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New to bikes, Please help!

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  • #46
    Couldn't tell ya.

    One guy asked me why I would want a "canotuna".

    I asked him how much he paid for his gsxr750, how much his insurance is, how much a rear tire is, how far a tank goes, and the longest trip hes ever been on.

    After I told him that my kat was $800 (non running, and disassembled mind you) I can ride 500 miles without really hurting, how much my insurance is, and how far I can get on one tank (two up). He lost that "smarta$$" tone pretty quick and said "oh.".

    Seriously, if your riding buddies are giving you crap because you are riding what you like, and what youre comfortable should come to some NKY rides.

    For most people who try to make fun of my kat, I just ask them what they ride, and it ends up they don't even ride. They just heard someone on an SS bike make fun of the kat, but had no idea why it would be considered a bad bike. Etc, etc.

    By the by, I love this forum, becasue everyone gets along, and we all respect each others bikes. Most of us are just glad that our friends are on two wheels.:hugz


    • #47
      For the love of God!

      Tell your "friends" to get bent. Is making them happy more important than your own safety??? Walking right into a Super Sport bike is not only dangerous, it's irresponsible. I know a guy here in my town who got trash-mouthed into a GSXR 750 instead of a Katana, by his "friends" and he made it 1.2 miles down the road (after purchase), pulled over to get gas, and they goaded him some more, so he jumped all over the throttle when leaving the gas station. He made it across the intersection, and right into a coma. He was inexperienced with Sport bikes (of ANY sort) and he ran into a curb (panicked when the front end lifted) and split his helmet (and head) on a retaining wall.

      I'm on my 3rd motorcycle now (3 years riding). I started on a cruiser (learning curve for noobs), went to a mid 90's Kat, got an 06 Kat 750, and am still on it. I had my first wreck last summer (40 mph high side) and all that needed to be replaced on the Kat was the right side foot peg and peg bracket. Not to shabby, in terms of durability.

      And I think $2000 is a fair price for the bike you showed here.

      In summation, disegard what your "friends" are telling you, and get the Kat. Like Free Coffee said, learn the Kat, then move on if you choose. Invite your dumba$$ friends on a 300 mile ride, and see who says yes...with thier back breaking SS bikes.

      Welcome aboard, and good luck with your common sense.

      03 Suzuki Intruder Volusia, 95 Kat 750, 06 Kat 750, 01 Yamaha R6, 96 Suzuki Bandit 750 (Jspec), 04 GSXR 1000, 06 Honda CBR1000RR

      メイクショップ 神谷 (2013)
      チームのパドック松田 (2014)

      US Marine veteran
      Semper Fi


      • #48
        Like everyone says, get the bike YOU want and don't worry about what others say. they most likely base their opinions on heresay. I know some people here personally and know others through this forum who could school most of the idiot posers on their "canotuna".

        now, having said that, I am absolutely in love with the Yamaha R1. someday I will get one. I have been riding for three years now and I think I can handle the power. I also have a healthy respect for that power along with the dangers riders face every day. but I will also most likely keep my Kat for longer more relaxed rides and because I also love it.

        so, get the Kat, enjoy the hell out of it and if someday you decide to upgrade you'll have some fond memories of your "canotuna".


        • #49
          Get the Kat. You live your life for yourself, not for your friends. I just recently got my first Kat (a 2003 600) because it was comfy to me and in the price range I was willing to pay. When I first thought about getting a Kat, I asked a friend that I used to work with about them and he said don't get it. He told me that they were overweight and underpowered. You know what... I got it anyway. I told him I got it and why... he told me he was happy for me. Then we started talking about gear (he's a big believer in gear, like I am) and the Gixxer 1000 he was thinking about getting. Long story short, if they are TRUELY your friends, they will be happy no matter what you ride... and they may even respect you more if you make your own decision and stand by it.


          • #50
            Kats are looked down on due to being old technology, steel frames, oil cooled, carbureted bikes that dont have all the shiny alloy anodized woo-woos that a new SS bike has... and that a shiny new SS bike rider rarely understands, much less utilizes.

            I started street riding 2 years ago after a 28 year hiatus in riding dirtbikes from when i was 12.

            I stumbles on a deal, my 01 Kat 750, and traded a rifle for it.

            all my friends told me I was stupid to get a heavy 750 for a first bike... so far, they're wrong, and i havent regretted it a second.

            I'm 6'4" tall, and the SS bikes are a little cramped for me... get what you want, and tell your "friends" that want you to overbike yourself for the first bike to STFU

            get yer bike, learn to ride it, and show them up with skill, not retard squidtricks.

            See My Garage for mods...
            T-Rex Racing framesliders install and review thread
            Full Post 98 LED conversion how to thread


            • #51
              I think most if not all the people that hate the Kat have never ridden one for any length of time. It doesn't have the latest and greatest doo dads on it like the SS bikes do so these uninformed haters don't like it. The styling of the Kat hasn't changed in many years but IMHO, it looks great. Remind your friends that a Kat is not an SS bike and therefore can't be compared to one. I think you'll find it to be a great starter bike and will enjoy riding it for a long time. You can always get a SS liter bike later if you want and by then, you'll know how to ride it.

              BTW, I bet I could smoke any of your friends at the track on my can-o-tuna.
              Last edited by TT120; 02-26-2010, 12:20 AM.
              Black IS the fastest color!


              • #52
                Originally posted by JayBell View Post
                I'm 6'4" tall, and the SS bikes are a little cramped for me... get what you want, and tell your "friends" that want you to overbike yourself for the first bike to STFU
                This is the other thing. I'm 6'2" and have sat on a few SS bikes. I always feel so cramped. No way I could do that for more than a half hour or so.


