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Thank You Everyone!!!!

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  • Thank You Everyone!!!!

    I bought my 01 750 Kat last winter, I signed up with KR in June and since then I have learned soooo much about my bike.
    Over this winter I started to make it mine by repainting her from the factory silver jimmy's bike before.jpg
    to a new bright color (I will show so pics when it is all back together) I also did alot of other little stuff like jetting my carbs, new slip-on, polishing the rims and so on.
    Anyway to get to the point I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who ever posted a thread or helped answer a question for somebody because if not for all of you this newby would have never been able to do all the things to my bike that I have, so thank you all!!!!!!!
    I'll get some pictures of the bike done a.s.a.p

    Thank you again,
    Jimmy W.

  • #2
    Cool beans...Pays to hang around.
    It would't be any fun if it was easy! BUT, it does have to be this much fun!!


    • #3
      I don't think that I helped you but your are welcome anyways.
      American by birth, Italian by the grace of God


      • #4
        Originally posted by fireman1724 View Post
        I don't think that I helped you but your are welcome anyways.
        Too old to dream, too young to reason...
        I am fond of my rough edges.


        • #5
          If you ever posted anything useful, you helped too!


          • #6
            Congrats on the new paint... are you spraying it yourself?
            My current rides: (see my garage for a complete history of my bikes)



            • #7
              I started to paint it myself, it looked real good but I keep seing alot of other bikes the same flat black out here in B-more so I took it to my buddy's shop to let him do it a nice burt orange I've always liked.

