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bye bye kat

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  • bye bye kat

    so last night i ended up selling the kat it was a bitter sweet moment but all for the best i guess....i just wanted to thank everyone in here for all the help and advice with everything and making things a little bit cheaper and easier to understand thanks guy and be safe riding

  • #2
    so what are you getting next ?


    • #3
      Don't have to leave man, just because you don't own a Kat anymore. There are quite a few members here that do not own Kat's anymore.
      It doesn't matter what you ride, as long as you ride.


      • #4
        actually i still have my ninja 650 and my buddy from vegas let me bring his r6 down because he doesnt have time to ride and does not even know when he is going to have time to pick it up so he said for me to enjoy it for a while,anyways the kat was turned into my wifes bike and she did not have the time she thought she would have to ride so hopefully when we do get something new i can pass the 650 down and get a r6 or gsxr 600


        • #5
          u can make new friends, just dont forget ur old ones lol
          there r alot of bikes out there i would LOVEEE to have but i kno that if i had to let go of my kat rite now id be next to tears if not there
          this is my first love n she will always have a big chunk of my heart


          • #6
            i would have loved to keep it but not enough riding getting done on it and it seems like a waste to keep it sitting there when someone can get some real use out of it and anyways the guy i sold it to was super stoked about it just like i was when i first got it,this will be his first bike so hopefuly he has fun and i told him about how great the site is so i am sure he will be on here soon


            • #7
              Awww, hang around....we still like folks after they give up the Kat
              This "Phat Chick" rides her own!!!
              BTW, I think they may have been correct. It does appear that BLACK is indeed the FASTEST color. R.O.R...R.I.P.M

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