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Pigs got me, finally

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  • #76
    Scout's cool. The only LEOs that should turn in their badges are the dangerous, reckless, walking liability types that....oh wait. Nevermind.

    "People rike me. Because I force them to. With viorence!"
    -Travis of the Cosmos



    • #77
      Originally posted by Free Coffee View Post
      Scout's cool. The only LEOs that should turn in their badges are the dangerous, reckless, walking liability types that....oh wait. Nevermind.
      Those of you with the Family Watchdog website should be able to find Free Coffee on there. He'll be listed under "An offender moved near you."

      03 Suzuki Intruder Volusia, 95 Kat 750, 06 Kat 750, 01 Yamaha R6, 96 Suzuki Bandit 750 (Jspec), 04 GSXR 1000, 06 Honda CBR1000RR

      メイクショップ 神谷 (2013)
      チームのパドック松田 (2014)

      US Marine veteran
      Semper Fi


      • #78
        Originally posted by Scout View Post
        I don't know of a single LEO that would hold and ticket someone in that situation.
        I have met many. A friend got pulled over while in route to an emergency where the state was waiting on his truck to open a major bridge. He explained why he was going 10 over and the officer decided to show him how powerful he was and held him even longer. It's not the good ol' days anymore. Many LEOs where I come must've been picked on or something because they have the biggest chips on their shoulder. It's hard not to have a bad connotation towards LEOs when this is what you deal with regularly. I do have friends in law enforcement that are way cool and when I get a ticket for breaking the law I don't complain but much like the attitude we talk about with squids there are LEOs with a big attitude.
        Originally posted by billybob View Post
        It would take more than a whiner to get me to change what I do.
        Attitude is everything. At least to me it is. I have given verbal’s, prolly more than written and citations just due to attitude.
        Those that start off like they are being inconvenienced are usually guaranteed a summons. Show a little remorse and respect…ya get it back and usually a “knock it off” and you’re on your way.
        I wish we had officers like you and scout around here! Let me put it this way if I get pulled over I am getting a ticket. I had a few tickets on my record a while back and at that time if a cop got behind me I got a ticket, for stupid BS but it was a guarantee.

        I drive pretty chill now and actually got a warning the other day(in a different city of course) for expired tags(wife didn't tell me we had new stickers to put on her car!) but around here your attitude doesn't matter because you're gonna pay. That being said, if I get a speeding ticket that is legit(99.9% of the time its legit) I thank the officer because I know he just doing his job.
        95 GSX600F -- GO DUCKS -- 06 R6
        Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing -Helen Keller
        I often post mobile; Keep that in mind when I write like a 5th grader


        • #79
          I feel like a lucky idiot. I was out on my ZZR1200 about an hour ago for the first time in two weeks. I was in Kermit, Texas, a town of about 5,000 and a guy standing on his porch gestured that I "get on it". Look, I never do that...ever...but a wild hair hit and I was going from 1st to 2nd and hit it up to 8,000 rpm and brought it down roaring. And right at the height of my squeal, there on someone else's porch talking to someone stood a deputy sheriff...

          Luckily he just grinned at idiot me, and just stood there. I did take some zig-zag back streets and meandered home to Wink through the boonies.

          But had he come after me...I would have admitted idiocy and paid whatever and taken the blame. I was doing that once in a million times wrong thing.
          Last edited by zuma; 02-21-2011, 09:11 PM.

          "A knight proves his worthiness by his deeds."


          • #80
            Originally posted by niqbales View Post
            ...for stupid BS but it was a guarantee...
            You mean like for 42 in a 40 while coasting downhill? I got one of those.

            Remember yesterday I mentioned that at my first base the locals didn't like military types? Yeah...
            Wherever you go... There you are!

            17 Inch Wheel Conversion
            HID Projector Retrofit


            • #81
              They give tickets here sometimes for doing 38 in a 40.... "it's raining and it is unsafe to be going that fast" It rains 10 months out of the year! But yea I here ya... If they want to give a ticket they do, nuff said.
              95 GSX600F -- GO DUCKS -- 06 R6
              Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing -Helen Keller
              I often post mobile; Keep that in mind when I write like a 5th grader


              • #82
                Originally posted by niqbales View Post
                They give tickets here sometimes for doing 38 in a 40.... "it's raining and it is unsafe to be going that fast" It rains 10 months out of the year! But yea I here ya... If they want to give a ticket they do, nuff said.
                I broke my arm last February lowsiding at 15mph...if that is the mentality of the cop that pulled you over, than I was going to fast to be safe...and it was in Eugene. I remember there were parts of the Delta Highway in Eugene where I would know better than to go faster than the speed limit because they would pull you over for going a mile over the speed limit...

                On the flip side I was pulled over for doing 85 in a 70 mph zone...cop let me off with a warming..that was in Texas, though.


                • #83
                  I smell Bu!l Sh!t. Scout how far ahead of an 18 wheeler do you think a bike would have to be with a normal size rider to get picked up on a RADAR?, 150-200 yards... I work traffic everyday and you did mention RADAR not LIDAR (laser) so unless you have your speed measurement tools mixed up I would say that you were far out of your "danger zone" before the officer was able to pick up your speed. And as far as getting a better job, Go Fornicate yourself. Why don't you go get a job that does not require you to do stupid stuff and get tickets. My job is referenced in the bible, how about yours?...

