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go get your own bike!!!

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  • #16
    NO , usually works for me.
    And I to my motorcycle parked like the soul of the junkyard. Restored, a bicycle fleshed with power, and tore off. Up Highway 106 continually drunk on the wind in my mouth. Wringing the handlebar for speed, wild to be wreckage forever.

    - James Dickey, Cherrylog Road.


    • #17
      Originally posted by rexazz2 View Post
      how about can I take your wife,girlfriend, daughter for a test ride
      That's the one I use too. But I extend it to: mom, wife, girlfriend, daughter, sister, depending on the jerk. A little coarse, yes, but they get the point quickly.


      • #18
        I guess that my neighbor and I have a slightly different feeling towards bike-swapping (which many folks consider the same as wife-swapping, I reckon!).

        It's a mutual thing that every so often we talk a bit, he talks about missing his old Katana and I offer to let him ride Katrina home...he in turn dismounts his FZ1 and I ride her home (her name is Estelle).

        We've never spoken about what would happen "if", but I wouldn't hesitate to turn my bike over to him if I wrecklessly trashed his...I think that the feeling is mutual with him.

        I guess that it all just depends on how well you know somebody. He and I both have a great deal of respect for the sport, our bikes, equipment and each other's lives.

        I just don't really see it as an issue in this case.

        Now, if some weirdo or absolute novice came up heckling me about riding my bike, I'd tell him to kick rocks...PERIOD. I won't even let my brother ride her due to his lack of experience on ANY motor bike.
        2006 GSX750F
        Yoshimura RS-3
        Corbin Seat
        Givi Monokey V46 Top Case


        • #19
          Originally posted by blackice44 View Post
          I guess that my neighbor and I have a slightly different feeling towards bike-swapping (which many folks consider the same as wife-swapping, I reckon!).

          It's a mutual thing that every so often we talk a bit, he talks about missing his old Katana and I offer to let him ride Katrina home...he in turn dismounts his FZ1 and I ride her home (her name is Estelle).

          We've never spoken about what would happen "if", but I wouldn't hesitate to turn my bike over to him if I wrecklessly trashed his...I think that the feeling is mutual with him.

          I guess that it all just depends on how well you know somebody. He and I both have a great deal of respect for the sport, our bikes, equipment and each other's lives.

          I just don't really see it as an issue in this case.

          Now, if some weirdo or absolute novice came up heckling me about riding my bike, I'd tell him to kick rocks...PERIOD. I won't even let my brother ride her due to his lack of experience on ANY motor bike.
          I think this is a bit different. There are folks around here and others that I wouldn't hesitate to hand my bike keys too. Heck, my bike is probably safer with them than with me. As a general rule though, don't touch. I wouldn't ride someone else's bike either unless there was no other option.
          Get over yourself. For me to think you are an idiot, I would first need to think of you.



          • #20
            Originally posted by Badfaerie View Post
            I think this is a bit different. There are folks around here and others that I wouldn't hesitate to hand my bike keys too. Heck, my bike is probably safer with them than with me. As a general rule though, don't touch. I wouldn't ride someone else's bike either unless there was no other option.
            I, for the life of me, can't fathom some jerk-off even THINKING about asking some total stranger to ride his/her bike!

            In that case I'd just had to roll my eyes and ride away, flabbergasted!
            2006 GSX750F
            Yoshimura RS-3
            Corbin Seat
            Givi Monokey V46 Top Case


            • #21
              I'll swap with only one person, and that's the guy that test drove it for me when I was a newb. That, and he makes me take his ninja on the long jaunts. He hates the 2 square inch seat on his bike, and he prefers the Kat, lol. I don't mind, but damn that ninja is uncomfortable after a while.

              If anyone else asks, I usually just say not a chance. Now, our dirt bike on the other hand, I enjoy teaching kids how to ride. Although, we do make their parents sign a form. I know, sort of over doing it, but live in a litigeous society, and I like my house.

              New to Katriders? Click Here!


              • #22
                Here's a funny story I would like to add. So I'm at a lounge on the marina and I had my lid and jacket with me (I never leave them on the bike). As usual someone strikes up a convo about riding, bikes, blah, blah. This guy comments on how nice the helmets are and then the bloody ******* decides to ask if he can wear my friend's helmet to sneak up and play a joke on his friend.

                Of course I had the you're a stupid s**** hole look on my face...and then asks him if he would like to borrow my sweaty boxers too to play a prank and put that on his head. End of conversation.