                • #53
                  kats are nice bikes, try to get a 2000 or newer the body style is newer ,there are lots to do to them


                  • #54
                    I Love my 05' Katana 600, i have never been on a bike before other than a minibike when i was like 10 years old. I had a lot of ppl say the same stuff to, that the kat is a bad bike, bla bla bla. and i look at them and ask "and your point is?" and they just look at me with this DUH look on there face. A bike is a bike, So, its not really fast, or really light, or handels the best. Its your first bike! its like when you got your first car, it was a slow chevy cavalier of a ford escort, you didn't get a chevy camaro ss or a ford mustang GT. Ya the Camaro or Stang looks alot better and they are also very fast, and "in the now" but ya had that cavalier or escort. they where safe, cheap, and good on gas and didn't need that high priced 93 Octaine gas, didn't cost an arm and a leg to insure, and the parts being stupid exspensive. I guess what i am trying to say is that just because it looks good and goes fast dosen't mean its right for you. If your friends want to go blow 5k or 6k on a bike just to low side it cause they had to showoff on something the could not control then let them be a stupid as they are. Trust us here at the KatRiders, you will NOT be sorry! Once ya have a Kat, you'll never go back!!
                    Last edited by WildSide; 02-26-2010, 03:36 AM.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by TjCase85 View Post
                      My name is TJ, im 24 and from Cincinnati. I have been looking to buy a bike here soon. I am not a TOTAL noob on bikes, I have rode 4wheelers and Dirtbikes my whole life, but I am not experienced either. I have found many 98+ Katanas in my area for around the price I am looking for. I am just frustrated about all my friends say. They know I am new to bikes and want something that is easy to drive, As soon as I mention Katana they all say "Oh thats a girls bike, get a real bike bla bla bla" They all drive R6, R1, CBRs etc. I dont want anything to powerful for my first bike. How are Katanas for first bikes. I figured I would come here and ask the people who ride them. Thanks guys!

                      Hi TJ and welcome to Katriders. I bought my 98 Kat around a year ago after approximately a 9year break from bikes. Previously owned a Aprillia RS250 and a Honda Fireblade but my first bike was a Honda Transalp a big single cylinder thumper that would top out at around 80mph. I bought my Kat as I wanted a sporty looking bike but not a full out sports bike and the Katana fitted the bill nicely. I paid around £1400 for my bike I guess around a $1000 with 21k miles on the clock. Trust all the views and opinions on this site because the Kat is a great bike easy to handle and with ample power for a beginner like yourself. My friend bought a Kawasaki ZX6r a few months after passing his test and crashed it a few months later busting both legs and an arm, lucky the car he hit in the opposite lane didn't run him over as well. Buy the Kat you wont be dissapointed.
                      Your damned if you do, and your damned if you don't (Bart Simpson)


                      • #56
                        Welcome to KR TJ! You've come to the right place! First things first! Tell your friends to Kiss your A**! Its easy and typical for some squid to suggest a bike that will most deff get you hurt or killed first time out. And it obviously shows that they dont give a damn about your well being. That being said, The Kat is a great bike for both experienced and beginner riders alike. It has a very forgiving nature when you go and make rookie mistakes. The engines are basicly bullet proof when givin the proper care. And it will make you very happy for years to come. As far as power goes even the 600s will have more then you should use or need based on your honest view in your experience. After a few seasons you may want to upgrade sure, but like they say " Learn to crawl b-4 you walk " You'll live a heck of a lot longer.
                        Last edited by JokerZwild; 02-26-2010, 07:32 AM.
                        The newest addition to the Family!
                        stop by the garage for a better look!


                        • #57
                          I haven't heard such true and heartfelt advice in a long time. Get the bike you want, unless your friends plan to pay for it. The first Katana I ever saw completley blew me away just as a first impression. All that has been said here is spot on. The bike you pictured is a honey. Enjoy!
                          Last edited by zuma; 02-26-2010, 09:21 AM.

                          "A knight proves his worthiness by his deeds."


                          • #58
                            Welcome to KR!

                            I was in almost the same position as you two years ago when I got my Kat (and was 24). I say almost because everyone around me recommended me the Kat.
                            I got a brand new 750 for a helluva more cash than you want to spent and still went with the Kat for mainly 2 reasons:

                            1. I knew going for a more powerful bike wasn't the wise thing to do since it was my first one.
                            2. At 24 in Quebec, the insurance for an SS bike would've killed me if the bike did not.

                            Apart from that it was comfy and I wanted my GF to be able (willing) to ride with me.
                            Let me tell you that in two years, I got plenty of opportunities of going down bad. But the Kat forgave where the SS bike would have punished.
                            The first critical moment is when you start to feel confident on the bike, that's
                            when you start to do some stupid things. It's at that precise moment that you do not want to have too much of a bike under your a$$.
                            The next one is when you want to impress some friends (probably not the ones you mentioned) and start/take a turn/brake faster than you should.

                            In my opinion, the Kat gets flak because it "looks" like a sport bike but
                            really isn't one. If you want a good description of what the Kat is go take a look at the first paragraphs of that page:

                            The guy who wrote it was pretty much an expert on the bike and you will
                            hear about him often around here (though he is no longer with us).




                            • #59
                              Gawd I miss his posts. Hope your riding hard where ever you are bro!
                              The newest addition to the Family!
                              stop by the garage for a better look!


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by JokerZwild View Post
                                Gawd I miss his posts. Hope your riding hard where ever you are bro!
                                Ah, man. You know he is. You know he is.

                                "A knight proves his worthiness by his deeds."

