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New rider and new to the forums

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Dudemanlouie
    Originally posted by Kanati
    Tell everyone to shut the hell up about the costs of owning a bike, get a 750... and ride the piss outta it.
    hey...he asked the question...we answered the detail. that is what makes this site so informative and educational. remember that next time you run into a snag and need some advice.

    I don't have a short temper. I just have a quick reaction to bullshit.


    • #17
      Thank you for all of the advice. I will look into getting the 750. It seems like it would suit my body type. This is a great site and has helped me decide what bike I wanted.

      Thank you again


      • #18
        glad we could be of help and you know what you want. once you get it, if you have any questions concerning it, this is the place for answers. there are enough people on here that know the kats to the point that we could could probably build you one
        so welcome aboard!

        ps. be sure to post pics when you get it. it is mandatory.
        I don't have a short temper. I just have a quick reaction to bullshit.


        • #19
          Get a used bike, especially the first time out. You can get a ~10 year old Katana 600 or 750 in the $2000-$3000 range, which is a lot cheaper than buying new. Or consider a SV650 naked bike because the consequences of dropping it will be much cheaper. In any case, a 10-year-old bike is already fully depreciated and will be WAY cheaper to insure too.

          Believe it or not, your well-meaning friends could steer you wrong. Take the MSF Basic Rider Course, whether through the Army or through the Guard or through one of the WV civilian providers (look 'em up on the MSF website). You'll learn better, you'll ride safer, and it will reduce your insurance rates.


          • #20
            I have the 750 and love it, your sitting upright a little more than the 600. I used the ol' "great gas mileage" bit on my wife too, it works.

            Whatever you decide I'm sure you'll enoy it.


            • #21
              Hey man, I'm in the VA guard, not full time anymore but I'm still in. Anyway, seeing how your in the guard you are required by the ucmj to take and pass a motorcycle safety course, do that, dont let your friends teach you, oh, and it will be free. Granted your friends can ride and they may be a great teacher, but, let someone that teaches people to ride safely teach you. Get the 750, you'll be much happier, or you could just get a TLR
              You have no friend at 200 mph!


              • #22
                Welcome to Katriders! I say a 600. Start small. 600's are a little slower and weight less then 750's which makes it easier for you to learn how to ride. The one thing I can tell you is this. First practicing letting the clutch out(left hand) and slightly turning the throttle (right hand)at the same time slowly. After you feel comfortable do as I did. Stay in first gear and make a whole bunch of lefts at the forest preserve while doing 10 mph. When you are comfortable with that make a whole bunch of right turns. Then you will have the basics on how to move the bike and "leaning" into the turns.
                Seems, every time I fix something something else goes wrong. Guess that's why forums were made.


