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KYT fall down go boom ;.;

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  • KYT fall down go boom ;.;

    Seatonville Rd 1
    KYT 0

    There's a banked left corner on an "S" curve thing. But its more like a freakin "Z" than an S. signs were for 15mph, though the second turn is 20mph if you come from the other direction.
    and Yes I was doing 15, maybe a little less. I've been down that road many times, I know the signs mean what they say.
    But on that second turn, I felt like I was trying to pull the bike down to turn, but it just wouldn't go. So when I knew it was too late, I started hitting the brakes.. and there's gravel all around the edge of that turn.
    naturally I didn't stop in time, but I did keep the bike up.. until it went off the side into the ditch.
    The side of that turn has like a little mountain of, what looks like, the extra left over cement from the road on the corner. Like they poured the road, then just dumped the left overs there in the ditch.
    Once the front wheel hit the grass it fell down, and the front wheel went over the cement hill and hit the guard rail.

    -1 front left turn signal
    got a bunch of deep scratches in the side, and the left footpeg is bent a little. I still have 100% of my skin, thanks to a local guy from a different forum. If he hadn't let me borrow his kawasaki jacket, I probably would have only had a hoodie on, and I'd be missing some skin right about now. Thank you Marty!
    Just got a little rash on my left hip. Jeans don't show any wear though, so must have just been from the impact.

    Some guy stopped to see if I needed help.. after I got the bike out of the ditch.. well thanks anyway

    I'm going to have to replace the turn signal housing, its broken.
    The motor cover thing is a little scratched too.
    We plan on getting me a different bike later. something a little bigger, and the woman wants to keep the kat to ride so, no sense in changing out the plastics just for her to drop it later too.

    Props to Suzuki, '06 GSX600F proven KYT resistant.

    My left sholder is a pretty sore, hip too.
    Took some Ibuprofen soon as I got home.
    Went down about 2:30pm yesterday.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Which tires are you running?
    You shouldn't have to man-handle the bike to get it to change directions -- just good tires and the suspension set correctly.

    Meanwhile, go buy gear -- both for yourself and to replace Marty's loss!

    =-= The CyberPoet
    Remember The CyberPoet


    • #3

      If you were wearing a lid you and it hit, you should replace that too.

      Just sayin'


      • #4
        Bummer . AT least you weren't flyin' . But why would it feel hard to turn ? Chain alignment ? Tire pressures ? No , I doubt that would make it THAT hard to turn . On the brakes hard ? THAT could do it ....
        I am a fluffy lil cuddly lovable bunny , dammit !

        Katrider's rally 2011 - md86


        • #5
          actually the jacket doesn't show any wear at all
          I don't think I slid at all, just hit the ground and stopped. My jeans don't have any wear where I hit either.

          I inspected my lid as soon as I got the bike out of the ditch.. no scratches at all, so I guess it didn't touch. Good thing, those things are expensive. Though I only paid 150$ for mine, which is a lot less than a lot of helmets. But I'd pay 400$ if it kept my face skin on, and the brain in the brain pocket. n.n

          This is what I think probably happened.
          Since the turn was banked, I was actually leaning, but only enough to make the bike perpendicular with the road. Which would make me go straight right?

          On the front I have the stock Dunlop whatever tire, that comes on the bike.
          The back is a ContiForce Road Attack. My stock tire got slashed a couple weeks ago, and the road attack tire was like 100$ cheaper than the Dunlop, and lots of people from multiple forums said they liked it, so I got it, and its been awesome so far.

          So I really think this was my fault up to the edge of the turn, then its the loose gravel's fault.
          Stupid gravel


          • #6
            ok one of the guys on a local sportbike forum asked if I knew what counter-steering was.
            I do now.. and Its quite possible this is why I kept going straight off the road instead of turning like I wanted to do.

            this is a good read and explains the physics involved in turning a motorcycle including the purpose of "rake". I read kinda slow, and it took me about 10min.

            Think we can get that in a newbie sticky?


