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just curious on asking price...

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  • just curious on asking price...

    I have decided that i might possibly want to spend the money for an r6, which means i might part with the kat, but i'm only day dreaming right now....28,640 miles, re-constructed title, 1996-97

    I know mods and all of that don't add a lot of value but i'll list the pros and cons of my bike to see what you guys can suggest for me to ask...

    Aftermarket details...

    Full 4-2-1 exhaust (d&d headers/yoshi can), coils, ngk plugs, Hid headlight, painted rims, dynojet stage 1 jet kit, o-ring chain, re-covered seats, Metallic black with silver flake paint, clutch and choke cables, shaved fender, and a few lil other things.

    and then the cons...

    Bike was laid down 15mph ish on left side, little bit of rash and needs a new mirror ($15), few cracks in fairings(some small, some noticable, can be re-inforced and re-painted), oil cooler seals need replaced (have them but yet to change till spring season.

    Bike still runs excellent, shifts fine, doesn't slip, pretty much still strong, just a few comsmetic blemishes. So suggest a few things to me, anything will help.

    photos may be found here, ask for more if you really want ot se them, page wouldnt fit all of them how i wanted to.

  • #2
    Live and Lean.
    When the going gets twisty, the going get twistin.
    "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."
    Romans 3:23


    • #3
      Re: just curious on asking price...

      Originally posted by wvurubberducky600
      re-constructed title
      The R or salvage title will significantly reduce the amount that you'll probably get for the bike.

      Say, maybe even in half.

      You might be better off parting out the upgrades, and selling the motor.

      Also, less than perfect paint will lower the value.

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      • #4
        yeah i know about the title, that's why i stated it, i wasn't asking what would reduce the value b/c i already know mostly...not trying to be rude or anything, but i did state that. I am just asking what others would ask/expect if it was there bike.


        • #5
          I'll be surprised if you get a penny over 1500 for it.
          "I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world."
          JOHN 16:33


          • #6
            Originally posted by wvurubberducky600
            yeah i know about the title, that's why i stated it, i wasn't asking what would reduce the value b/c i already know mostly...not trying to be rude or anything, but i did state that. I am just asking what others would ask/expect if it was there bike.
            You asked, so I'm saying. I probably wouldn't pay more than $500 for a salvage bike running or not.

            The parts of the bike are probably worth more sold in pieces.

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            • #7
              The bike is definitely worth more parted out (part-x as the Brits say). Look up NADA and take the low value because of the spill, then divide in half because of the title.

              Naturally, you might get lucky and find a first-time buyer who doesn't know any better...

              Or you might find someone else who is in need of a number of parts and will part out the rest afterwards (Meanstrk comes to mind immediately, seeing how as he mangled his swingarm this past weekend)

              =-= The CyberPoet
              Remember The CyberPoet


              • #8
                What I would do it take the plastic off give it a quick one over with some paint toss some new stickers on it then make a list of everything you put on it minus the accident then park it till spring and set it out front for sale. When they look at it tell them that it has a salvage title but its ready to ride. You would be suprised what you can get out of something with a little bit of work. I bought a 92 explorer for 250 bucks 4wd worked it nedded a new tire when I bought it 50 bucks. Then I beat the crap out of it muddin etc.. Put it in the paper and got 800 for it and it even needed to be towed cause of a bad ball joint. Thats like 300% profit increase. When spring comes and everyone wants a bike the prices will go up.


                • #9
                  paying $500 for almost any 600 bike running would be an excellent deal, anyways that's your beliefs. I know if i part it out that is where the money is at, the exhasut, forks, rims/tires,motor, etc are all the major items, but here is what gets me at doing this. I go to school and rent an apt, so i can not just tear it apart piece by piece here, so i have to sell it whole. And what happens to the parts you can not sell ...

                  anyways i'll wait for more replies and thanks guys, and ebay it in the spring or around town to get more?


                  • #10
                    I would clean it up and ask $1500 for it.
                    why $1500? cuz $1500 is like a magic number for people looking for a deal. $2k is too much, and $1k is too cheap. if you are 100% certain the bike is safe, advertise it, then tell anyone who calls or comes to look, about the salvage title....but fib on it. play down the damage. tell them it was recent damage and it was cosmetic, but they scrapped it because of the age.

                    unethical? a wee bit.....but nothing drastic. the bike will still be fine. Every car or bike dealership would do the same.

                    parting out a bike is a PITA!
                    general rule of thumb, if you need to absolutely get a grand for that bike, you are better off selling it whole. and unless you got the bike for next to nothing, you have to be sure to get at least $1500 parting it out just to cover your time tearing it down, cleaning up the parts a bit, packaging the parts, running to the post office, getting rid of the scrap, and finding a place to store the parts until they sell....if they sell.
                    I don't have a short temper. I just have a quick reaction to bullshit.


                    • #11
                      Go for 1700 but take 1500 if you let them talk you down a bit they think there getting a better deal


                      • #12
                        I agree. Clean it up the best you can and list it for $1,550. Tell anyone interested it was in a minor wreck hense the salvaged title. I have a feeling you could get around that value when riding season comes around.


                        • #13
                          Id toss a new mirror on it to spend 15 to make 50.

