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this ticks me off

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  • this ticks me off

    I road up to the local custom shop the other day and there was like 15-20 guys with bikes super bikes of course and when i got off my bike they all kinda talked under there breath and i knew they were talkin about me but i went in anyway is a nice shop and the owners were very nice but when i left all the guys told me to get that slow piece of junk out of here a lot of people are like that around here i have never road with anybody because of this there is no other kats around here so i just ride by myself they just look a you like there better than you because of there bike theres might be faster than but i think mine is just as nice you ever a this happen to you?????????????

  • #2
    I do not see the point of a faster bike than the Kat. The kat goes faster than I want to go. How often are you really going to push the Kat to its limits? I read here that my 750 tops out at 140. I know that I will never touch that.
    Would you really want to spend time riding with people that act like they do?
    Look at some of the other bike shops locally. They will usually have some flyers with local bike nights. That may be a place to find some people to ride with.


    • #3
      Some what, but most guy's a round here already know my Kat.. I do get why did you do all that to a Kat. I just leaf at them and tell them when there bike grows up to come and see me.


      • #4
        Most superbike owners enjoy lots & lots of payments, so they are just jealous that you have a nice, affordable bike that is most likely paid off.

        I've yet to run into anyone downing the Kat, everyone seems to like it around here; or at least they don't say it to my face, lol.

        '89 Conquest TSi :: '01 GSX 600F Katana :: '02 Suzuki Grand Vitara


        • #5
          I never had that problem when i had the Kat, i got several complements on it as well. Sounds like you ran into a group of real a-holes to me.

          Walter Sobchak: You know, Dude, I myself dabbled in pacifism once.


          • #6
            Learn to ride your bike well . Then go back to said shop . When poseurs start talking smack , invite them on a ride . Leave them in the dust , then laugh at them .
            I am a fluffy lil cuddly lovable bunny , dammit !

            Katrider's rally 2011 - md86


            • #7
              I've never had a problem with people accepting my Kat. I receive many compliments on both of my street bikes (but my track bike...not so much)

              Blow those jerks off and pay them no mind.
              =USAF= Retired

              "If you can be convinced of an absurdity, you can be made to commit an atrocity." -Voltaire


              • #8
                Re: this ticks me off

                Originally posted by badkat
                I road up to the local custom shop the other day and there was like 15-20 guys with bikes super bikes of course and when i got off my bike they all kinda talked under there breath and i knew they were talkin about me but i went in anyway is a nice shop and the owners were very nice but when i left all the guys told me to get that slow piece of junk out of here a lot of people are like that around here i have never road with anybody because of this there is no other kats around here so i just ride by myself they just look a you like there better than you because of there bike theres might be faster than but i think mine is just as nice you ever a this happen to you?????????????
                That might be the longest sentence I have ever seen. Or was is a question??

                Pay those guys no mind. You ride what you like and that's all that matters.

                Long Live the D


                • #9
                  I've gotten in to a similar situation at a shop here in town, but these guys were sales-kids. Pay them no mind. I alway tell them I'd rather own a Katana than be a gsxr-monkey and be trendy.


                  • #10
                    Yeah pay them no attention. I know easier said than done, but just keep on. I usually walk over and look at their rear tire and see a huge flat spot on the tire. Bike all shined up, etc. Granted I do have some chicken strips on my bike, but my tires are not flat. Just proving that you bought your bike for a purpose, and it fits yourself.

                    From the sounds of it....Be glad that you are not like them. I'd ride with ya, but north carolina is to far away for me. well with my current schedle.

                    Also you might want to mention to the owner of the shop that there are people outside harrassing customers. And he should run them off.

                    “Programming today is a race between software engineers stirring to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the universe is winning.”


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by md86
                      Learn to ride your bike well . Then go back to said shop . When poseurs start talking smack , invite them on a ride . Leave them in the dust , then laugh at them .
                      Exactly! I do this on a regular basis! Couple weeks ago a new Ducati 1098 and Gix 1000 had inferior riders that were falling back every corner against my Katana and me! They don't talk too much smack after that!
                      MSgt, USMC (Retired)


                      • #12
                        just smile at em as you pull off, and stop being so sensitive.
                        Just ride.....


                        • #13
                          Hey badkat I live very close to you in charlotte, NC. I'd love to ride with you anytime. Forget those punks. People like that usually have low self esteem. They say things like that to make themselves feel more important.


                          • #14
                            I have had the same looks from some and I could care less. The Kat in comfy and plenty quick for me. They might say the same thing about the humble man who is a janitor or something saying look how pathetic he is. Finding joy in the simple things is a gift and shows humbleness that material things can never compensate for. The Kat is a humble person's bike so ride it proudly!
                            "I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world."
                            JOHN 16:33


                            • #15
                              Just ignore them. Learn how to ride your bike then take them on a nice ride thru some twisties. I bet you will leave them sitting. I have ridden with a few guys besides my normaly riding buddies who both own ZX-7s. We got to one of our stopping points and I looked over at my buddies and said we are going to the normal spot. They said yes. The other guys knew the place as well.. The next time I saw the other guys and my buddies was at the meeting point 20 minutes later. The guys who were talking crap was like I didn't know a Katana could be ridden like that. All I said was it is not the bike it is the rider. You can put the worlds best rider on the worst bike and that rider will make it do things you never thought possible. So learn your bike and learn it well.

