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X a million BUCKS!!!!

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  • a million BUCKS!!!!

    Hey folks. I been watching ya'll (my Kat brothas and sistas) for some time now. I am not a huge "postie" like some of ya'll. I am the guy who sits in the background and studies what ya'll are doing and learning from it.

    I am a new biker. LOVE it. I got Astorija last June. Road solid for 3 months. I even took my first long'ish ride by myself, 5hrs. But I had engine failure. Being a self-employed musician/artist/producer in this economy I do not currently have the resources to pay folks to fix things for me so I end up usually teaching myself and doing the work. Well...after 5 months of forced hibernation, I SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED MY FIRST ENGINE OVERHAUL!!

    Man, am I pumped!! Feel like a MAN again! Like I should sit back, crack open a Highlife, and listen to some Guns'N Roses with a mullet and some grease on my face...proudly! Ha ha ha

    I don't know about you folks, but there's something euphoric about being able to do such an initially daunting task. I was all over calling the local shops and whatnot. But its right here on this wonderful forum that I got the most in depth information. I had a lot of troubleshooting going from a pre motor to a post Kat in a pre frame. I also changed the swing arm and wheels. I am customizing my bike also, and will post pix later. The biker community at large is far more welcoming - in my short experience - than I had ever expected it to be.

    I just wanted to say thank you for having me on this forum and I look forward to playing a more active role and hopefully meeting ya'll at one of the many get-togethers.

    Until then, God bless you and I'll catch you on the road...or, at least after find an 1100 bandit engine to drop in!!!


    ps...keep it shiny-side up!

  • #2
    Awesome! Welcome to the KR family if you haven't been welcomed before!
    sigpicLife throws you curves......enjoy the ones you get when riding.
    89 GSX750F(sold....sob)
    96 YZF 1000R


    • #3
      Yes, a good welcome to you.

      "A knight proves his worthiness by his deeds."


      • #4
        Originally posted by mgthevisionary View Post
        find an 1100 bandit engine to drop in!!!
        I'm pretty sure you mean 1200 Bandit engine. Anyway, welcome to the world of fixing your own stuff.


        • #5
          Good on ya, I always like the feeling of doing things myself, saving money at the same time is a bonus
          DRz-400e plated
          Blue 05 750 (sold, sob)


          • #6
            Congratulations and welcome! Fixing your own stuff on your own is self-affirming with a lot of intrinsic value...feels d&$n good!
            In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But, in practice, there is." -- Jan L. A. van de Snepscheut / Yogi Berra

            "after the nuclear apocalypse, there will be 6ft tall cockroaches eating twinkies and driving dodge darts, and riding katanas" -- JayBell


            • #7
              Originally posted by Slofuze View Post
              Awesome! Welcome to the KR family if you haven't been welcomed before!
              Yes, I have been welcomed but thank you again and still! I appreciate it and I also see the time and support you give to this site. That is irreplaceable.

              Originally posted by arsenic View Post
              I'm pretty sure you mean 1200 Bandit engine. Anyway, welcome to the world of fixing your own stuff.
              Yes, you are right. HA! And thats why I love you guys. ")

              Originally posted by Blackdog View Post
              Good on ya, I always like the feeling of doing things myself, saving money at the same time is a bonus
              Originally posted by spatula6554 View Post
              Congratulations and welcome! Fixing your own stuff on your own is self-affirming with a lot of intrinsic value...feels d&$n good!
              Man, that is the story of my life. From music production to bikes, to building a studio...I'd rather know how something works so that I can have confidence that WHEN something breaks down (and it WILL break down in some way at some point in time) I can either fix it myself or, if I choose to, have some one else do but then I'll know the value of the work leaving less chance of getting screwed. Know what I mean? DIY-4-LYFE!!


              How much do you think I saved doing an entire engine(+) swap myself as opposed to paying a shop?

              Last edited by mgthevisionary; 01-12-2012, 08:30 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

