not sure as I don't know your wife but you can think of things such as...

        - Extra decorating around the house
        - A few weekend trips for her
        - How you would be in a better mood after a relaxing ride

        These may sound like bribes but that's how you get what you want. You have to offer something the other person desires. Try going into a store and convince the proprietor to give you free stuff. You can say all sorts of things like how you do volunteer work, you're a nice person, blah, blah, blah...However, you won't get your goods unless you pony up something, usually money.

        The cavet to all this, however, is that you don't want to come across blatantly as bribing her, otherwise it's almost certainly a no go.

        Tread lightly friend and good luck!
        "The secret to life is to keep your mind full and your bowels empty. Unfortunately, the converse is true for most people."


        • #19
          I talked my wife into taking the MSF course with me and the rest is history. She liked riding so much that when It come time to get my Kat I had to get her a bike too.
          My Every Move Is A Calculated Step............



          • #20
            The secret sisterhood of women is stronger then we think. Have you noticed how no women piped in to tell you how to make this happen? I think I have it figured out. Girls are naturing and enjoy doing it. You remember when you were young and you got always went to mom for comfort. If you went to dad he just said, "you call that a cut, when I was young I remember....blah blah". So my point here is go to her and tell her how happy you are to be with her and your life could not be any better. Then start to cry. When she asks and goes into the naturing mode you let out a few whimpers and say you are sad because you don't want to hurt the relationship by buying a bike but it would make you very happy if he knew that she would support him. A few more whimpers and zoom zoom.


            • #21
              Well, I just bought mine on the way home from work one night. I saw one in the paper with <500 miles on it. The guy was moving back to Sweeden and it was too expensive to take over with taxes and stuff. I checked it out one day, had a bud drive me to work a couple of days later, and picked up the bike on the way home from work. My wife didn't even notice it in the garage until I took it back out on the weekend. She knew I wanted another bike after I sold my old one (a '98 Gixxer), but was a little surprised since I didn't ride that much (still don't, ~5800 miles on a bike I've had over 3 years). It was no problem - hey, you should see my monthly AmEx bill

              Then again, my wife came home with a new car one day that was a total surprise to me and I didn't flip - it was nice. Guess it depends how you guys live. We don't really consult eachother concerning purchases (other than a house) so I may be in a rare category. We've been married almost 15 years so I guess we were made for eachother

              Good luck and let us know how it works out.
              ****** WAS...Ma Ma Ma My Katana ******

              Si hoc signum legere potes, operis boni in rebus Latinus alacribus et fructuosis potiri potes.


              • #22
                My wife said she was leaving me unless I bought a motorcycle..


                • #23
                  Having failed with the "I don't have to care, I'm your husband" approach on marriage #1, I've adopted the "if she bought it, she owns it" approach on marriage #2.

                  Those not familiar with approach #2 will note the subtle difference. It is all about getting her to give you the green light. Yes, that's right, she wants you to have the motorcycle because it's what's best for you (she always wants what's best for you!).

                  Once, she knows that this is the right choice for you, your wife will "own" that thought. It will be very difficult to dissuade her from the idea that you need the bike. And harmony will reign in your marriage.

                  The solution to achieveing this outcome to be brutally honest with your wife. You've got to come clean with every reason, logical or not, for why you want the bike. Try to appeal to her emotional side. Try, "Recently work has got me down, I don't feel I get as much pleasure out of life, I would like a bike because it will offset the (negatives) of my work." Or try to appeal to her vanity. "I don't feel I enjoy life the way I did when I was younger, I want this bike because it will energize me." (She reads as "Make me horny!")

                  Once you choose your reasons for "wanting to get the bike" you must stick with them and project extreme sincerity. Do not reverse course and say that you didn't mean something you said. Do not make a reason that includes her in any way, shape or form. Keep it serious, frank, and honest.

                  Finally, you must be very specific that you need her to approve this purchase. That's when she will own the decision. If you've done your homework, and practiced this for a week or more, she should be ready for the close. Be persistant, "... this is very important to you and you will not get the motorcycle without her approval." Keep the discussion about you, resist the urge to compare this decision to any others you or she have made, and do not be critical of her if she does not initially say yes. Keep working it. The outcome is worth the effort.

                  Now that she wants you to have the bike, you will be free to buy the gear and accessories necessary to ride safely. You wont have to hide packages that come to the house or that you bring home from the store. You can discuss your plans for the bike openly and without fear of reprisal. And you wont have to spend heavily on marriage counseling.

                  Regardless, to if you follow this advise, like Mojoe and Newton have discovered, every action (your purchase) has a reaction (her purchase). Don't be surprised if your bike creates in your wife the need for a small convertible or other expensive offsetting purchase. So budget accordingly.



                  • #24
                    Go buy it, my girlfriend (of 6 years and we live together...) wasnt exactly 100% agianst me getting a bike but she was 'worried'. just be sure to buy her a jacket and helmet

                    She came home from work and was 'shocked' about the bright yellow kat sitting in the driveway and thats when I hit her with the jacket and helmet...worked out I have to wake up at 6:00 in the morning on sundays just to get a ride in that isnt 2-up.


                    • #25
                      Dimonds will do wonder...!
                      If you getting yourself something, she get to have something, no?


