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Anti-theft device suggestions

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  • #16
    Originally posted by bvisser View Post
    Wow thanks for all the feedback. I'm going to look into all of them. There are video cameras in the parking garage, but I think I may end up going with an audible alarm or some type of chain. I don't want to spend TOO much money, as the bike itself is worth maybe $2000
    the parking garage I parked at at school had cameras.........I always parked my bike in the spot that was in its field of view... that is a cheap first start.

    “Programming today is a race between software engineers stirring to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the universe is winning.”


    • #17
      I have the scorpio on mine too. I like it and it was super easy to hook up. You don't really need the "Factory" connector, it is so simple, and you can get lots of add on's like a microwave emiter thinggy that if someone gets to close to it, it will start to chirp, and if they don't back off, the alarm goes off. I use that in my garage, so if someone breaks into it, the pager feature will notify me. Also, the remote will tell you what alarm was triggered, weather it is motion (someone sitting the bike up), the perimiter alarm (microwave thingy) and such. You can also buy the ignition kill, so you can turn off the engine with the remote.
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      • #18
        Ever considered getting a fairly cheap pay as you go phone with no monthly charge fees? Hardwire a charging system into your bike and you've got yourself a pretty cheap locator. Stash it somewhere in an inconspicuous cover labelled something else
        Now the police can get a location on it if its stolen, and it didn't cost you an arm and a leg.


        • #19

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          • #20
            Even the most simple design alarm will work.
            I like the simple bulldog Alarms
            I have istalled MANY $30 alarms and had very happy customers. Plus there are many things you can do to improve a cheap $30 alarm for very little $$$
            Some of the cheapest are simple 1, 2 or 3 wire systems and they usually always have adjustable shock and tilt sensors as well as electrical load/current sensors. the better ones have a scan deterrent. If you get an alarm that does not have a scanner LED go buy a flashing scanner LED from Radio shack and install it so it comes on then the key is off or alarm is on. You can also add a mercury switch as a tilt sensor so if someone even very very gently stands the bike up strait the alarm will sound, and even install your own ignition power kill switch so the bike can not be started.
            98 GSX750F
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            HardlyDangerous Motosports


            • #21
              ive been using my daughters video baby monitor with Night Vision and a visual alert when noise is present. i can sit on the couch or be anywhere in the house and see my bike on the street. Only problem though is it only a live feed and doesnt record.
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              Chrome Project Part 3

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              • #22
                Use a combination of both passive and active devices. I know someone who have like 5 chain locks, 2 brake locks, alarms, CCTV, and dogs; and 2 cars blocking his garage doors. Yes, it's alot of work everytime he take his bike out, but then he has 6 bike so it's quite an investment. O yeah, he's also a cop!

                I love having him as friend as I park my bike at this place which is walking distant for me

                "You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you."


                • #23
                  Originally posted by arsenic View Post
                  a pit bull
                  Man thats messed up....Pit Bulls are great dogs, I have 2 of them...They only have a bad rap! PUNISH THE DEED NOT THE BREED!

                  Originally posted by mreedohio View Post
                  ive been using my daughters video baby monitor with Night Vision and a visual alert when noise is present. i can sit on the couch or be anywhere in the house and see my bike on the street. Only problem though is it only a live feed and doesnt record.
                  Couldn't you hook a cheap VCR up with AV connections? Even the cheapest TV has them?

                  I dont have "hobbies" I'm developing a robust Post-Apocalyptic skill set....



                  • #24
                    Originally posted by whitecl0ver View Post
                    Couldn't you hook a cheap VCR up with AV connections? Even the cheapest TV has them?
                    no i just checked no other plugs to the moniter except the power cord.
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                    Chrome Project Part 3

                    Chrome Project Finished


                    • #25
                      A surveillance system set up to just monitor one spot (where your bike is) would be pretty inexpensive anyway. Check ebay for a wireless camera, and then feed it into a garage-sale-sourced little TV, and a VCR (if you can find one).
                      Any and all statements by Loudnlow7484 are merely his own opinions, and not necessarily the opinion of Anything suggested by him is to be followed at your own risk, and may result in serious injury or death. Responses from this member have previously been attributed to all of the following: depression, insomnia, nausea, suicidal tendencies, and panic. Please consult a mental health professional before reading any post by Loudnlow7484.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by whitecl0ver View Post
                        Man thats messed up....Pit Bulls are great dogs, I have 2 of them...They only have a bad rap! PUNISH THE DEED NOT THE BREED!
                        I know they are great dogs, they are also great guard dogs. Can you ponit out were I said pit bulls aren't great dogs?


                        • #27

                          I manufactured ground anchors. I still had two Kats stolen in December, because I hadn't taken the time/effort to lock them to each other, to a ground anchor (or to the third bike in the spot that wasn't stolen, but was chained up).

                          These days I use a Scorpion SR-i900 alarm on mine, which is strong enough to notify me if someone is screwing with the bike even though I live on the 2nd floor on the opposite side of the building from the parking lot (you can find the older SR-i500 model for sale on eBay fairly cheap, complete with the remote notification).

                          General Strategies:
                          1a. If you can, secure the bike to something that can not be moved. A ground anchor, a concrete support pylon for the garage, etc. This will discourage most opportunistic thieves, which is the primary threat to a $2k value bike. Lock it through the frame if at all possible (98-02 models can do so through the rear-seat footpeg hanger very easily).
                          1b. If you can't secure it to something, at least secure it to itself. Chain through the frame and the wheel, so the bike must be picked-up physically to move it.
                          2. Block the exit strategy. That means, if feasible, park a car in front of it, so it can't simply be picked up and carried away readily.
                          3. Notification - alarm with remote that can notify you is best.
                          4. Recovery - there are recovery systems out there, but odds are you're not going to want to pay for one on a $2k bike.
                          5. Insurance Coverage with low/no deductible for theft - make the penalty for having it stolen minimal.
                          6. Record of theft - CCTV. Note it has to have a high enough resolution to identify both individuals and license plates to be worthwhile; a grainy figure is useless.

                          =-= The CyberPoet
                          Remember The CyberPoet

