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Maybe the closest you will get to riding in my head

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  • Maybe the closest you will get to riding in my head

    I have been messing with the video function on my new camera I got for Christmas and after making a small bracket to mount it to my left side view mirror I shot this video of my commute to work.

    So last night made my first attempt at video editing so be nice.

    It's a short video/With sound (about 8 mins) of my hour long ride to work in the morning.

    I recored my 120 mile commute to work and chopped it up into a small video. Lots of cars and trucks but this is how it is everyday... some days worst some da...
    Coming on a black Kat to a town near you!

  • #2
    nice riding, but man lane splitting in heavy traffic and dump trucks is not for me haha. getting to work on time isnt that high on my priorities ; )
    03 katanika


    • #3
      my previous entry was rude and has thus been removed by myself,

      Walter Sobchak: You know, Dude, I myself dabbled in pacifism once.


      • #4
        Well I have been doing this same exact ride rain or shine for a few years.

        This would be how it is here, I ride in maybe the most traffic filled freeway there is here.

        You see it as stupid the same way people who don’t ride see motorcycling as stupid, it’s just what you are comfortable with.

        Now I will let you get back to your hateraide you look thirsty.
        Coming on a black Kat to a town near you!


        • #5
          Originally posted by Funk
          Well I have been doing this same exact ride rain or shine for a few years.

          This would be how it is here, I ride in maybe the most traffic filled freeway there is here.

          You see it as stupid the same way people who don’t ride see motorcycling as stupid, it’s just what you are comfortable with.

          Now I will let you get back to your hateraide you look thirsty.
          for the record, i aint hating just saying its not for me ha.

          curious though have you had any close calls on that ride? cars pulling out in front of you, sudden stops, etc?

          i just see those semis and picture another car forcing me under those big wheels. thats enough for me i would stay in my lane
          03 katanika


          • #6
            no my response was only intended for people who call others stupid.
            Wonder if he even knows "Lane Sharing" in not Illegal here.
            Coming on a black Kat to a town near you!


            • #7
              It's Cali -- lane splitting is 100% legal and standard practice. It's also the primary reason to ride a bike -- imagine sitting in that traffic jam every day.

              My only advice is to try to avoid the emergency lanes as much as possible -- that's where traffic motion sweeps all the debris that will readily puncture your tires.

              =-= The CyberPoet
              Remember The CyberPoet


              • #8
                Originally posted by The CyberPoet
                It's Cali -- lane splitting is 100% legal and standard practice. It's also the primary reason to ride a bike -- imagine sitting in that traffic jam every day.

                My only advice is to try to avoid the emergency lanes as much as possible -- that's where traffic motion sweeps all the debris that will readily puncture your tires.

                =-= The CyberPoet
                also cars pulling over suddenly into the emergency lane? a car pulling in front of you suddenly leaving you with no more road to work with. add onto that debry on the road that makes stopping risky. then dont forget those dump trucks inchs away lol.
                03 katanika


                • #9
                  You actually look like your trying to split safe at least....

                  As yes, totally legal in Cali, and the cager are more aware.

                  Try that in Oregon, you'd probably get run over in five minutes.


                  • #10
                    your right dude, "stupid" is harsh. i would just hate to see anyone get hurt. Is it legal to ride down the emergency lane? not being an a$$, legitimately asking the question. looks pretty dangerous to me, no matter if you've done it for years or not, all it takes is one car.

                    Walter Sobchak: You know, Dude, I myself dabbled in pacifism once.


                    • #11
                      Yup when I was stationed in Cali, I would be driving in gridlock and see a bike zoom by me between lanes. My how that would bring day dreams and Kat envy!
                      Anyway, when I first arrived at the post we were made to take a safety course for all vehicle drivers (due to all the soldier related vehicle accidents) and they said be careful of bikes splitting lanes and to look over you shoulder before turning on any road, freeway etc for that very reason. It was emphasized that if you turned into their path, the CHP would be happy to find you at fault for getting in their path of travel

                      Seeing that video makes me miss Cali!

                      Thanks for sharing the video. You have a beautiful family and are blessed.

                      "I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world."
                      JOHN 16:33


                      • #12
                        Strange choice of music. Does not seem to fit the video subject matter.

                        Kudos on your first video attempt, otherwise.
                        "Stevie B" Boudreaux

                        I ride: '01 Triumph Sprint ST

                        Projects: Honda CB650 Bobber projects I, II and III

                        Take care of: 81 Honda CM400,72 Suzuki GT550

                        Watch over/advise on: 84 Honda Nighthawk 700S (now my son's bike)

                        For sale, or soon to be: 89 Katana 1100, 84 Honda V45 Magna, 95 Yamaha SECA II, 99 GSXR600, 95 ZX-6, 84 Kaw. KZ700, 01 Bandit 1200, 74 CB360.


                        • #13
                          I actually think the music was fitting, with the still family pics thrown in there.

                          I think lane splitting is dangerous, but I can see that IF I lived in an area like that I would probably do it too. After seeing that video (which was good btw) Im sure glad I live in little ol Kentucky!!!!!
                          Um I dont know any wise quotes so go read katansoldiers quote in his signature!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                          • #14
                            i liked the video and you have a beautiful family. you inspired me to try the same thing with my camera. any pointers on how to mount a small camcorder on my bike like you did?
                            What did the hand say to the face?... "Slap!"


                            • #15
                              hmm i would loike to see how you mounted yoru camrea

