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Pigs got me, finally

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  • #46
    Originally posted by soulpatch View Post
    Zuma I have been lame on the bike but on my old turbo cars o nthe other hand I have been known to both triple a speed limit and outrun an officer or two...

    Though I paid my fines and such when caught and I knew that I was in the wrong when it happened. Its life. Do the crime be prepared to pay the fine...

    "A knight proves his worthiness by his deeds."


    • #47
      Originally posted by scottyj View Post
      In attempting to avoid death at the hands of a semitrailer steering into me I took yesterday the instant decision to drop 2 gears and get the hell out of dodge. This was interpreted by the sneaky pig with the radar as an ideal opportunity for some fun and the brief pursuit resulted in a megafine and enough damage to my licence to guarantee my riding around like I am on a scooter. Cops don't care about mitigating circumstances. Sorry, just mad like hell and need to vent. Speed kills my ***. Idiots, drunks, incompetants and sheer bad luck kill. Being told how to ride by some *** that was ****ting his nappies when I riding Ducatis was enough to make me cleave his head in two. I now have 3 years of being good. Don't like being good. No fun. Any cops on this forum, tough, get a better job.
      Former cop here...Hard to tell what exactly happened from your post, maybe some clarification if you want to add any?

      Making broad and sweeping generalizations about law enforcement does not give me the warm and fuzzies though...LOL



      • #48
        Originally posted by soulpatch View Post
        Zuma I have been lame on the bike but on my old turbo cars o nthe other hand I have been known to both triple a speed limit and outrun an officer or two...

        Though I paid my fines and such when caught and I knew that I was in the wrong when it happened. Its life. Do the crime be prepared to pay the fine...

        I don't think many of us are upset with the manner of riding. I've pulled myself out of several situations by doing something similar. I believe the rub is the universal slamming of law enforcement officers. Some of the coolest KatRiders I have met online and face to face are law enforcement officers. So if some tard (borrowing Scotty NF's term) decides to vent his wrath for whatever reason on friends of mine, he can chew the proverbial "large one".

        "A knight proves his worthiness by his deeds."


        • #49
          over here they take your license for 3-12 months if you drive 20 mph over the speed limit, depending if you were driving 70mph in 50 zone or 40 in 20 zone.

          no ifs ands or buts

          if they think you are driving under the influence they make you take an alcohol tests on the spot. no walk in a straight line bull****.

          if you blow more than 0.2 promille they take your license for up to 1 year.
          if you blow more than 0.5 promille they take your license for up to 18 months
          if you blow more than 0.8 promille they take your license for up to 2 years

          if you are caught doing this bull**** more than twice within 5 years take take your license for the rest of your life.

          in practice this means that we never drive after driking , even 1 beer.

          we also have another system that give you negative points every time you are caught driving too fast or doing anything that results in a ticket. some tickets give you 1 negative point, some 2 some 3. if you get -8 bye bye licence.

          its a fair system. I dont have any negative points and I always drive like most others ( 5 - 10 mph over the speed limit ) so they arent trying to stop everyone that is doint something illegal. only the worst people.

          I have no idea how stuff works over in usa and its probably different for each state. but one thing is universal , if your drive or ride like a bozo you will face the concequences....
          2015 BMW S1000R


          • #50
            I agree with most of these people. But sometimes there is the odd ******* cop that will not even listen to your story of why or anything and just write the ticket either way, they're not all going to let u off, or lower the ticket or anything like that.

            Ive only got one ticket and that was on my old 500 ninja :S doing 96km/h in a 80, which w/e I was late for work goin a little faster, but my ticket was written for 111km/h in a 80. So I was ****ed at that (still am). I've talked to a few people around here that said the same cop tried something like that with them. But they went to court and the judge lowered fine right away because she knew what the cop did I guess (Had a lot of people in for same reason). I was going to go to court to get it lowered but my daughter was born 1 week after so I was a little busy... That same cop gave my mom a ticket for speeding up to let him on the highway cause she was bside him and there were a lot of cars around her so she sped up so he could merge on. Kind of dumb on her part, but you think the cop would at least realize what she was doing.. Maybe give her a warning.....

            I also think there is time when speeding up might be better to get out of some situations. But if you get a ticket u get a ticket, what can u do...

            I do think this guy is a bit of an ****tard. Not all cops r *******s most are actually decent around here anyway.. Just dont be an idiot and u wont have problems.
            My Bike/Project:


            • #51
              Originally posted by Scout View Post
              Let me start with this: F*ck you, you low life Sh*tbird. Riders like you make us all look bad. Shame that it seems the only people (and I use that term "people" loosely) that dislike Police, are the one's that lack the necessary ability to control themselves, and act like human f*cking beings.

