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1990 Katana 750 Tire size ?????

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  • 1990 Katana 750 Tire size ?????

    I am sure this is common knowledge to most but I have just recently purchased a 1990 Katana 750 and would like to know the largest size (width) of rear tire I can get on the back??? Any help woul dbe appreciated.

  • #2
    No offense meant..but did you search or look at all?

    It's on of the questions answered on the "newbie" or FAQ thread.

    But to answer your question you "CAN" put alot bigger tires on your stock rim , but it's not recommended.

    The best compromise would be a 150-70


    • #3 are the WINNER!

      You are noob number 1000 who has asked this question without doing a search.

      You win the grand prize: A kick in the gonads!

      (I am sorry if this offends you, but I am actually going easy on you. stick around for a while and you will actually see at least a dozen more noobs come on here and ask the same question).

      Tip: explore a will see a section called "Tire Talk"......your answers are there.
      Last edited by Mojoe; 02-22-2008, 09:56 AM.
      I don't have a short temper. I just have a quick reaction to bullshit.


      • #4
        Welcome to The premier place on the internet for Suzuki Katana enthusiasts.

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        • #5
          come on guys gibe the Skid Mark a chance. We've all been new to this site at one time.

          Welcome to KR!


          • #6
            Originally posted by DreKat View Post
            come on guys gibe the Skid Mark a chance. We've all been new to this site at one time.

            Welcome to KR!
            I can see your point, but giving chances doesn't always help people learn. IMHO, just jumping onto a new forum and asking common questions is just plain lazy. I mean much clearer can you label the "Tire Talk" section? It stands out as boldly as the "Katana Talk" does. All it takes is scrolling down a bit. And if one did that, and could not find the answer he is looking for, at least he would be in the right section for answers, no?
            And as Steve mentioned, there is an introduction section as well. At least say "hello" before asking a question that can be answered easily enough if you just take the time to look. There has to be at least 50 threads on the subject, if not more.

            I am not personally bashing kramerlaumann, and hope doesn't get an "unwelcome" feeling from my response....but chit man, this question is asked so much it has actually became an inside joke to most veteran members.

            The funny part....I can't even believe I took the time to say what I said, as it has been said a dozen times before. I guess I am just bored.
            And what is even funnier, is that a lot of you guys keep answering it.....for the 100th time.

            Sorry if I am sounding harsh, but why should I bother taking 10 minutes of my time to give him the right answer when he can find it himself in the same amount of time (maybe less) by using the search?
            Last edited by Mojoe; 02-22-2008, 11:23 AM.
            I don't have a short temper. I just have a quick reaction to bullshit.


            • #7
              Each and every new member gets a copy of the text above when they activate their accounts....

              Welcome to! Click here to register
              Don't forget to check the Wiki!


              • #8
                Originally posted by Mojoe View Post
                this question is asked so much it has actually became an inside joke to most veteran members.
                so Mike what is the widest FRONT tire I can use?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by kramerlaumann View Post
                  I am sure this is common knowledge to most but I have just recently purchased a 1990 Katana 750 and would like to know the largest size (width) of rear tire I can get on the back??? Any help would be appreciated.
                  That would depend on whether or not you have a K&N air filter...

                  Last edited by Londob5; 02-22-2008, 04:10 PM.

                  I poured spot remover on my dog. Now he's gone.


                  • #10
                    what he means is K&N. Unless he meant K&R on purpose
                    Last edited by arsenic; 02-22-2008, 03:33 PM.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by arsenic1016 View Post
                      what he means is K&N. Unless he meant K&R on purpose
                      No, my miskey, I meant K&N...not as funny when you don't list it right

                      I poured spot remover on my dog. Now he's gone.


                      • #12
                        well if mean K&R filter on purpose, thats funny


                        • #13
                          Instead of all that hateful typing telling that dude what a jerk he is for asking a question that's been asked, you could have typed 5 numbers.i guess you never asked a question without looking through the forums,like everyone but the newbie.ppl come to this site to find out something that's keeping them from riding,and want to get back on the road. If I said no disrespect, but ur an (()..
                          Rooster Cogburn


                          • #14
                            Way to revive a 6 year old thread to prove you don't know how to spell "people". Yes, I already know I'm an asshole, fortunately, I'm NOT a fucking moron.
                            Last edited by arsenic; 05-22-2014, 10:04 PM.


                            • #15
                              There are a guaranteed list of questions that keep popping up by noobs. Oil, spark plugs, tires, k&n fault issues, led lighting, extended swing arms and the big one any thing carb related don't you think we took care of that with threads addressing these issues? Some are even stickied so they remain the first you see. Asking a question that you know is common with out even looking is just lazy. A manual also covers most questions asked, in either case, search and read.
                              "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you when I called you stupid. I thought you already knew..."
                              spammer police
                              USAF veteran
                              If your a veteran, join the KR veterans group

