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first ten days with the kat

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  • first ten days with the kat

    Hey there, I have now been riding for 10 days, and I enjoy it more and more as the confidence in myself and the kat increases. A few comments and question after this first time with the kat:

    Even though I have not yet been - much - above 7K rpm I am stunned by the power. (ok, so this is my first bike, and I can only compare to my slow car).

    When stopping in Neutral and shutting the engine, I often can't put the bike in gear afterwards - it just stays in N no matter if I try to shift up or down.Turn the engine on, and bang it pops right into first, no problem, but it is a little annoying if I want to park it in gear.

    The choke... it is extremely sensitive. If I turn it off too quickly it stalls, if I don't turn it off quickly enough it stalls. And 1/10 of an inch makes all the difference between the engine running at crazy rpm's and 'normal warm-up'.

    I would like to have light in both headlights all the time, I think it looks 'wrong' with only one light on, like if the other bulb is blown. Can this be changed easily? (Danish law requires us to drive with lights on all the time)

    I have read a lot about people lowering their bike - I would like the opposite... I have found a place that will raise the seat-height with up to an inch. Any concerns about this will affect riding abilities, or should I just do it?

    Neck/back-pain. If riding for more than 20 minutes, my neck and upper back hurts like shiate. Is it just me still being too tense and exited about the ride - or did anyone else experience this, and found a 'cure'? Maybe just need to change the riding-position a bit, or maybe just chill out?!

    This morning it was pouring down so I took the car to work; at a sharp corner I found my speed a little high and my first thought was to countersteer! Good thing my second thought was "holy crap, that may not be a good idea in the car..."

    I am shocked by how stupid many cars drive. They just don't have eyes for bikes. In ten days I have had 3 close encounters with people pulling out right in front of me.

    Had a little problem with using the centerstand after I put on sadlebags, nothing to hold on to with the right hand. But now I just place all weight on the foot, and it pops up with my right hand just resting on the grab bar. (I also found out that I simply can't get it on the centerstand if in gear. In Neutral it's easy, but not in first gear. I don't really understand that, because I cant see the rearwheel moving an inch...? Just my imagination?)

    I'm glad I have bought some good gear - last night I went for a one hour ride just in jeans (first ride without my Frank Thomas pants), and when I returned my balls were like icecubes. Chill-factor gets a whole different meaning at 100mph, and spring hasn't arrived yet!

    Waving to other bikes are cool. But I almost fell off the bike when three bikers from Hells Angels waved at me the other day - (remember I am just an ordinary boring grey-haired middleaged (36 ) IT/accounting manager).

    I h a t e sidewind! period. This is one thing I am not sure I will ever get used to...

    So, this was just a little brainstorming on how I have seen this first ten days with my Kat. This could be the beginning of beutiful relationship....

    (soory for any typos, english is definitely not my first language!)
    p.s. a little facts in case anyone would like to comment to above:
    I am 6'4 and weighs approx 190lbs
    Bike is a GSX750F '06

  • #2
    Don't worry about your spelling, it's better than the stuff I read on some of our local boards over here .

    To help with getting it into gear, put it in gear when you stop, then hit the kill switch. That way you don't have to restart the bike. Another thing I've found is just roll the bike forward an inch or two then pop it in gear.

    Gear is golden, after getting caught in some hail once full leathers are a great thing.

    As for the lights, Is that a euro thing? over here both lights come on for low and highbeam .

    The pain can be normal if your not use to riding, use your legs to grip the sides of the bike more, relax your grip on the bars and don't tense up.


    • #3
      sounds like you are having a blast. i have had my kat since march and i love riding it. i notice at some points not very often that when stopped at a light in neutral when trying to put it into 1st it wont go. a little push back or forward while pushing down on the shifter normally solves this problem. as for the headlight what year is your bike. what does the headlight assembly look like. driving a car like a bike just doesn't work. you will quickly realise that cars don;t have the manuverability as bikes do. glad to here your enjoying the kat. be safe out there!!


      • #4
        Originally posted by woobie
        To help with getting it into gear, put it in gear when you stop, then hit the kill switch. That way you don't have to restart the bike. Another thing I've found is just roll the bike forward an inch or two then pop it in gear.
        When I hit the kill switch the engine shuts off.


        • #5
          Originally posted by FloridaKat
          Originally posted by woobie
          To help with getting it into gear, put it in gear when you stop, then hit the kill switch. That way you don't have to restart the bike. Another thing I've found is just roll the bike forward an inch or two then pop it in gear.
          When I hit the kill switch the engine shuts off.
          yup, but in his case as I read it he has the problem when coming to a stop and parking the bike. He's parking in neutral, shutting down then trying to pop it in gear. I park in gear, hit the kill switch let out the clutch drop the sidestand then get off the bike.

          If your not "parking" it, then roll forward or back an inch or so then shift into gear 99% it'll go right into gear.


