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biker putdowns

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  • #31
    Originally posted by katgozoom View Post
    Agreed. The point being that there is often little correlation between the capabilities of the bike and the capabilities of its owner. Idiots are allowed to buy Ducatis also. A modest bike ridden well still beats a great bike ridden so-so.
    Yup, I was riding with a Honda Cbr 900RR through the twisties last weekend and leaving him. I think it was too much bike for him and he was not comfortable with it in the turns.
    2007 Honda CBR600rr
    2007 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-14

    visit the Twisted Assassins


    • #32
      Originally posted by Zepp View Post
      Yup, I was riding with a Honda Cbr 900RR through the twisties last weekend and leaving him. I think it was too much bike for him and he was not comfortable with it in the turns.
      Which is good. It's never a bad thing that someone doesn't go outside their capabilities. The only idiots I see are the ones who buy a bike and ride faster than their abilities. -Better we should offer pointers instead of criticism when people are having trouble or are uncomfortable handling a bike...
      =USAF= Retired

      "If you can be convinced of an absurdity, you can be made to commit an atrocity." -Voltaire


      • #33
        I believe it comes from the axiom "Ignorance is bliss" - although the group I just recently fell in with (a good mix of cruisers and sport bikes) all show reverence to my Kat when we gather - most comments are "bulletproof", "love the weight/comfort/style". Those I have met that are negative towards the kat are generally young kids on over powered stunt machines that can barely control them. It all boils down to personal preference - what is sexy to one, will not be to another. Even if I upgrade down the road - should the Zuki Interceptor become a reality, rest assured there will always be a Kat in my arsenal of machinery to enjoy.
        2006 Katana 750 - Daily therapy
        2005 ZZR1200 - Weekend therapy


        • #34
          Originally posted by Nero View Post
          Which is good. It's never a bad thing that someone doesn't go outside their capabilities. The only idiots I see are the ones who buy a bike and ride faster than their abilities. -Better we should offer pointers instead of criticism when people are having trouble or are uncomfortable handling a bike...
          No, I wasn't criticizing him. He is not comfortable on that bike in the turns. I am glad that he was cautious. He was riding smart. However, he would probably be more effective with a smaller bike though. I just think it is too much bike for his ability which will hold him back. He would advance in his riding better on a smaller bike. IMHO
          2007 Honda CBR600rr
          2007 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-14

          visit the Twisted Assassins


          • #35
            Originally posted by katgozoom View Post
            Agreed. Idiots are allowed to buy Ducatis also.
            .... ummm idiots DO BUY ducatis....... and yamaha but thats a different story


            • #36
              Originally posted by PADEROLIS View Post
              I've got a buddy with a 05 1000rr so far its got to be the slowest liter bike I've come across with my Busa( and the busa is stock) it's so effortless to leave it even in the twisties! We're not all squids.
              Well, i didn't mean all Busa riders are squids, just most of the ones around here are. And by the way, a stock Busa has what, about 20 more HP than a CBR1k, but weighs about 100 pounds more... so if the driver of the CBR is good, he could give the busa a run for its money.
              Jealousy Is Natural


              • #37
                yah.. but it's got a lot more torque..


                • #38
                  IMHO, I think in the motorcycle community, there are a lot of posers. The dangerous thing is, they come in all ages. It starts with buying a bike way out of your league. Advances to hanging out with guys that are just as inexperienced as you ( because fools don't know that they are fools, that's what makes them fools). At this point, unless someone speaks some wisdom into their riding lives, they reap the fruits of foolish seeds. It was said earlier in this thread, unless you are a professional racer, I don't think you'll use 45% of that bike capability.

                  To me, I don't care what you ride, just be smart about it.

                  BTW, the Kat is a solid package full of intrigue and mystery ... HAIL KAT
                  The people who think they know everything always mess it up for those of us who do .....



                  • #39
                    guess ill add my 2 stories for the put downs and put ups.

                    so i used to hang out in a line of bikes on the street at bikenight in tampa (ybor city) and when the girls came along looking at the bikes usaly they would walk up to my burgandy kat and say ( i like this one the best ) wile in a line of the usual supersport bikes. then of course the ones that didnt where the ones that knew something about bikes and would say crap like ( i like gsxr's or i only like honda cbr's ) also my other biker friends used to like siting on my bike becuase it was so much more comfortable.

                    2nd story

                    so one day im at the beach and pull up to some other bikers
                    and wow guess what? one of them starts up right away with can of tuna and how my bike is crap and so on.
                    mean wile i ask him whats up with all the crap about my katana wile he is sitting on a 96 katana , he then informs me that his bike is not a katana !!! it is a GSXF!! , so hahah joke on him , i happily inform this hereo that a GSXF is a Katana , he doesnt belive me , so i happily show him my vin id that shows gsxf . well he didnt take this news very well and started cussing and saying no way !! and his buddies started to luagh at him , and i said enjoy your new can of tuna and rode off.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Malloc View Post
                      so one day im at the beach and pull up to some other bikers
                      and wow guess what? one of them starts up right away with can of tuna and how my bike is crap and so on.
                      mean wile i ask him whats up with all the crap about my katana wile he is sitting on a 96 katana , he then informs me that his bike is not a katana !!! it is a GSXF!! , so hahah joke on him , i happily inform this hereo that a GSXF is a Katana , he doesnt belive me , so i happily show him my vin id that shows gsxf . well he didnt take this news very well and started cussing and saying no way !! and his buddies started to luagh at him , and i said enjoy your new can of tuna and rode off.
                      i wouldn't have driven a way, i would have been laughing to hard to stand.
                      Jealousy Is Natural

