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Noobie drops his bike

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  • Noobie drops his bike

    So I was sitting on my bike waiting to merge onto the highway (not freeway) and i didn't have a lot of time to straighten my bars before accelerating hard. I was on a slight incline with my bars turned right. I gassed it hard and dumped the bike. I should have waited until there was more room. If so I probably would have been more relaxed and straightened the bars and eased on the gas. My back still hurts from picking it up. Even using proper technique and as a 6'2 220 pound dude it took a lot out of me. Anyone else drop a bike in this sort of way? Is this the most common way to dump a bike? It seems like something you would do once then never forget again. Bike has very minor paint chip so I feel I got a get out of jail free card on this one. Other than a bruised ego

  • #2
    Glad to hear that your ok. yea the kat is heavy and your lucky to pick it up yourself. The only time i dropped a bike is when a car in front of me was leaking some oil in a turn lane and i didnt see it until it was too late and my front wheel hit the oil and down i went. I knew he was leaking oil because you can see the smoke and it coming from his oil pan so itried to stay to right of him but i guess not far enough.


    • #3
      Two months ago I used my back brakes to slow a bit from slow already to pull into a convenience store parking lot. The back wheel was right on top of a pancake-sized patch of gravel, and I got slammed to the pavement. I guess I had an adrenalin rush because I jumped up, grabbed the handlebars, pulled it up, got on it, and rode off without anyone seeing me. I'm 6'2 and around 225. I guess you noticed that Katanas are tall and when you go off at any speed, it's going to hurt. Glad you're okay! Keep riding!

      "A knight proves his worthiness by his deeds."


      • #4
        Aren't full-faced helmets a wonderful thing when you dump a bike? I know mine's come in handy
        sigpicLife throws you curves......enjoy the ones you get when riding.
        89 GSX750F(sold....sob)
        96 YZF 1000R


        • #5
          I am also reading sport riding techniques so hopefully I will keep my bike dumping to a minimum (or non at all!!) and only slow speed. Its the lowside or highside dumps at high speed that scare me.


          • #6
            welcome to the "I dumped my Kat" group


            • #7
              Sorry to hear about the drop. I've been riding on 2 wheels for almost 30 years and have never dropped one on the street(knock on wood). Had may fair share of spills in the woods though. Always said that if I ever got to the point that I'm not a little scared or cautious, I'll quit! Glad your OK and the bike can be fixed. Safe riding!


              • #8
                welcome to the club lol
                "It is not necessary to understand things in order to argue about them"

                KatRider. A shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist. Uloset, a young loner on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent, the helpless, the powerless, in a world of criminals who operate above the law.


                • #9
                  fall? I just sorta tipped over last time. Of course there was an audience, but it must have been audience participation nite. they were over in seconds when they saw me staring to tip, and picked the bike up before even wondering if i was OK. i barely had time to reach over and turn off the key while lying there before it was being lifted.

                  I learned early on to make sure of what direction i was rolling before i gassed it. no more rabbit starts from a dead stop for me on the street.
                  99% of the questions asked here can be answered by a 2 minute search in the service manual. Get a service manual, USE IT.
                  1990 Suzuki GSX750F Katana
                  '53 Ford F250 pickumuptruck
                  Lookin for a new Enduro project


                  • #10
                    I dropped my bike two different times learning to ride, don't worry about it, I felt like **** after doing it like I was an idiot but everyone learns at different rates.


                    • #11
                      It happens. I am glad to hear you are okay. Just make sure you learned your lesson.


                      • #12
                        welcome to the club


                        • #13
                          i didnt, but my buddy did.

                          i had just got the bike and started putting it back together, my bud comes over to help and says he can ride. make a long one short, he puts up the side stand and down go him and the bike. right in the driveway


                          • #14
                            You know the old saying "there are those that have and those that will". Glad to hear your ok though and welcome to the club!!


                            • #15
                              Glad you were not hurt, stay safe.
                              1990 750 KAT, 2010 ZX-14