              Having said Ya know what? F*ck you, really. And if this reply isn't clear enough, let me know, and I'll try to dumb it down for ya, kiddo.
              What are you trying to say?


              "People rike me. Because I force them to. With viorence!"
              -Travis of the Cosmos



              • #52

                My original response (even though in page 5) was based just on the OP and I quick replied...I guess you guys already took care of this before I popped on-

                I actually wanted to get more details so I could give my opinion based on my "training and experience" but now I would imagine the OP has hidden under a desk or is standing in a doorway.

                The key here is creating the proper following distance. If (with your bikes superior braking) you have to go around someone or perform any other evasive maneuver in order to not rear-end someone then you were following too close PERIOD>. Although getting rear-ended in this situation is a legitimate concern it is still a much safer option than flying around the vehicle in front of you, and less likely to result in a ticket or worse.

                The guitar guy does seem like a nice guy but riding over 100 because you are cold is not even close to a reasonable excuse...In fact riding that fast makes it MUCH COLDER! LOL (Being a danger because you forgot to pack a turtle-neck is not okay)

                Couple other general items if anybody cares:
                1. To the folks who say "it will be my word against the cops and you know how that will go", well... while there are a few cops who lack integrity, in general a Police Officer's word is worth more consideration because we are "impartial" versus the accused offender who understandably will think they are innocent and because we have substantial amounts of training (1,300 hours where I went to the academy) before we hit the streets. Then there is our experience on the job which covers everything from accident investigations to frankly, seeing through the B.S. we get when we respond in these situations.

                2. There was NO QUOTA in the city where I worked, before someone insists it is $ related. I hardly had any time to write any tickets where I was, in fact I did not like writing tickets at all - pulling someone over and just warning them had the same effect, and without the hatred for po-po.

                I know, I should have been a fireman everybody loves 'em...

                Take care all,
                Last edited by dianhsuhe; 02-19-2011, 07:56 PM.


                • #53
                  got nothing against the cop... but try to fight it. sometimes you really do have to speed up to avoid getting hit by cars (especially semi's)
                  sucks to hear, but **** happens....

                  Originally posted by dianhsuhe View Post
                  pulling someone over and just warning them had the same effect, and without the hatred for po-po.
                  that is a very good point. the first time i was pulled over (i had only been riding a few months) for speeding, the cop pulled me over and gave me a warning. scared me enough to not get another ticket for 3 years (this summer, on my new kat)
                  Last edited by Black Phoenix; 02-19-2011, 09:01 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


                  • #54
                    Seems like it's been the exact opposite for me. When I was a teenager I got a ticket every time I got caught speeding. Nowdays, I get warnings or the cop just shaking a finger at me from the side of the road. Of course, most of the time now I'm going within 5-10 of the speed limit. I have a very distinct memory of trying to talk my way out of an 82-in-a-30 with the argument that Bugs just don't go that fast!
                    Wherever you go... There you are!

                    17 Inch Wheel Conversion
                    HID Projector Retrofit


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Wild-Bill View Post
                      I have a very distinct memory of trying to talk my way out of an 82-in-a-30 with the argument that Bugs just don't go that fast!
                      i would have liked to have heard that conversation!
                      never sleep with anyone crazier than yourself sigpic2011,2012,2013,2014,2015,2016


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Wild-Bill View Post
                        Seems like it's been the exact opposite for me. When I was a teenager I got a ticket every time I got caught speeding. Nowdays, I get warnings or the cop just shaking a finger at me from the side of the road. Of course, most of the time now I'm going within 5-10 of the speed limit. I have a very distinct memory of trying to talk my way out of an 82-in-a-30 with the argument that Bugs just don't go that fast!
                        You always get more flies with honey than vinager
                        I talked my way out of tickets for flashing my headlights to warn of a radar trap
                        Blood , its in you to give!


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by rexazz2 View Post
                          You always get more flies with honey than vinager
                          I talked my way out of tickets for flashing my headlights to warn of a radar trap
                          I flashed my headlights to warn people of a cop shooting radar so the other cop car that was actually pulling people over pulled me over and did a "safety inspection." He walked in front of my car and asked me to put on my headlights, I stuck my head out of window and yelled, "Why? You know they work!"
                          Originally posted by arsenic
                          93 octane fuel and K&N pod filters rock.


