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Vespa down on freeway

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  • Vespa down on freeway

    So I left work this afternoon and headed home. It was raining off and on all day and the roads were still wet. It was sprinkling just as I got on the freeway. I got over into the Car pool lane and went on my way. Traffic was going around 55-60mph. I noticed a guy on some sort of scooter a few cars ahead of me. I see him change lanes and get over into the middle lane out of my view. Then all of a sudden everyone hits there brakes, a couple cars lock em up, and I slow way down because I couldn't see what had happened. I look over and the guy on the Vespa had just layed it down and came sliding to a stop. Luckily everyone managed to stop or swerve out of the way and miss him. Thankfully the guy gets up, stumbles and walks over to the center median. A couple of us went and grabbed the scooter and got it out of traffic after making sure he was ok.The good thing was that the guy was wearing a helmet. The bad thing was he was in jeans, and some sort of long sleeved sweater/shirt. Basically only a helmet for gear. He took a good hit on the helmet after looking at it. One of his shoes came off and was laying in the road. The guy had road rash pretty good on his right arm and his elbow was hamburger'd up pretty bad. Other than that, the guy was remarkably unscathed besides some bloody knuckles. And his Vespa (which I was fully unaware they could reach freeway speeds) was basically unharmed becuase it had full crashbars all around. If the guy had a jacket on and some gloves, I'm fairly sure he would of got right back on the scooter and rode off with not a scratch on him. Instead he sat on the side of the road waiting for the medics and cops to arrive. It was a very scary scene, and one that I hope I don't have to see again. But thankfully he walked away. It could of been much worse. Just wanted to share my crazy afternoon ride home with you guys. All the gear all the time guys. Be safe out there.

  • #2
    Wow. He is one lucky dude. Glad to hear that you and few others cared enough to help him out! I really don't get anyone who doesn't wear jacket and gloves with their helmet. Just is plain stupidity to me.


    • #3
      Katrydr I agree with you on that. I can't imagine why anyone rides without gear.


      • #4
        They just don't know any better. I bet the scooter guy will think about it next time he goes riding.


        • #5
          In OH you need to have at least 250cc scooter/bike (Vespa does make freeway speed eligibles) to ride the interstates/turnpike.


          • #6
            some Scooter people bother me. I dont think I have ever seen a scooter perosn wear proper gear except for a helmet. I see too many ladies on them with the purse hanging over their shoulder, wearing high heal shoes etc.


            • #7
              Exactly...I never seen a scooter dude with gear, especially those Vespa riders. They are very popular out here, like every day they ride in City traffic with no gear at all. They have their suits on and helmets and that's it.
              -Fire Is Good, It purifies the Soul.

