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First Distance ride on the Kat

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  • First Distance ride on the Kat

    As the title says i just got back from my first real distance ride on the kat. Not as long as some as you guys but not bad for the first long ride on the kat. On Friday i got up and left following the wife to my moms house in Ohio (i live in MI) after her stops by doctors and her parents house we make it to my moms house 4 hours and about 210 miles like i said following the wife and all her stops. My brother in law shows up on his vtx and we take off and go and do another 60 miles or so all back roads and nice Ohio farm land. Saturday he comes over and we try to let this storm blow over and then decide lets do this its not raining so we walk outside and i swear i saw a cow go flying by but what the heck lets go. We made it a whole 4 miles before we turned around had to lean the bikes to go straight the wind was so strong. So today i had to come home and leave the wife and kids at moms for the week for spring break and the old girl did really well on the way home 140 miles and not a problem what so ever the main reason i am so surprised is the fact that she was bought as a total with a salvaged title and had not been plated or started since 94. All in all i was pleased with the ride and the performance and can not wait till my next ride as soon as i get the 2500 rpm stumble out of her.
    1990 kat 600 sigpic

  • #2
    nice man...sounds like you had fun
    sigpicTrust me I know everything! Just ask!


    • #3
      Glad you're happy with the Kat. I don't live all that far from you..... an hour from Detroit....and that wind was absolutely crazy. Today was much better!
      sigpicLife throws you curves......enjoy the ones you get when riding.
      89 GSX750F(sold....sob)
      96 YZF 1000R


      • #4
        tell me about it all open cornfields in Ohio so it was really whipping
        1990 kat 600 sigpic


        • #5
          YEA me too this week!!

          went on a ride for cancer was 170 miles was the first time rode that far but it was fun and enjoyable.


          • #6
            keep it up
            1990 kat 600 sigpic

