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Pre vs Post bars

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  • Pre vs Post bars

    Hey guys, is there any difference between pre and post clip on bars? Or between a right and left bar? I tried searching and it doesn't pull up anything and looking on bike bandit the parts numbers are different, but I figured I'd ask. I need a left bar and was hoping I could use others since I can't find a decent priced one.


  • #2
    If they're different part numbers, you can be pretty sure they're not the same. It could be something as simple as a change of angle of the bars, or something that absolutely won't work like the bolt being spaced differently. Either way, I'd look for a direct replacement first, unless somebody can absolutely verify that they work, and even then I'd replace them as a pair (in case the angle changed). Hope that helps. (The forks are the same size, so theoretically you could swap the whole triple assembly if you wanted to)
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    • #3
      How would the bars themselves affect the angle? I understand how they might not bolt in the same from pre to post.

      In that case maybe someone knows if you can you flip-flop the pre's left and right bars or not.

