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  • W....T....F!!!!

    Sooooo....Today I go down to the garage to get the Kat out for a nice bath aaaand....

    The garage window is broken and the Kat is laying on it's left side. I pick her up and start giving her a good once over-

    Effed up crack on the left side upper.

    Fender is cracked

    And best of all (figure this the hell out) the storage box under the seat is cut completely in half. Cut like it's seperating the front of the bike from the back- and my insurance papers are hanging out. I keep the papers in a thick sealed plastic bag which was wedged in place (in the new opening they cut for me) by one of those fake smokeless cigarettes (that Scout had given me a few months ago and I just forgot I'd put there).

    I'm at my wits end to figure out wtf they thought they were doing- but I'm not riding the bike 'till it goes back to the dealer and they give it an ok for the road. I mean seriously- if you just wanted to hurt my bike then there are three hundred other ways to do it. And why knock it over? I hate this town...I really, really do.

    "People rike me. Because I force them to. With viorence!"
    -Travis of the Cosmos


  • #2
    Think they were looking for a title or something?


    • #3
      Like I said, I have no clue. I can't imagine anyone would keep a title under their seat though.

      "People rike me. Because I force them to. With viorence!"
      -Travis of the Cosmos



      • #4
        I can't imagine anyone would break into a garage and F* up a bike either. I would assume that they weren't the smartest tools in there.


        • #5
          whod u pizz off?
          If you think routine maintenance is expensive,... Try Ignorance!


          • #6
            No- thats's another thing that's effed up. I have ALL KINDS of expensive tools in there. My drill, my dremel, Craftsman torque wrench, etc...all still there.

            "People rike me. Because I force them to. With viorence!"
            -Travis of the Cosmos



            • #7
              I bet they were looking for SIRI certificates. Probably didn't realize no one physically keeps them anymore.


              • #8
                What are SIRI certificates?


                • #9
                  Sirius/XM radio stock certificates....some people made a few bucks on them....some people are still holding them lol.


                  • #10
                    lol...I was just thinking about how many of them I'll have to sell to cover the deductible. That's funny. I've still got like 4k shares.

                    I still want to go stab someone in the left lung with a rusty phillips head though. Those are two things you just don't do to me- touch my girl, touch my bike.

                    I even have the sliders now. They must have REALLY knocked it over...and rocked it or something. Flaaaaaah...
                    Last edited by Free Coffee; 07-12-2009, 11:00 PM.

                    "People rike me. Because I force them to. With viorence!"
                    -Travis of the Cosmos



                    • #11
                      I think I got out at a good time. Had I waited a day or 2, I coulda made more. But I can't complain.


                      • #12
                        That is f'd up man...sorry to hear about the bike. Maybe its a d!p$h!t PA thing because when my bike was being painted someone broke into the garage and stole a left and rear fairing from a F4I and didn't take anything else including a very expensive SATA spray gun and about 500 bucks in MAC tools on the wall. Did you call the police? I'm sure they wont do anything but just in case it happens again or you notice something missing down the road and need to turn it into home owners insurace or something. Good luck with the bike and finding out what doucher did this.


                        • #13
                          Hell no I didn't call them. Unless my insurance woman wants me to tomorrow- I'm not going to. When my Jeep got broken into a few years ago I called the Altoona "police officers." After looking at my shattered window for about .000000003 seconds they told me there was nothing they could do at the time, but would inform me if anything matching the discription they took was recovered. I don't waste my time asking the police for help doing anything anymore. It's time I could better spend picking my teeth.

                          "People rike me. Because I force them to. With viorence!"
                          -Travis of the Cosmos



                          • #14
                            That brings up a question...Is it covered under Home Owners or under your bike insurance?


                            • #15
                              Mmmm- I've gotta think it's the motorcycle insurance. Either way- it's both the same State Farm office. Soo.

                              "People rike me. Because I force them to. With viorence!"
                              -Travis of the Cosmos