                Who does that? The effing nerve.
                -Fire Is Good, It purifies the Soul.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by zuma View Post
                  I tell them that I can't speak English.
                  Grab their crotch, Crocodile dundee-style. They'll never ask again. :bunny2
                  =USAF= Retired

                  "If you can be convinced of an absurdity, you can be made to commit an atrocity." -Voltaire


                  • #24
                    yeah its one thing to let a close friend that has a bike take it for a ride lol but I have friends that dnt even have bikes and one that used to have a rusty old cruizer ask alllllll the time. I dnt want my bike passed around like some sort of rental. go buy one if u want to ride. I think asking to ride someones bike that u barely talk to is offensive

                    lol it makes u wana punch them in the face as if they talked **** about your kid or something
                    Last edited by xXstreetbikedethXx; 08-30-2011, 06:39 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Badfaerie View Post
                      I think this is a bit different. There are folks around here and others that I wouldn't hesitate to hand my bike keys too. Heck, my bike is probably safer with them than with me. As a general rule though, don't touch. I wouldn't ride someone else's bike either unless there was no other option.
                      BG , Gordo and I were out last summer
                      BG's steering head bearing were loose and giving her a shudder
                      I hopped on her bike in the parking lot of my work for a test ride to see if we could figure out what was going on and if we could fix it on the road ( I did spend several nights in their garage working with Gordo on it )
                      I offered up my Kat to Batgirl and that I would ride hers to continue on with the day
                      She declined and went home solo
                      Blood , its in you to give!


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by rexazz2 View Post
                        how about can I take your wife,girlfriend, daughter for a test ride


                        • #27
                          I dont have a problem with certain people riding my bike but there is a list to qualify. 1. they must have there own and ride often. 2. if they break/ wreck it they better know how to fix it. 3. current license 4. not a doushe bag!! must be level headed! with that said there are only 3 people in the past 15yrs I've been riding and one is my brother the other two are members here! they know where the keys are and dont even have to ask.

                          As far as the wont to be riders asking. " Go F Yourself" if i'm caught off gaurd , " Ya jump on besides it's only fair i rode your mom last night!" with a smile and ride off.
                          "The shortest distance between two points is for people that don't ride!"

                          2001 Suzuki TL1000R Sold to Cintidude "May you be one with the Torque!!"
                          1998 Suzuki Gsxr 750 SRAD
                          2006 Suzuki Katana 600


                          • #28
                            I just finally got my bike on the road yesterday and I took my bike over to my bosses house where my dad,boss,his neighbor and his wife were. so I pull in shut her off and go over and talk to my dad, I look back and my boss just walked over and started putting my helmet on. his neighbor goes he's taking ur bike for a ride....I go uhhh no he isn't... wtf r these ****in retards thing!?!?! then he was all ****ed off I wouldn't let him ride it. offensive and irk y in the he'll he thought he could just go hop on my bike without asking. IDIOTS!


                            • #29
                              I have friends and even a sibling ask to ride mine. My older brothers and my youngest brother, I don't mind riding as they have years of experience over me of riding a bike. My other younger brother and a couple close friends always ask why when I say NO.
                              1 - You DON'T have an M stamped on your license, when you do then I'll THINK about it.
                              2 - (Younger Brother) You totaled older brothers bike. (He swears he will eventually replace it...)

                              Then my friends come back with "well he let me ride his bike" (one guy I used to work with has a Harley that he lets everyone give a go)... well that's his choice to gamble his nice shiny bike with you as I wouldn't let you dare sit on it.

                              I for one hate asking to ride someone else's bike. Even though I've been riding for 4 years I don't think I have enough experience to confidently ride another's bike without worrying that if anything happens to it, what am I going to do? Mines paid for so if I wreck it I'm not out anything other than a bike and some blood. The only one I ever asked was my dad and that was because I haven't ridden in half a year (due to customization on mine) and reeeeeeeealy wanted to ride. Other than that I'm happy to ride my own bike and will admire others.

                              P.S. I always ask to sit on a bike, I also hate it when your discussing a bike with someone and they think that they can just flop their fat *** on it and test it out. Give them the look that says "Really Dude, get the hell off my bike".
                              You're the [Gal] that'll be sneaking out of your bedroom at three o'clock in the morning to look at your bike.
                              ~Paul Teutul, Sr., American Chopper
                              1989 GSX600F - Street Fighter (


                              • #30
                                I tell people that do you need my credit cards and my keys too ? There is a guy about 34 yr old at the bike nite a marine who at the end of the nite says who wants to ride my ninja 250 and starts it up and revvs the **** out of it before warming it up ,it has 2,000 miles on it and its 8 yrs old he tells people he rides it all the time 100 miles a day .... very funny clown but we all play along .

