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Car almost got me!!!

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  • Car almost got me!!!

    So anyway I was finishing a ride called the peak to peak through Colorado's gorgeous mountains (picks later!) heading back to Denver from Estes Park I'm doing about 75-80 on hwy 36 following my buddy on his harley. As he passes a car I notice the driver of the car looks over at him. As I was passing the car trying to hurry through the blind spot the car all of the sudden without warning comes right over into my lane! It happened so fast I didn't have time to hit my horn or even my brakes! Luckily I had just enough space (I'm talking inches) to swerve off the highway onto the shoulder of the road and get between a 3 foot concrete barrier( that seperated northbound and southbound traffic) and her car to avoid being side swiped. Going 75mph on the shoulder of the road I got birdseye view of oncoming traffic heading in the opposite direction. When the driver realized she unknowinly ran me off the road she swerved back onto her lane. As I swerved back onto my lane I saw she looked mortified I just continued on without so much of an acknowledgment she almost killed me. I don't even want to imagine what would have happened had she collided with me. This lesson taught me 3 things.

    1. accellerating fast through someone blind spot probably is not a good idea.

    2. When approaching a cars blind spot you better make damn sure you have your horn covered.

    3. Be sure to have an escape route just in case you have to emergency swerve to avoid being hit.

    Just thought I'd share my close call to make people think.
    We intimidate those who intimidate others.
    Stay Alert! Stay Alive!

  • #2
    glad your OK, its heart warming how most people in cars show such concern for us bikers.

    Walter Sobchak: You know, Dude, I myself dabbled in pacifism once.


    • #3
      Glad your OK, most cagers show now concern. If you you had spoken with the driver she probally would have used the standard cager response, "Well, you were going to fast".
      I would rather be judged by 12, than carried by 6.

      It doesn't matter what they say about you as long as they spell your name right.


      • #4
        Well I'm glad she at least showed enough concern to realize I was in trouble and to let me back on the highway. She also looked scared when she knew she ran me off the road. I could tell It was unintetional on her part so I just "let it go".
        We intimidate those who intimidate others.
        Stay Alert! Stay Alive!


        • #5
          THE SAME THING HAPPENED TO ME LAST WEEK.i also left enough room to move out of her way.i almost hit a curb but at only 35 MPH.after that i rode up beside her and gave her that look like WTF!and then she set down her cell long enough to give me the finger!!!!!SHE ALMOST RAN ME OVER!AND THEN SHE FLIPS ME OFF.


          • #6
            The sad thing in our society is the not much caring after realizing a near tragedy...


            • #7
              1. accellerating fast through someone blind spot probably is not a good idea.
              Why I always ride in back of people to the left or right w/ my brights on(day or night) so they can see me in their mirrors.

              2. When approaching a cars blind spot you better make damn sure you have your horn covered.
              Horn wont help you at all. All the cager does is panic and swerve back into their last lane, cutting off the guy behind him/her, or they just keep coming over while looking around for some car. Now days people drive w/ the radio so loud they wont hear yer horn, or on a cell phone and not paying attention.

              3. Be sure to have an escape route just in case you have to emergency swerve to avoid being hit.
              Should always have this in mind no matter what. Should be 2nd nature to us riders.
              I was coming back from a bike/car meet lastnight. I was doing the speed limit, and tons of cars all around me. Some idiot just came into my lane. No blinker, he was right next to me, his rear bumper was about 2' from my front tire. I had to swerve into the on coming lane(lucky no cars were coming) and I slowed way down.. I did the horn and flashed him my lights, didn't help.. I caught up next to him and gave him the gesture. Ofcourse I got flipped off and he kept on trying to say something to me. We came up to the next light and he was yelling at me, flipping me off. I just stared over at him and shook my head. I'm almost possative he was drunk, as I followed him for a few miles more (high beems in his rear view, you could see the whole inside of his car light up, ha) and he was swerving back n' forth.. Idiots...!!

              Just have to learn to live w/ these type of situations and expect them everytime you ride. If you don't yer more than likely going to be a statistic.. I'm always thinking 2-3 moves ahead of me. If car A decides to cut me off here, I'll go here, If car B does this or that I'll do this. Next set of cars in traffic, I rethink my plan of excape..


              • #8
                Man, that could have been bad bro. I'm glad you were alert! Sounds like she got scared too after seeing you.
                "I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world."
                JOHN 16:33


                • #9
                  I feel very fortunate to have escape that alive and it's sobering to think because there's others that won't be so lucky.
                  We intimidate those who intimidate others.
                  Stay Alert! Stay Alive!

