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Memorial Day Ride

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  • Memorial Day Ride

    Hey All,
    I had a pretty good weekend and just wanted to share. I had memorial day scheduled off of work for a while and had initially planned to got to my firend's cabin. That went down the tubes for logistical reasons on his end. Instead I talked to a buddy of mine out in Pittsburgh who said ti would be cool to hang with him. A couple of days before I call and ask if were still cool. He told me he just got a house and had planned to move this weekend with his girl, that it wouldn't be the best time for a relaxing visit. This is one of my boys from the Corps so I couldn't let him hang LOL. For the life of her, his girlfriend couldn't understand why I'd want to ride over 250 miles to help him move, haha! Anyhow, short of it is that I had a great ride, helped out a buddy and got to see an old friend.
    I had intended to have the gears and sprockets that i'd ordered installed but they arrived at 7pm the day that I was supposed to leave. That's another thread all together. LOL
    I did use the saddle bags, Dowco's, and they worked pretty good. Purely theoretically, if I would have topped triple digits, I think that at about 110 they would have made my bike feel a little unstable and at 130 they would have made it feel like my tail end was dancing a bit due to the wind resistance. That's if I would have been irresponsible, stupid, and suicidal enough to hit those speeds, which if those three qualities ever met, it would be on a nice strait, flat and totally sweet looking stretch of road.
    I'd also put a radar detector in my windshield, which the suction cups didn't want to hold very well. I used high strength velcro to hold it in place. It's far more function than form but it was functional anyhow.