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I have a noob question :/

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  • I have a noob question :/

    Hello guys i came to you because i know that you all will help. i have a noob question. i have never replaced my coolant, when im rididing it seems to get a little hotter than usual . i think its time to replace it anyways. the question is how do i go by replacing it and where is it located at ? if you have any pics to show me i would really appreciate that . thank you again for taking your time to read my post. God bless and be safe out there

  • #2
    Katanas keep their coolant in the sump! On account of being oil cooled... It has the double benefit that come service schedule, you've only the one fluid to drain and replace, great for the half ass lazy diy-er like me!!!


    • #3
      , +1
      "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you when I called you stupid. I thought you already knew..."
      spammer police
      USAF veteran
      If your a veteran, join the KR veterans group


      • #4
        Awsome. Thanks for the info i dont know why but it seems like im very paranoid of my bike if i hear a minor noice that i havent heard before i make it a huge deal, or if its too quite im like "Whoa whats going on! something has to be wrong" LOL im just going crazy maybe


        • #5
          I'm just gonna drop this right here.


          • #6


            • #7
              paranoia's not necessarily a bad thing... Watch your fuel consumption, sure fire first indicator of anything untoward in the engine, transmission and even brakes...


              • #8
                I replace my coolant during every ride, its called air flow!


                • #9
                  Reminds me of the one and only time I took my air-cooled VW Westfalia in to a quick lube place (shall remain nameless to protect the guilty, JL) and got their checklist report back.

                  According to the geniuses there the radiator was nicely topped up with coolant

                  I couldn't stop myself from commenting to the manager. "I sure hope so or we are all in a lot of trouble!"

                  He didn't get the joke....


                  • #10
                    LOL ! thanks for the advise and help guys .