                          • #58
                            It is legal for us in PA to flash headlights to warn of a speed trap. Though I have been pulled over for it a couple times I say nothign and allow the ticket to be written then send in a copy of the PA supreme court ruling showing it to be legal and have had 2 tickets dismissed and a tounge lashing to the cop when in court...
                            I am a Penn State fanatic.
                            Why is the sky blue and white? God is a PSU fan...


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Calaviator View Post
                              Situation 1:
                              "Sir, I accelerated to clear the semi truck that was changing lanes into me... I may have overdone it a bit, I blame that on adrenaline. I apologize."

                              Situation 2:
                              "**** You you ****ing pig, get a real job."

                              One of these approaches will definitely earn you a ticket, and maybe even a beat down, the other might get you a "Ride safe."
                              Originally posted by zuma View Post
                              Not meaning to one up on you...I was clocked at 106 in a 55 on my 600 Kat on an empty stretch (trying to get in from the cold) and was so genteel that the trooper apologized for stopping me in the cold, laughed at my story concerning purchasing guitar strings, and walked off telling me to get home safely and get warm. No warning, no ticket, just good karma. Some people just don't get it.
                              Originally posted by Chris438 View Post
                              I agree with most of these people. But sometimes there is the odd ******* cop that will not even listen to your story of why or anything and just write the ticket either way, they're not all going to let u off, or lower the ticket or anything like that.

                              Ive only got one ticket and that was on my old 500 ninja :S doing 96km/h in a 80, which w/e I was late for work goin a little faster, but my ticket was written for 111km/h in a 80. So I was ****ed at that (still am). I've talked to a few people around here that said the same cop tried something like that with them. But they went to court and the judge lowered fine right away because she knew what the cop did I guess (Had a lot of people in for same reason). I was going to go to court to get it lowered but my daughter was born 1 week after so I was a little busy... That same cop gave my mom a ticket for speeding up to let him on the highway cause she was bside him and there were a lot of cars around her so she sped up so he could merge on. Kind of dumb on her part, but you think the cop would at least realize what she was doing.. Maybe give her a warning.....

                              I also think there is time when speeding up might be better to get out of some situations. But if you get a ticket u get a ticket, what can u do...

                              I do think this guy is a bit of an ****tard. Not all cops r *******s most are actually decent around here anyway.. Just dont be an idiot and u wont have problems.
                              I agree the OP was most likely out of line but... I was pulled over for failure to drive with in my lane while in an intersection. Officer said I failed to stay within my lane while in the intersection. I very politely asked for help in understanding and he just kept saying "you failed to stay within your lane". Asked if I left or entered the an incorrect lane and he said no. The judge said "you were probably speeding" and was very stern. I was 22(relatively young but felt I hadn't done anything to be treated this way) at the time and I felt like I was 12 being treated like garbage! Was I speeding? I was at a red light and hen it turned green I turned left through the intersection, I was going like 10 by the time I got through the intersection.

                              It must be Oregon but I've had many negative encounters. I am polite and respectful. In my experience leos being cool are the exception to the rule. I know this can't be the case but that has been my experience. I've gotten bogus tickets more than not.

                              I have friends in law enforcement and I by no means think they are all douche bags but it really sucks having leos like we do cuz it gives them all a bad name.

                              I say this all because I agree that a good attitude goes a long way but leos are human and some are douche bag humans.

                              OP: to me it sounds like you want an excuse to pin the throttle. You got to look ahead and avoid these situations before they happen. If you're upset because people jump down your throay consider the entitled attitude you have... Leo was tryin to do his job and from his interpretation you were not riding in a safe matter. Do you really expect him to believe your cute story? How many stories do you think he's heard...

                              All in all, helmet cam ftw
                              95 GSX600F -- GO DUCKS -- 06 R6
                              Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing -Helen Keller
                              I often post mobile; Keep that in mind when I write like a 5th grader


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by HemiKat View Post
                                I flashed my headlights to warn people of a cop shooting radar so the other cop car that was actually pulling people over pulled me over and did a "safety inspection." He walked in front of my car and asked me to put on my headlights, I stuck my head out of window and yelled, "Why? You know they work!"
                                Originally posted by soulpatch View Post
                                It is legal for us in PA to flash headlights to warn of a speed trap. Though I have been pulled over for it a couple times I say nothign and allow the ticket to be written then send in a copy of the PA supreme court ruling showing it to be legal and have had 2 tickets dismissed and a tounge lashing to the cop when in court...
                                I was not even 20 at the time
                                The officer threatened to have me get a safety inspection
                                He said I was defeating the purpose of what they were doing
                                I told him I was also slowing down traffic that it just didnt cost people my way
                                He let me go
                                Blood , its in you to give!

