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Finally went down for the first time, Nothing serious though

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  • #16
    Originally posted by SKNL2
    Originally posted by The CyberPoet

    I've only met one type of 20+ year rider who hasn't ever had any of their bikes down in their entire riding time: liars. They either discount dumping dirt bikes regularly at the outset of their learning to ride, or don't count a stand-still drops, or simply don't remember any more (drugs & alcohol in large amounts can do that). I'm not saying that there aren't any Sunday church riders who haven't, just that I have never met any. Ever.

    =-= The CyberPoet
    Those same guys don't masturbate either.
    you're "knit-pickin' CP. You can't really count dirt bikes because that is inevitable in that type of riding. If you haven't dumped a dirt bike within a month of riding, then you are a pussy and just aint pushing it enough. so you really can't use that as an example.

    and you can't really count stand stills either. that is not "riding". that is just plain losing grip on a 500lb object and lacking the strength to stop it. or maybe the side stand sinks in the dirt....or you lose you footing. if you drop your car keys on the ground, does that mean you had a car wreck?

    as far as drugs or something like that and not remembering......well, you would have to stay high or drunk for quite a while in order not to remember cuz I am sure you would feel it when you sober up. and when you go out and look at your bike and see it scuffed up, you will put 2 and 2 together.

    maybe you should try giving a little credit to those who have gone 20 years or more without dumping a bike while actually MOVING at least 10mph, and forget the little "mishaps" that might cause you to sprain a pinky at the most.

    personally, I think all this "it isn't if you go down, but when you go down" bullshit comes mainly from those who HAVE already gone down. you know....their way of acceptance. maybe it is just their way of making themselves feel better about it cuz it is "supposed" to happen to everyone at least once.

    I mean really....would it hurt y'alls pride to actually give a little credit to those who have avoided any significant spills instead of looking for any way possible of denying them that "glory"? I have never gone down myself (26 yrs riding), but even if I did, I think I would still be able to give a guy a little credit. I would have no problem saying something like, "wow, 20 years without going down. Impressive. Good job, man". I wouldn't feel right saying something like, "don't get to cocky, you will". That's "jinx" talk.

    and FYI.....I masterbate any time the I feel the need to do so.
    I don't have a short temper. I just have a quick reaction to bullshit.


    • #17
      Edit: When I added Braunstein's I found them!

      , I tried to search for the sliders but my gooooodness what a ton of garbage that comes up in the results. I that the consensus was that frame sliders were bad for our bikes, can someone fill me in???
      Hold on Tight.......


      • #18
        It is no fun to drop your bike no matter how fast or slow you are going . I have meet a couple of guys with 15 plus years of riding who had never taken a spill , hell I was one until last friday myself. One really didn't ride much in that time though unlike Mojoe who I understand puts at least a couple on . I have great respect for Mojoe's record and hope it continues on that way forever . I was proud of the fact that I had not gone down either in my time riding. It hurt my pride more than anything in my case . I think most guys that I have seen anyway usually go down in the first few years and after that it seems to get a little easier with experince to keep the shiney side up . Just my 2 cents worth
        Mind over matter , if you don't mind it doesn't matter


        • #19
          i can see that this thread isn't dying, so when i get a chance i will get some pics up. You'll be able to see that Braunstein's sliders do do their job, albeit at a low speed drop.
          Philippians 4:13 - "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength."


          • #20
            Glad to hear you're ok

            I just went down yesterday..
            I don't have frame sliders
            can I find a link to these elussive Braunstein sliders on the forums?
            Searching now..


            • #21

              I think you need ten posts to go to that area though but that's the buying link. Just type brauntein sliders in search in case the link doesn't work.
              Wish You Were Here? And Yes That is Aaron Yates In The Background.

              MY BIKE



              • #22
                Went down last week, also nothing serious...

                My '06 Kat 600 wasn't as lucky as yours...I dinged and scraped my oil cooler and took out my right side turn signal housing. Riding like ten blocks home from work in the rain.

                The guy in front of me in a pickup slammed on his brakes, I tapped the brakes and then I hit some oil on the road, and both tires broke..that was it for me, bike slid down from right between my legs while I'm trying not to slide into this dude's was only at like five MPH though...nothing too awful, I think it scared the guy in the truck more than it did me.
                I was standing behind this guy about ready to cry! First moving drop on the bike, but all that happened was a little abrasion on the cowl right above the oil cooler and some scratching on the decal that I was going to remove anyways....just grr... I'm so happy I wasn't hurt though.

                At least our bike drops were without any serious injury to either of us right?


