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Am I overdue for a crash?

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  • Am I overdue for a crash?

    Hey guys,
    As many of you know that I have been riding for 5 monthes now, and I put on the bike about 3k miles. Fortunatly, I haven't crashed it yet, which is making me very nervous. I only laid it down softly once, standing still.
    I did few long distance trips including some spirited riding in the mountains. I don't ride like a granny, and I don't ride recklessly. I have taking the MSF course and I have read Total Control. I can say about myself that I am a defensive rider.

    I feel like I am overdue for a crash, and everytime I ride this thought is in the back of my head, and it is bothering me. I am not try to push my luck, but everywhere I read the opinions is that new riders always crash.
    Am I really overdue for a crash? How can I remove these thoughts out of my head? I need some words of wisdom.


  • #2
    Some people don't crash for years. Just keep riding within your limits. Just enjoy riding but STAY ALERT at all times. That's the best way to avoid crashes.

    Oh, and I forget... Where in SC are you? I might head out for a few hours on Sunday. Haven't really ridden other than commuting in forever... A nice ride is well over due.


    • #3
      hey dude I have been riding for maybe 8 months with clocked over 10k miles riding time. I have never laid a bike down and the reason being is that we think alike. If you keep the right state of mind and always keep respect for the bike you will have a better chance of not having a crash. I have my fun on the street but noting that pushes the envelope too far. I know my limits and to be stupid on the street is just not rational. If you want to find a place to go twisty crazy then save it for the track. You should never be overdue for a crash. Stay safe as you are being right now.
      R.I.P. Jason you will be missed.


      • #4
        If it helps I have been riding on and off for 17 years now and the only time my bikes have been down was for a stupid mistake of forgeting to put the kickstand down..
        If you respect your bike and know your abilities then there is nothing to worry about except the things you can't controll such as a cager pulling out in front of you. So if you have the respect for yourself and equipment I think you will have many years of crash free riding.

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        • #5
          I have been riding almost 25 years.

          Never gone down on the street. (dirtbikes are another story)

          Just keep your head in the game.

          "Ignoring the facts does not mean that they cease to exist"

          -Aldous Huxley


          • #6
            Well no matter how many km you have under your belt... that is the reality you have to face everytime you get on a bike.... one day you might go down... just dont think about it but know that it could happen.
            Shiny side up !!!


            • #7
              2 types or riders those that have been down and those that are going down ive been rider roughly 13yrs ive wrecked 4 times i guess thats an avg of once every 4 years 3 times on the street once at the track and by far was going much much faster at the track and walked away with my pride hurt much much much worse.


              • #8
                I've had mine for about 2 years, I went down twice, both because I wasn't paying attention. Just stay alert :-p, and Dont get lazy.

                Damn mud puddles


                • #9
                  Originally posted by ZukiFred
                  If you respect your bike and know your abilities then there is nothing to worry about except the things you can't controll such as a cager pulling out in front of you. So if you have the respect for yourself and equipment I think you will have many years of crash free riding
                  Couldn't have said it better myself....
                  Good judgement comes from experience, and often experience comes from Bad Judgement :smt084
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                  nah nah nah nah nah nah JAX! (special thnx to sexwax)


                  • #10
                    Maybe it's a subconscious warning that you are either getting too complacent, pushing yourself a little too hard, or that you need better gear (or something else, like better tires)? Usually when those little voices in your head start going off and ringing bells, there's some reason behind them that actually has some validity... If you are still riding on the stock Dunlop or Michelin Macadams, it may relate to a feeling that the bike isn't rock-solid under you, a result of tire wear and tire pressure...

                    =-= The CyberPoet
                    Remember The CyberPoet


                    • #11
                      Good grief man dont jinx yourself !!

                      Seriously though, dont sweat it man. If you think everytime your out riding that your due for a crash your mind is going to wander and you'll drive yourself nuts. Just ride safe and careful, be conscious of your surroundings, the weather and road conditions, wear your gear, respect your bike, other drivers, and your own limitations and you'll have a good time.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by ZukiFred
                        If it helps I have been riding on and off for 17 years now and the only time my bikes have been down was for a stupid mistake of forgeting to put the kickstand down..
                        If you respect your bike and know your abilities then there is nothing to worry about except the things you can't controll such as a cager pulling out in front of you. So if you have the respect for yourself and equipment I think you will have many years of crash free riding.

                        Trust yourself, trust the bike..
                        Trust nothing else..

                        After that it's allllllll gravy!


                        • #13
                          Remember too, that even the best riders in the world go down on a bike at some point. It's something that most of us have experienced to some degree in our riding careers.. but you just prepare yourself to ride and focus on what your doing every time you start that bike and you'll give urself a great chance for a long happy life of riding.


                          • #14
                            What Fred said (and I should know!!!)

                            WERA West #71/MWGP #71/CVR #71
                            MSF Rider Coach 27028


                            • #15
                              I rode for 3 years and was on my 3rd bike before I had my first crash .
                              I am a fluffy lil cuddly lovable bunny , dammit !

                              Katrider's rally 2011 - md86

