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Kats are for riding

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  • Kats are for riding

    I went with hubby to get some lunch today. On the way back we see quite the site. (Wish I got a picture of it).

    What I saw was a bright yellow post-Kat in the back of a little red ford ranger sized pickup. My first thought was that a Kat is to be ridden, that is until I saw that the Kat obviously had some damage to it. It was missing the windscreen, and I believe the headlight and any plastic directly in front of that area. The side fairings looked good from what I could see of them over the bed rails wich was only about the upper half of them, but then again I was driving and couldn't pay too much attention to see if I could see more.

    Anyway, It was a sad sight. I hope that the people driving the pickup bought her and are going to fix her up and that they were not the ones to damage her, and maybe they are/will be members of this forum?

    Anyway, my first thought at the sight of it was "Kats are for riding, not hauling in pickups."
    sigpic Like usual, It's all my husband's fault... After insisting that his woman should try out his yellow Kat, I just had to get my own Kat! I really should quit listening to his brillant ideas.

  • #2
    guess the pegs could have been busted off also
    Most victims of crash usually dont jump right back on either
    Blood , its in you to give!


    • #3
      I did, both times, as I had to ride home still. Of course my worst injuries were my pride and a nasty bruise on my leg. Still hurts in my knee at times though... ATGATT
      Where ever, whenever I go for a ride, may I be joined by friends that have died.

      RIP Cyber Poet, watch over us all Marc


      • #4
        Originally posted by SunQuest View Post

        Anyway, my first thought at the sight of it was "Kats are for riding, not hauling in pickups."
        good thing you have never been to a katriders rally


        • #5
          My kat got thrown in the back of my truck on her side after my crash..... I'm guessing the people you saw driving the truck wish it was rideable/street worthy.


          • #6
            Maybe a repost, but I heard this joke not too long ago.

            What do Harleys and Hound Dogs have in common?

            They both like to ride in the back of pickups.

            "People rike me. Because I force them to. With viorence!"
            -Travis of the Cosmos



            • #7
              Wait... you mean to tell me... you were driving AND paying attention? What is this concept all about? Lol.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Enjay386 View Post
                Wait... you mean to tell me... you were driving AND paying attention? What is this concept all about? Lol.
                Why yes, I was paying attention to all kinds of things. Lets see, I was text messaging while talking on the phone and eating a whopper and drinking a soda. And I had a camera in my hand snapping pictures while I was smoking. And the radio was turned up to the highest volume while I was also applying my makeup with the other hand. But not to fear, my knees were doing a good job of keeping me somewhat in my lane of traffic. Then the worst thing happened, I dropped the pen that I was writing with on the floorboard so had to look under the dash to get it and it caused me to loose what page I was on in the book I was reading. I was going to twitter about this at that moment, but I couldn't because my husband hates it when I am talking to him and tweeting at the same time.

                But don't worry, I am a great driver as I can do all of the above and still not drive over the curb more than a couple of times in the 2 minutes it took to get to the intersection.

                Because of that, I didn't hardly notice the bright yellow bike without decals in the pickup at the intersection and the younger than I guy driving it or the pretty, petite blonde female sitting next to him who had her hair in a ponytail. Of course I also didn't notice that the bike was in the upright position and tied down with red tie-down straps. So that is why I was hoping that someone bought it to fix it up and had not been in a crash.

                (I hope I am not starting some strange trend. LOL.)
                sigpic Like usual, It's all my husband's fault... After insisting that his woman should try out his yellow Kat, I just had to get my own Kat! I really should quit listening to his brillant ideas.