                      • #26
                        I have been dating my girlfriend for almost a year now and i was always constantly telling her how much i wanted a bike but everytime i had enough cash it always went towards something else,rent,bills ect so this year we went to do our taxes and her not working much last year made me believe she wasn't going to get much back from taxes. i made a meagar $890 due to not working most of the time. i was shocked to hear that she was getting $2,300 back and immeditaly i started thinking man i wished i got that much back i would get a bike. as soon as we were leaving the tax place she turned and looked at me and said i'm going to buy you a bike. i was estatic! so we combined our money together and i found an 88 kat 600 that has been babied all its life and only has 11,000 miles on it. a quick test ride veriified this will be my first bike. i got a great deal as the guy gave me a bike stand and two helmets one brand new included in the price of $2500. i didnt even try to talk him down because i would have felt bad. now everytime i ride i think of my girl and what she did for me and how much it meant to me. now i need to find something to do for her to make up for this lol


                        • #27

                          Guys, thanks for all the input. It was very helpful!
                          So far I have concluded:

                          Once married guys = good solid advice
                          Multiple married guys = great advice and wisdom.
                          single guys = had the best advice...but only If I was single. Very straight forward and to the point. But as us married guys know, you gotta know how to do the matrimonial cha-cha-cha up in here.

                          I would really like a Woman's point of view, so ladies of the forum please feel free to chime in OR GUYS have your woman chime in.

                          I have launched a preemptive first strike of sorts by leaving a bunch of motorcycle magazines around my toilet. (cha-cha-cha)
                          I also changed my computer wallpaper to a Katana. (cha-cha-cha)
                          AND, I've attended church like two weeks in a row! (big time cha-cha-cha)
                          (Of course I'm not gonna tell her what I'm praying about)

                          Around here though, I keep getting Kat-blocked by the local TV news because they ALWAYS want to run a story about a motorcyclist getting killed in a crash when wifey and I are watching the news. (crap-crap-crap)
                          So no more 6:00 news for me. I'll be all about the Seinfeld re-runs for a few months.

                          Anyways, I'll be taking the written portion to get my temp package next week. Then hopefully the MSC in mid April.
                          Keep them posts coming, especially the ladies!

                          PS I know this is the KATANA ONLY FORUM but would anyone here consider a 2006 Ninja 650R as a good started bike if you had to do it all over again. (please don't flame me if that's an inappropriate question - remember, I'm a noob and a wimp to boot)
                          Also, should i be concerned that Kat's weight like 470 lbs vs comparable bikes at 420ish lbs. What's up with all the extra weight?



                          • #28
                            Those responses are just hilarious however, I'm feeling oddly guilty.
                            I didn't realize that I needed permission now that I'm "All Grown Up". I didn't ask anyone. Not my Mother, Father, kids, employer or my wife.
                            She didn't make a fuss about either. In fact after riding with me for a couple of seasons she got her license and bought her own bike.
                            Actually, I miss her riding onback with me. Kinda like sleeping in twin beds.

                            "Speed Junkie Since 1975"


                            • #29
                              Re: Thanks

                              Originally posted by snootypoodle
                              PS I know this is the KATANA ONLY FORUM but would anyone here consider a 2006 Ninja 650R as a good started bike if you had to do it all over again. (please don't flame me if that's an inappropriate question - remember, I'm a noob and a wimp to boot)
                              Also, should i be concerned that Kat's weight like 470 lbs vs comparable bikes at 420ish lbs. What's up with all the extra weight?

                              If you're looking for a starter bike, I highly recommend the Ninja 250R. I know this will sound crazy to some, but it really rides like a sportbike and you can get them with very low miles and dirt cheap because riders "grow out" of them. You can drop it, scratch it, and not really care because the bike doesn't cost much. Oh yeah, the cost will perhaps make the bike more appealing to your wife!

                              The 650R is really more of a true sportbike, whereas the Kat is considered a sport touring bike. I don't really know what makes the Kat so heavy, I guess they're not looking to make it extra light since it's not considered a true sportbike. I had a Gixxer 750 before I bought my Kat and the weight took a little getting used to at very low speeds, but you don't notice any difference riding IMHO.

                              I don't think there is a bike on the road that looks nicer straight out of the showroom than the Katana (but you gotta CHOP THE SHOVEL). However, I rode an '06 Gixxer recently and that's a nice ride. Big difference between it and the Kat, but it's a different bike made for different riding.

                              I don't know if you're an experienced rider or not, but if your friends have bikes take 'em all for a spin (if they'll let you) and get a feel for what you like. The Kat is a great bike all around - especially for 2 up riding (another point for the wife) so you'll probably get one anyway. If you do, you've made a wise choice
                              ****** WAS...Ma Ma Ma My Katana ******

                              Si hoc signum legere potes, operis boni in rebus Latinus alacribus et fructuosis potiri potes.


                              • #30
                                All these long-winded, complicated, expensive solutions..

                                Get the bike, leave her bags on the doorstep, go to a pub that has bikes out the front and find a chick inside that likes bikes. Simple

                                Oh and don't go home for about 3 months. It won't be safe for you.
                                I was only speeding because bikes fall over if you don't go fast