                  Officer JHILDE
                  Damn you Nicole, We will not speak of the 2012 Rally


                  • #84
                    IBTL!!! YAY!!!
                    (I come back from hiatus and I finally get in one before it gets locked down!)

                    I've had my fair share of tickets. Got two last year and I deserved those two and all of the
                    other ones, too. (Except for the "modified pipes" one... THAT one was total BS. That's what
                    we get for laughing at a cop who went down in flames trying to flirt with a hottie on Sunset

                    I've been snagged for 10 over, 20 over and "I'm gonna keep you outta jail by just making
                    up a number 'cause I really don't want to wait around for a tow truck. Lakers are on tonight".

                    I've been pulled over by CHP cruisers and CHP bikes. The last time (a month ago) was by
                    a LA County Sheriff that felt it necessary to give me a firm but cordial talking to about the
                    way I was lane-splitting. I was polite, respectful, attentive and it turns out he had some
                    very good points (the fact that we were about the same age may have helped a bit, too )

                    I have even pulled over a 1/4 mile down the highway and had my license, reg, and insurance
                    ready for the CHP when he finally showed up a minute later (he smiled and
                    let me off of that one).

                    I've been pulled over in Oklahoma for pinning the throttle to get past six semis in a
                    convoy on I-40. In 4 seconds I was on the far side of the trucks AND the far side of 160
                    and after explaining the situation all I got was a "Damn, you're going to N.C. on THAT??!
                    Get outta here and watch out for the trucks".

                    I pulled over at a OK Trooper station on the way back through and complained that in
                    order to stay out of harm's way of the truckers I have to move a lot faster than the limit
                    to stay out of their wind wake and these guys are doing 75-80. He smiled and made it
                    clear that they are well aware of the needs of motorcyclists on I-40. He said, "Legally I
                    have to tell you that the speed limit is 65, but do what you have to do to stay alive.
                    We're prone to cut bikers a little slack".

                    Three years ago a CHP pulled me over on the 405 after I made a high-speed move to get
                    out of some potential trouble. "I saw what you did and know why you did it but I gave you
                    a half mile to cut your speed". Just a warning that time but it did let me know one thing:
                    LEO's watch your infraction but they also take in consideration what you do AFTER the infraction.

                    Also bear in mind that I am not the lightest complexion guy on the planet let alone some
                    of the towns I've ridden and been stopped in.

                    I said all that to say this:
                    There are good cops that do their jobs well and jerk-off cops who aren't worthy to do
                    most LEO's laundry. The overwhelming majority of the ones that I have had to deal with
                    fall into the former, not the latter. They have been fair and up-front in dealing with me
                    if I treat them with the same amount of respect I expect from them.

                    Everyone is entitled to have a bad day.
                    Based on your story, that was YOUR bad day and some accountability is in order.
                    Plus, I don't think we're getting the full story, here.
                    Vent, rant, and be done with it but be careful with broad brush you're painting with.

                    It may sound like I'm cutting LEOs too much slack, but hey, if someone pulls a hit-and-run,
                    robs my store, or steals my stuff, guess what? You're not the first person I'm calling.
                    And if it happened to you, you'd call them too.


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by JHILDE View Post
                      I smell Bu!l Sh!t. Scout how far ahead of an 18 wheeler do you think a bike would have to be with a normal size rider to get picked up on a RADAR?, 150-200 yards... I work traffic everyday and you did mention RADAR not LIDAR (laser) so unless you have your speed measurement tools mixed up I would say that you were far out of your "danger zone" before the officer was able to pick up your speed. And as far as getting a better job, Go Fornicate yourself. Why don't you go get a job that does not require you to do stupid stuff and get tickets. My job is referenced in the bible, how about yours?...

                      Officer JHILDE
                      I have to be honest, J and tell you that I have NO IDEA how far/close a target has to be for radar. I've never used it (municipal LEO in PA cant use radar). I use Vascar, Enraad and Robic Accutrac.

                      03 Suzuki Intruder Volusia, 95 Kat 750, 06 Kat 750, 01 Yamaha R6, 96 Suzuki Bandit 750 (Jspec), 04 GSXR 1000, 06 Honda CBR1000RR

                      メイクショップ 神谷 (2013)
                      チームのパドック松田 (2014)

                      US Marine veteran
                      Semper Fi


                      • #86
                        -Fire Is Good, It purifies the Soul.


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by professa_riddler View Post


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by sassyduck View Post
                            I broke my arm last February lowsiding at 15mph...if that is the mentality of the cop that pulled you over, than I was going to fast to be safe...and it was in Eugene. I remember there were parts of the Delta Highway in Eugene where I would know better than to go faster than the speed limit because they would pull you over for going a mile over the speed limit...

                            On the flip side I was pulled over for doing 85 in a 70 mph zone...cop let me off with a warming..that was in Texas, though.
                            Yes'm. Have you a good day and slow that thing down now, ma'am. Addd-eee-os.

                            "A knight proves his worthiness by his deeds."


                            • #89
                              All this ticket talk.
                              Where I come from you just do not see traffic cops.....Ever.


                              • #90
                                Speed Traps

                                Originally posted by soulpatch View Post
                                It is legal for us in PA to flash headlights to warn of a speed trap...
                                We never flashed our lights, it was tapping our helmets back home in Oregon. Not sure if anyone else used to do that.

                                Have to admit I've been rolling for days reading this thread!
                                Are we riding yet?

