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another DUMP TRUCK story

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  • another DUMP TRUCK story

    Had a little "road trip" on the bike...went to Sudbury on Tuesday (about 300 miles away)

    Great weather...everything is perfect!


    coming into North Bay on #17 (Trans-Canada Highway) which is a two lane Highway with several passing stretches where there is an extra lane for about a mile in some cases, well...I am behind a Dump Truck....he pulls out to pass a slower vehicle, but he STAYS in the passing lane (mind you, he is going a a fair clip) I am contented to remain behind him...and I am back an acceptable amount of space, when I start to contemplate moving over to the right hand lane for visability sake.




    one of his tires explodes and come out the back of the truck about 5' in the air! It hits the pavement, and doesn't bounce...I narrowly glide through the mess (I had to swerve into the other lane...thank god I had just checked to see that it was clear).

    all was well with me...except a little "puckerage".

    This is why you should NEVER follow closely behind vehicles...especially large transports, and when passing it with haste...never stay beside them if it is not necesary.

  • #2
    whew glad to hear the Gator didn't get you..especially flying off the truck that can really hurt and cause some damage.

    As a truck driver I can personally say don't follow too close....although trucks are required to have mud flaps to limit stones and other debris being tossed back to other motorists, dump trucks especially stone haulers always seem to kick up alot fo stuff and I know I don't lkike to have my Baby all chipped cuz of following too closly to a truck.


    • #3
      Damn! Yeah, stay away from those things Range. I'd hate to see you wreck your Vulcan.


      • #4
        glad you okay

        Walter Sobchak: You know, Dude, I myself dabbled in pacifism once.


        • #5
          Ive been behind trucks when their retreads came off while I was in my car, but never a blown tire while following on a bike. Those things come flying out like a shot just like Range mentioned

          Way to stay on your toes Range, glad your ok man! Im telling ya these dump trucks are out to get us or something


          • #6
            Glad to read your okay.
            Bike is sold


            • #7
              Originally posted by WildKat
              Ive been behind trucks when their retreads came off while I was in my car, but never a blown tire while following on a bike. Those things come flying out like a shot just like Range mentioned

              Way to stay on your toes Range, glad your ok man! Im telling ya these dump trucks are out to get us or something
              I told Range the same thing I told you Wildkat...

              You are riding a motorcycle.....PASS THE FRIGGIN DUMP TRUCK!

              You guys are getting old.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Junior
                You guys are getting old.
                Says the guys whose hair has almost all fallen out .
                I am a fluffy lil cuddly lovable bunny , dammit !

                Katrider's rally 2011 - md86


                • #9
                  I'll remember this advice when I'm out on the highway. Thanks Range.
                  "The secret to life is to keep your mind full and your bowels empty. Unfortunately, the converse is true for most people."


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by md86
                    Originally posted by Junior
                    You guys are getting old.
                    Says the guys whose hair has almost all fallen out .
                    Sure I'm bald....but I'm still younger.


                    • #11
                      Good job.

                      I'm glad to be able to read it... from you.

                      My Karma ran over my Dogma.


                      • #12
                        Good to hear you didn't go down, Or get hit with any crap.


                        • #13
                          When are they gonna outlaw retreads?
                          I seem to see those things blow off of trucks all the time and I spend as little time behind or beside them as possible.


                          • #14
                            Gotta love road gators.

                            It is good to hear that you made it through without any harm.


                            • #15
                              way to stay alert, Dave. Glad you didn't end up in a really bad situation.
                              I don't have a short temper. I just have a quick reaction to bullshit.

