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late model Z28 vs my kat.

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  • late model Z28 vs my kat.

    the other night, my buddy wanted to race his mostly stock Z28 (2002 or so?) against my stock 05 600(ive got a slip on pipe, but not re-jetted).

    first run... off the line til we run out of road. so i ease the clutch out at 9 or 10k rpms or so... front wheel leaves the ground a little and i hit 2nd and i look in the mirror and im woopin on him. so finally i hit the top end on the bike (148 indicated give or take), and hold it for a few seconds, then had to slow for the end of the road. he stayed back quite a bit.

    he claimed he got no traction... so we decided on a 2nd run....

    second run... 35mph roll. i left it in 1st and cruised at a nice rpm... we both jumped on it and i pulled a good distance on him.... so i get well over 100mph and he is within probably 5 car lengths.... then i max out.... and i hold it there and all of a sudden he flies passed me! he probably passed me going about 10-15mph faster than i was going at the time. it was nuts.

    anyways, just figured id share this with you guys... so if you decide to race a mild Z28 or even a stock one... be careful, you may get your ass handed to you if you arent good with the clutch/shifting, or if your going all out on the highway.

  • #2
    I don't know Jason I have a 05 600 with a yosh slip on and have raced some newer Z28's and they have not outrun my bike so I doubt it is any where near stock!!! Hell I raced my friends 03 Lightning and it will spank Z's and I was a car length ahead of him!!
    2005 Kat 600


    • #3
      Dude that LS1 engine kicks a$$ mild mods and it get 350HP easy...i personally favor the looks of the trans-am IMO
      "Our Father's Were The Model Of God If Our Father's Failed What Does That Tell Us About God".....Tyler Durden


      • #4
        a corvette tried to leave me behind(05 750 i said tried.aroud 145 he left me behind


        • #5
          Yeah, a Z28 might be easy work, but I can vouch that a Diablo will leave you crying in the dust....Been there, got spanked by that!

          I cried myself to sleep that night.
          FrankenKat 1216
          GS Fiter 816
          GSXR750! (race)


          • #6
            Top end of the LS1 is about 10-15 mph higher than a kat... So that'll do it.

            Ain't no stock Z28 beat'n ME tho.

            My current ride of choice


            • #7
              Junior Haggy and I totally WUMPED a Viper GTS....but I think the guy was holding back....

              (it was on the highway...and he never actually accellerated)


              • #8
                YEAH, if somebody never really acellerates than you should be able to beat them don't you think....

                I think I could take a viper on my new bike, at least that's what the numbers say. (01 GSX-R 750). All I know so far is I can shift down to 2nd going 70 and spank a WRX. People seem to think that racing in a straight line requires no skill. To that I say, show me! I have yet to see somebody get a 1/4 mile time close to what it should run.


                • #9

                  At the 1/4 mile track only abouty 10-20% of the people can get the bike close to the printed numbers.
                  Is Effingham a swear word?


                  • #10
                    Ive raced camaro's before on my Kat.. no problem at all.. light to light you'll win most every time but top end power they'll tend to get you if go long enough and if its got alittle work done to it.


                    • #11
                      I've raced a Z28 and a couple of Mustang GT's (one very moded) and left them all in the dust on my '05 750. The only cage I ever had a problem with a was a newer Corvette. We were both cruising at 80mph and 'raced' for about 1.5 miles. He was about 10-12 mph faster than me but he had to hold it hard or i'd catch up everytime. It was fun. Indicated speed was 150 mph.
                      You can have my Kat when you pry my cold dead butt from upon it.


                      • #12
                        i have made plenty cagers eat their claims on short runs such as 1/4 miles against various types of cars. it takes one hell of a cage to take a bike on a 1/4 mile.
                        as for top end speeds, i have raced only 2 cars at all out speed. a vette about 4-5 years ago.....and even though he did a fair job at not falling too far back behind, i still took him considerably. I could have bitchslapped him, but my gearing was lower at the time for more low-end torque.
                        last summer it was a porsche. we reached about 175mph and stayed pretty tight together....with me slightly maybe 2 bike lengths. then we both let off and took the same exit.

                        btw...i have an 1100...hence the 175mph in case you wondering.
                        I don't have a short temper. I just have a quick reaction to bullshit.


                        • #13
                          I raced an old '69 Barracuda muscule car with a 440 engine and managed to eke out a lead. That car was still fast as hell though!
                          "The secret to life is to keep your mind full and your bowels empty. Unfortunately, the converse is true for most people."


                          • #14
                            the Z28 and the SS aren't much different in specs, they just seem that way because of the rated horsepower.

                            You want a challenge for an LS1 motor? Try racing my friend he's got a 99 SS that runs high 9s. 422ci LS1 that makes about 500 all motor and then he just recently added a direct port nitrous system a 200 shot to be exact. That car has a lot of work done to it and is stupid fast for not being truly professionally built
                            Originally posted by AbeezieSoNeezie

                            fact: a yammie is a girls bike
                            fact: more that one girl rides yammies therefore yammies = a bunch of girls
                            fact: girls lie

                            therefore, the following equation is true.
                            girls = yammah
                            yammah = a bunch of liars


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Kat-A-Tonic
                              I raced an old '69 Barracuda muscule car with a 440 engine and managed to eke out a lead. That car was still fast as hell though!
                              Did you eke out a win too ?

