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What a day

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  • What a day

    I guess we can start when the day actually began. So here we are last night about midnight, studying for Momentum and Energy Transfer. Studying continues until 3:30, the troops are displeased, moral is low. Sleep is rudely interrupted at approximately 6:00 by a small screaming black box that wants nothing more than to remind me how early it truly is. Exam commences less than promptly at 7:34 (yay professors that show up late but would be VERY put off if the roles were reversed ). I finish the exam early, about 9:00. Proceed to meet with my project partner for Mechanical Systems Design. Finish the MATLAB code and write up, turn in, then the fun begins.

    Hurry home, pack tankbag. Load up, wait for riding buddy to arrive. Wait for riding buddy to arrive. Wait.... Receive call from riding buddy. Having lunch together, not leaving yet, but I'm happy that lunch is happening as breakfast was somehow overlooked by my super attentive two and a half hours of sleep.

    2pm - Hit the road. Driving Cincinnati to Pittsburgh, no interstates allowed, sweet. Taking 52 along the Ohio River for about 100 miles, then turn north, and intermittently pick up the river again for the next 300 miles till arrival in Pittsburgh.

    Pros - Longest ride to date at 400+ miles, my 600 (jetted, K&N, grinded weld seams, slip on) posted 40+ mpg for the whole trip, south/south east Ohio is beautiful, gas costs are getting charged to somebody else.

    Cons - I need a Corbin, I hurt, I tried to rail a little bit about 3/4 of the way through the trip when the roads got fun but muscles were to stiff and tired to lift me around in the seat well, I need a Corbin, ran into a traffic jam (construction, 3 lanes closed to 1) as soon as we got to Pitt that set us back a good half hour even though we were already there, did I mention I need a Corbin?

    All in all an awesome trip. I got a little slap happy just outside of Wheeling and started yelling to all the people I passed on the road. And kinda dancing on my bike. Dancing equals singing very loudly and bouncing. Alot. I hope my forks are ok.

    So, its a quarter til midnight, I've accumulated 14 hours of sleep since Sunday, and I'm on my second Leinenkugel's. What a day. I want to sleep, but why kill my streak?
    None of us are as dumb as all of us.....

    “To do what ought to be done, but would not have been done unless I did it, I thought to be my duty.”
    -Robert Morrison

    well, i havent beat katana hero on expert level yet chris" -katanawarrior

    "I believe in the free speech that liberals used to believe in, the economic freedom that conservatives used to believe in, and the personal freedom America used to believe in"

  • #2
    any guy with the name "philwacker" makes me wonder....its all good though if thats the way you roll.i respect that


    • #3
      I've accumulated 14 hours of sleep since Sunday

      I can respect that. Rather impressive low score there.

      Had a couple of those back to back myself recently. For me it's called being a parent and a geek. IT profession isn't so much a job as it is a lifestyle. (He says while typing from work as files copy.)



      • #4
        Re: What a day

        Originally posted by philwecksr
        I want to sleep, but why kill my streak?
        Because that's not a streak you wanna keep workin at . Damn ! I went almost 2 weeks ( I think it was 11 or 12 days ...)without an HOUR of sleep . Yeah , don't do that . It's no fun .
        I am a fluffy lil cuddly lovable bunny , dammit !

        Katrider's rally 2011 - md86


        • #5
          Get some sleep!
          "I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world."
          JOHN 16:33


          • #6
            should have posted that you were coming to pittsburgh, I would have met up with you guys for a bit of riding.


            • #7
              Why get yourself killed? Riding tired is hella dangerous. I'm a zombie most of the time anyway these days, with school, work and home duties but I stay off the bikes when I'm really zonked. Get some quality sleep man. -You'll enjoy it more!
              =USAF= Retired

              "If you can be convinced of an absurdity, you can be made to commit an atrocity." -Voltaire


              • #8
                Sounds like you need a vacation!
                It's not speed that kills, it's the deceleration!

                Experience is a hard teacher. She gives you the test first, and then teaches the lesson.

       Alais: TexasSportBiker

