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Confidence Shot!!!!

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  • #16
    welcome to KR! hey thats sucks but kinda good you dropped it. you got it out the way already so you will only learn and get better from there.
    jus remember to put the kickstand down before leaning it to park, yea not so good, i felt that for couple days


    • #17
      Glad to hear you got back on.
      Even better that you worked on what you did wrong.

      Keep in mind that there are 2 kinds of riders.
      Those that have dropped a bike, and those that haven't yet.

      Frame sliders are your friend. (Your turn signals too)


      • #18
        sorry to hear it man, but dont take it too hard. After a months work, on her maiden voyage, I killed it at a 4 way stop (chock full of cars) and dropped it right in the middle of the intersection.

        Just pick her back up, remember what you did wrong, and keep going!


        • #19
          It's not whether you fall down or not, it's if you get back up that counts
          The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, 'You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.'


          • #20
            at least you didn't hurt anything other than your bike....welcome to KR!
            sigpic2006 KAT 750

            "Ever wonder how some people have made it as far in life as they have?"


            • #21
              now that ya got dumpin the bike out of your system, take your time, watch out for the idiots, and enjoy.

              after 20 years, i was just sitting on my kat, in a driveway, on the sidestand. I just went KRASH over onto the right side. no rhyme or reason, just tipped. DOH
              99% of the questions asked here can be answered by a 2 minute search in the service manual. Get a service manual, USE IT.
              1990 Suzuki GSX750F Katana
              '53 Ford F250 pickumuptruck
              Lookin for a new Enduro project


              • #22
                Haha, I love the support here.

                The whole reason I bought a used bike as my first bike is because I know it's going to hit the pavement at one point... so who cares if it's already scuffed up

                I've come pretty close to dropping it a few times, I've noticed it's one of two situations:

                1. Low speed, and I am feeling uneasy and questioning myself.
                2. I stop and don't pay attention to what I'm about to put my feet on (gravel, dirt, pine needles in the driveway).

                Like everyone said, it's good YOU aren't hurt, and welcome to KR.
                Project "I wear my sunglasses at night" is complete:


                • #23
                  Now that you've got that out of the way.. get back on and ride.. don't let it get to ya.. or you wont enjoy riding.. I've been riding on and off for 20 years.. I wish I could say it never happened to me...
                  '90 Suzuki 750 Kat

                  "Shut up and drink your gin" - Fagin (Oliver Twist)
                  "But, as is the usual scenario with a Harley it was off-line when it crashed," Schwantz added dryly.
                  "You didn't hear what I meant to say" - my Son


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by s_saeed80 View Post
                    This is my first post, and it's a pretty sad first post at that. Picked up 99 Katana 600. Put my plates on and not even 10 mins later dropped it. Making a left from a stop sign in my neighorhood and kind of came out a little hot. Made the #1 mistake in riding and looked at the curb. Before I got to the curb the bike already gave out from under me, I guess cause all the loose gravel by the curb. Smashed the left front indicate and scratched up the left fairing very lightly and really scratched the Katana sign. Rode straight home and parked the bike in the garage. The bike is ok but my confidence is shot. I just completed my riders safety course on Sunday!! and was feeling pretty good after that. Just had to get it off my chest. Thanks for listening.
                    Cold temps have an effect on the tires. If it's any consolation, I did the same thing on a right-turn this week after I wanted a quick cruise after getting home from work....scuffed it up a bit, but it'll be good as new in the spring. It happens, and I should have known better.
                    sigpicLife throws you curves......enjoy the ones you get when riding.
                    89 GSX750F(sold....sob)
                    96 YZF 1000R


                    • #25
                      Welcome! I'm new here too and you came to the right place! Kudos for getting back out there. That's the best thing you could have did. Same thing applies when a horse throws just get right back on, although you may have a little more respect. Glad you weren't hurt. Keep ridin'.


                      • #26
                        Back on the bike right now, take a nice easy ride and build on what you learned in the course. You will be fine, even more so, glad you are fine. At some point every bike will get a scratch, mine has been on the ground twice and I have learned a ton from each mistake. Watch for cold tires and crap in the road, farming are hazard, and look out for people they drive stupid. Even worse at the gas pumps.

                        Back on the bike and take it easy, its got a lot more go then the bikes from class, you're going to be just fine.
                        Where ever, whenever I go for a ride, may I be joined by friends that have died.

                        RIP Cyber Poet, watch over us all Marc


                        • #27
                          I dumped mine too, the day I got it (about 1 hour after it has insurance) I lucked out, the only damage i really did was scrach the top of the scraches from the last guy that dumped it.
                          It was a wake up call, but I got right back on.


                          • #28
                            Hey Man! Congrats on your first and second bike tatoos! haha Glad your ok and still at it. There's a few months of winter but fewer months of riding time. Ride it out with the scratches and spend the winter cleaning it up. Just my $.02.
                            Don't forget the POG's (protective over garments). They will save your a$$ and skin! (Iknow from 45mph experience!)
                            As far as turn signals go, anything aftermarket works well enough. They have stick on ones that work well in a pinch and can be placed creatively!
                            Good luck!
                            This is my 1st riding season as well and wow what a learning experience. My bike is still down from the last one but will be back up shortly!
                            TWD (two wheels down!)


                            • #29
                              Good to see such nice support from this group!

                              You're lucky you got your first crash out of the way, with minor damage and most importantly, only your pride was hurt.

                              We've all done it. I've dropped bikes off their kickstands and wiped out big time (I agree, you lose your confidence after a big one), and everything in between! But I never stopped riding.


                              • #30
                                Sh!t happens ! ! Get up and brush yourself off and go at it again. Just make sure you learn from your mistakes. Gear up and take the MSF course, it's a good place to start.

