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Dropped the Kat Saturday - Everything but the ego is ok

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  • Dropped the Kat Saturday - Everything but the ego is ok

    My wife talked me into a charity run Saturay. There were about 80 bikes all parked out in the grass and a very rocky hole filled dirt driveway. Pulling out of the driveway to start the ride I hit something wrong in the dirt and rocks, the front wheel hit a rock and kicked to the side at the same time the back wheel bounced out of a hole and went the other way. Turns out the 750 Katana is not a very good off road bike (or posible dirt riding is not my forte.) It pitched over to the side and I went for a roll. Fortunately the bike and I were ok. I have a scuff on my leather pants and a scuff on the helmet (would have hurt with no gear.) Some pretty deep scratches in the plastic (time to go sticker or paint shopping) but other than that no bike damage.
    Nothing bruises the ego more than a low speed roll in front of a couple dozen people. On the bright side I was pulling out near the back of group so most of the people were gone and did not see.
    Finished the ride, came home, changed the oil and gave the Kat a cleaning and had a few drinks to recover. With the exception of a roll in the rocks and dirt it was a pretty good day.

  • #2
    Glad to hear that you are ok and only a few scratches to the Kat!! I went down on some gravel at low speed also... sucks for sure. +1 on gear... no matter how slow or fast you are going... gear helps 100%
    With a hip hop the hippie to the hippie
    The hip hip a hop a you don't stop the rockin
    To the bang bang boogie
    Say up jump the boogie to the rhythm of the boogie the beat


    • #3
      Never fails that stuff happens with an audience. Only good thing about that is you have help pickin that heavy beastie back up (unless they're all laughing too hard) I was greatfull for the guys pickin mine up for me when i did something like that. Wait, they went for the bike first and left me lay,,,,,,,,,,,
      99% of the questions asked here can be answered by a 2 minute search in the service manual. Get a service manual, USE IT.
      1990 Suzuki GSX750F Katana
      '53 Ford F250 pickumuptruck
      Lookin for a new Enduro project


      • #4
        That is why I don't do anything for charity.

        I'm kidding. Glad you are ok, and the bike is not too badly jacked up.
        Originally posted by Nero
        "Be the ball, Danny. Be the ball."
        SUPPORT YOUR FORUM: Buy a KR decal!

        MY 2001 600 KATANA - Sold... But never forgotten.


        • #5
          Glad your ok and the Kat isn't hurt bad, I dropped mine today too. Pulling into the pumps I changed my mind at the last second to keep a car from running me down and somehow dropped just as I stopped. The guy I was trying to be nice too just took off with me on the ground but another guy came over and helped me get it up. One itty bitty scratch on the bike and a giant bruised ego.
          Where ever, whenever I go for a ride, may I be joined by friends that have died.

          RIP Cyber Poet, watch over us all Marc


          • #6
            Ths funny part is the night before I just tied on one of the 'gremlin bells' that my wife got me.

            I also went by the local chcle gear today. I now have a couple stickers to cover some of the scratches.


            • #7
              I droped mine in a parking lot and craked the starter cover...


              • #8
                You are so right about low speed wipeouts. they suck since. glad all is ok though.


                • #9
                  Glad your okay, My father in-law just dropped his 1500 cruiser the other day at a stop on a slope. He's been riding for over 30 years and said he never even thought about the road being so much lower on the right side at that particular intersection. When he put his feet down, the pavement just wasn't there, oops. Cost him a mirror bracket, bruised ego, and a whole lot of colorful metaphors...Buy some stickers and stay safe..
                  1990 750 KAT, 2010 ZX-14


                  • #10
                    Stupid charity! Today I saw a guy lock his brakes - look like a Ninja (I know, enough said, right?) and slid through a yellow light into the middle of a prettty huge intersection. I was the first at the light, I saw the green arrow turn for me and just looked at him like... yes you're still alive, stop panicking and drive out of my way. Crazy. I'm sure he was slightly embarrassed too.


                    • #11
                      Sorry to hear about the bike. Sounds like the day didn't start well, but ended well. Don't let it bother you, sh*t happens
                      2007 Honda CBR600rr
                      2007 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-14

                      visit the Twisted Assassins


                      • #12
                        Someone once told me "There are 2 kinds of riders. Those that have wrecked and those that will." Welcome to the A team.


                        • #13
                          That's what I was gonna say. Last Tuesday I took mine out for it's 3rd ride since I bought her. Had a great ride. I put her in the garage and went to starbucks (drove the car). When I got home realized I hadn't left room for my hubby's bike. I tried rolling it out and back in the garage. I couldn't get the rear tire up the 2 inch lip into my garage. I leaned back and threw myself forward. Damn thing it the ground so fast I couldn't even try to catch it. It threw me into my car, thank goodness it didn't hurt the car. My hubby told me the good thing about a 1500 dollar bike is when you drop it you still have a 1500 dollar bike. Long story, glad you're ok!!!


                          • #14
                            Well, the only time I dropped my kat was when I was changing the front tire and we were putting the tire back on. I got the axle in, and it started to lean off the jack and it fell on me. I was sitting indian style under my bike but my dad was there to pick it up. Of course he took his time!

                            Other than that, I haven't dropped it when I was moving. I did drop my dads 1300 LT in a parking lot once, by myself. I pushed it up on the centerstand on a hill, and when I went to push it off I couldn't get it no matter how hard I tried. When I finally got it off the center stand it fell to one side, and I couldn't do a thing about it. It weighs like 800 pounds, and I couldn't lift it by myself. Plus, at that time I was terribly sick, I hadn't eaten the day before and it was early morning, I just wanted to get home. But some guy helped me pick it up, fortunately he was a motorcycle owner and knew how to pick it up. It was quite nice.


                            • #15
                              See the...KR Discount on Frame Sliders thread.
                              It's not speed that kills, it's the deceleration!

                              Experience is a hard teacher. She gives you the test first, and then teaches the lesson.

                     Alais: TexasSportBiker