            • #7
              Another thing you can search for here related to the tires you've got. CyberPoet has some stuff about how the front tread sweeps the road for the rear. If you have different treads on, you don't get the sweep and the back can kick out on you easier.

              Do a search for tires and start looking through. Tons of good stuff to be had.

              Best of luck,


              • #8
                You need to get yourself signed up for a MSF class. Everyone that is new to street bikes should take the class. It is an excellent class that will teach you a ton of good info that could save your life. I highly recommend the class as a lot of others on this site will as well.
                2007 Honda CBR600rr
                2007 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-14

                visit the Twisted Assassins


                • #9
                  I'm still waiting on my turn - they've God awful booked!
                  GSX600F RIP 3/2006 - 6/9/2008


                  • #10
                    yea I wanted to go to one this summer, I was wanting to take the class for the insurance discount, and they give me a voucher to get my license with out having to take the state test.
                    but back in may they were booked until oct.
                    so I just went and spent the 10min to take the state test to get my license
                    I'd still like to take the course for info like counter-steering and stuff like that, that would keep me from taking another spill.
                    but the classes are expensive, and always booked.
                    I'd probably still go in the winter time though
                    its like 3 days of glass room stuff, then 2-3 hours on the last day riding outside.
                    the first day is supposed to be like 8hrs or something stupid like that. I can't sit still that long.
                    start day dreaming or sleeping...


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by KYT
                      the first day is supposed to be like 8hrs or something stupid like that. I can't sit still that long.
                      start day dreaming or sleeping...
                      That excuse is lame as hell dude.... I just took the class- 2 days long- 6 classroom hours and 8 range time. It only cost me $150.00 which was reimbursed by the dealer I bought my 04 Katana from.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Lxpony
                        That excuse is lame as hell dude.... I just took the class- 2 days long- 6 classroom hours and 8 range time. It only cost me $150.00 which was reimbursed by the dealer I bought my 04 Katana from.
                        oh believe me, its not an excuse at all.
                        The only reason I haven't gone was because I can't get in.
                        Like I said, the classes were booked up into october, and that was in may.
                        I still want to go.
                        The money I would save in insurance over a year would pay for the class.
                        I was just commenting on how I was dreading the classroom time, and very little course time.
                        All the schools here that offer the MSF course, add their own material to it.
                        Its a 3day ordeal.
                        I'll probably sign up this winter and try to get in the first class next season. I'm won't be riding once it gets cold. Going to store the bike and get some stuffs for it.


                        • #13
                          Going down is never fun.. Glad you're okay... Also glad your helmet and jacket are okay too.. I had to buy all new stuff after my "unscheduled dismount"..

                          Think of it this way.. I know this crazy fella that flipped off the bike and landed in a church parking lot because he hit a goose.. So, take this drop as a learning experience.. And.. Watch for geese mid apex.. They come outta nowhere!
                          The only reason I get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory.

                          My kitchen is Burgandy. I don't apologize.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Lxpony
                            Originally posted by KYT
                            the first day is supposed to be like 8hrs or something stupid like that. I can't sit still that long.
                            start day dreaming or sleeping...
                            That excuse is lame as hell dude.... I just took the class- 2 days long- 6 classroom hours and 8 range time. It only cost me $150.00 which was reimbursed by the dealer I bought my 04 Katana from.
                            When I took it there was 4.5 hrs classroom on the first night. Then, the last two days there was 4 hours each day on the course. Two hours then break, then 2 more hours. The rest of the time was 2-3 hr breaks in between. Then we met back at class for maybe an hour at the end of the day. The first day you take your written test. The second day your last hour is the riding test then you go back to class to get your certificate. The classroom time is watching videos and answering questions. The 4.5 hours goes by quickly. You will not get bored.

                            Now, get yourself signed up. You will get your insurance discount and be a much safer rider too.
                            2007 Honda CBR600rr
                            2007 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-14

                            visit the Twisted Assassins

