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Pazzo Racing Levers ???

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  • #16
    Then were in agreement.

    The production costs would be less if you went into business making brake levers for the public but then you throw a whole new can of worms into the mix called product liability.

    Making widgets for my bike is fun but what I make for others is more at my discretion.


    • #17
      Originally posted by damic
      Then were in agreement.

      The production costs would be less if you went into business making brake levers for the public but then you throw a whole new can of worms into the mix called product liability.

      Making widgets for my bike is fun but what I make for others is more at my discretion.
      Yup that's for sure. Eventually for my bike I'm going to make a simple website as to how I did everything with blueprints, photos etc.. The thought of some dude trying to duplicate something, crashing his bike for what ever reason and suing me has crossed my mind thou. I'll have to up sort of disclaimer or something, it's crazy what people sue over these days. I rarely machine stuff for people for that reason and the huge amounts of time it takes...

