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First month as a commuter

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  • First month as a commuter

    Completed my first month using the Kat as my primary mode of transportation. In the last 30 days drove 1100 miles with an avg mpg of 48. It is the best month of work ever. Sorry, you need a ride to work or to a mtg no room, Sorry, you need me to stop by at the printers no room. The wife's SUV is sitting in the garage not consuming gas and she is driving the Hyundai at 35 mpg. Is it me or are the rest of you not in such a hurry any more. I see all the cagers getting pissed because they are running late and I got a smile on my face.
    go ahead and ruck it!!!

  • #2
    I love riding to work. I have been doing it since I got my bike.
    I do find that I sometimes work later just so that I do not have to sit in traffic though. It is just too hot, and staying at work an extra 20 minutes so I do not have to sit in the heat.


    • #3

      Overall, I love the 'riding' months because of insurance costs, gas mileage, etc.
      Unfortunately, I work downtown and the cost of parking is killing me.

      ... Anyone have an Invisibility Mod for an 88 Kat ? :P
      Drive faster, until the thrill of speed overcomes the fear of death...


      • #4
        Riding the Kat is an escape
        "I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world."
        JOHN 16:33


        • #5
          Originally posted by KatanaSoldier
          Riding the Kat is an escape


          • #6
            Originally posted by Chef
            ... Anyone have an Invisibility Mod for an 88 Kat ? :P
            What , your bike ain't ALREADY invisible ? I guess that's just while in motion .....
            I am a fluffy lil cuddly lovable bunny , dammit !

            Katrider's rally 2011 - md86


            • #7
              I have not driven my car in so long that I looked at the plates today, and realized that my tags are expired....

              Oh well, guess I need to spend the money to get them up to date.
              It doesn't matter what you ride, as long as you ride.


              • #8
                My poor car hasn't been driven since I got my Kat. It's got a flat tire and an inch of dust on it.

                I love riding to work, most days I'd rather just keep on going and not stop at work.
                Black IS the fastest color!


                • #9
                  For over two years now I've been like the postman....rain/ shine/ ice / snow... Although I tend to cage more in the ice/snow part, but I still ride.
                  I've ridden in 29 degree (F) weather....and it's cold when you don't have the appropriate gear. My 05 has almost 32,000 miles on it now...and
                  I have owned it 2yrs and a month......and I love riding it. This winter will be sooo much better due to widder and my insulated pants/ jacket..
                  Horn broken--watch for finger....


                  • #10
                    Well, if the rain percentage is above 40% then I don't ride mine to work. 40% and under I ride.

                    I enjoy my days MUCH more when I ride.
                    -2005 Katana GSX750F ***SOLD***
                    -2006 Kawasaki ZX-6R

           (I keep shooting, but they won't DIE!)


                    • #11
                      I don't ride to work when its is raining hard when its time to leave. If hail/ice/snow is predicted I don't ride. If the wind prediction is over 50mph I don't ride. With all the rain we have had the past couple of months here in TX I think I have only taken the car twice. I realized it had been over 18 months since I changed the oil in my truck but it only had < 5K miles since the last oil change.

                      Riding in crappy weather is part of the adventure/fun.


                      • #12
                        I miss commuting on my bike. I have done it on motor- and bi-cycles. Loved both. Current job requires use of my car during the day. Riding bike to office, leaving car there at nite does not work- many factors, too many to explain here.

                        When I was teaching at two colleges, each at opposite corners of the Atlanta metro area, the mc was the best and fastest way to go- I could ride in the HOV lanes and made good time. That got me to the second school with an hour or so to spare, whereas driving got me there 10 minutes late!
                        "Stevie B" Boudreaux

                        I ride: '01 Triumph Sprint ST

                        Projects: Honda CB650 Bobber projects I, II and III

                        Take care of: 81 Honda CM400,72 Suzuki GT550

                        Watch over/advise on: 84 Honda Nighthawk 700S (now my son's bike)

                        For sale, or soon to be: 89 Katana 1100, 84 Honda V45 Magna, 95 Yamaha SECA II, 99 GSXR600, 95 ZX-6, 84 Kaw. KZ700, 01 Bandit 1200, 74 CB360.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Alley_Kat
                          I love riding to work. I have been doing it since I got my bike.
                          I do find that I sometimes work later just so that I do not have to sit in traffic though. It is just too hot, and staying at work an extra 20 minutes so I do not have to sit in the heat.
                          For me its the opposite, kind of, I have to leave no later than 3:30 in order to not get stuck in bumper to bumper traffic. The heat doesnt bother me, I would rather be hot and sticky on the bike than on the bus. :P

                          If I wasnt taking the bike I would have no parking at work. You gotta love small spaces between buildings.
                          .................................................. ...................

                          I see stupid people everywhere, they look just like the rest of us, but the scariest part is, they don't even know they're stupid.

                          Originally posted by Mojoe
                          so seriously.....if you are stupid enough to put yourself in harms way to cheer on an idiot, then you deserve what you get if something happens.
                          Originally posted by Range
                          I think I threw up a little in my mouth....UGLY


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by KatanaSoldier
                            Riding the Kat is an escape

                            Riding home from work is a great way to unwind and chill out. I always enjoy it. The problem with riding TO work is you want to go right by the office and keep on riding