          • #6
            EITHER put it in gear n then shut it down, or if you realize that you want it in gear after you have already shut it down ( oh sh*t , im on a big hill ), just rock it a lil bit and she'll go right into gear. it does'nt take much to convince her to go into first once you've shut her down. and i know that sometimes , especially for new riders, you dont realize that you want it in gear until after you shut it off, or until one of ur boyz with more experience suggests to do so.
            as for the headlights, its in my opinion, that something might've came loose, or blown out , or something. is it the same side light that is always on. or do they alternate? like, the port side is on for low beam, and the starboard side is on for high beam?
            << RIDE IT LIKE YOU STOLE IT !! >>


            • #7
              Speaking about the back pain and such.. I just got my first bike in February, and my back hurt for about the first month. But, I think a lot had to do with the chilly weather, and me being tense from being a new rider.. I have no problems now(warm weather, more confident also)


              • #8
                Originally posted by KAOS
                as for the headlights, its in my opinion, that something might've came loose, or blown out , or something. is it the same side light that is always on. or do they alternate? like, the port side is on for low beam, and the starboard side is on for high beam?
                yes it is always the same - and I can see from other bikes around here, that we all have it the same way - the left hand side is for low beam, and the right hand side is high beam.


                • #9
                  EITHER put it in gear n then shut it down, or if you realize that you want it in gear after you have already shut it down ( oh sh*t , im on a big hill ), just rock it a lil bit and she'll go right into gear. it does'nt take much to convince her to go into first once you've shut her down. and i know that sometimes , especially for new riders, you dont realize that you want it in gear until after you shut it off, or until one of ur boyz with more experience suggests to do so.
                  as for the headlights, its in my opinion, that something might've came loose, or blown out , or something. is it the same side light that is always on. or do they alternate? like, the port side is on for low beam, and the starboard side is on for high beam?
                  as for ur pain, i think u should check ur posture.ride the way u feel comfortable. u dont have to be tucked in all the time on the kat, like u have to be on some other bikes. one of the reasons i choose to get a sport tourer is that i can decided when to get into my tucked in possition. when ur just tool'n around town , you should try to straighten ur back, enjoy the senery. but gowin highway speeds get ur helmet behind that windshield, nothin will give u a neck cramp worse than haven ur melon battle a 90mph wind!
                  good luck
                  << RIDE IT LIKE YOU STOLE IT !! >>


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Dane-Kat
                    Originally posted by KAOS
                    as for the headlights, its in my opinion, that something might've came loose, or blown out , or something. is it the same side light that is always on. or do they alternate? like, the port side is on for low beam, and the starboard side is on for high beam?
                    yes it is always the same - and I can see from other bikes around here, that we all have it the same way - the left hand side is for low beam, and the right hand side is high beam.
                    first id like to say sorry for the double post, didnt mean it! and wow thats suprising bout the lights. are all those other bikes that youo've mentioned katanas of your same year?
                    << RIDE IT LIKE YOU STOLE IT !! >>
                    KRAZYKAT'S KATANA PICTURES


                    • #11
                      Well, I've had my Kat for 7 days now, and can relate to almost all of that! From the side winds, to no shifting when its off, the choke, and the center stand. One thing I have learned the hard way, is when to get it off the center stand, turn the wheel slightly left so it falls on you... (rather than away... heh)

                      Which saddle bags did you get on yours? I'm looking into getting some and would love to see some pictures of the bags and how it looks with them on and off.

                      Isn't this addicting? hehe


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by gibwar
                        Well, I've had my Kat for 7 days now, and can relate to almost all of that! From the side winds, to no shifting when its off, the choke, and the center stand. One thing I have learned the hard way, is when to get it off the center stand, turn the wheel slightly left so it falls on you... (rather than away... heh)

                        Which saddle bags did you get on yours? I'm looking into getting some and would love to see some pictures of the bags and how it looks with them on and off.

                        Isn't this addicting? hehe
                        It certainly is, gibwar 8) and good to hear that you could relate to my thoughts... Regarding taking it off the stand; at first I almost dropped it because it began to fall away from me too! But the last couple of days I have climbed on the bike, and just pushed forward with my arms so I already have a leg on each side. If your legs are long enough, try that approach instead.

                        I bought some Held saddlebags, and I think they look OK on the bike. Maybe I will look into some hardcase givi's instead but so far this will do. I have attached a few before/after pics (I hope this works, as I never tried to post pics before...) - pls forgive the quality, it's cellphone-camera
                        Without bags:

                        With Held-bags


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by gibwar
                          One thing I have learned the hard way, is when to get it off the center stand, turn the wheel slightly left so it falls on you... (rather than away... heh)
                          Wow I haven't ever even attempted that. I always get onto the bike before taking it off the center-stand. Even with turning the wheel to the left, it could still come onto you pretty hard. But then, I'm 5'10 and 140 lbs.
                          Once you can accept the universe as being something expanding into an infinite nothing which is something, wearing stripes with plaid is easy.
                          - Albert Einstein


                          • #14
                            nice lookin kat dane-kat


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by hellcamp
                              Originally posted by gibwar
                              One thing I have learned the hard way, is when to get it off the center stand, turn the wheel slightly left so it falls on you... (rather than away... heh)
                              Wow I haven't ever even attempted that. I always get onto the bike before taking it off the center-stand. Even with turning the wheel to the left, it could still come onto you pretty hard. But then, I'm 5'10 and 140 lbs.
                              If you can sit on the bike and touch the ground with it on it's centrestand then why don't you SIT on the bike and roll it forward off the stand.

                              If you can't touch the ground while it's on the stand then while on the left of the bike with BOTH HANDS on the grips, right hand covering the front brake, roll it off the stand. When the rear wheel touches down apply the front brake.

                              DON'T take the bike off the stand by letting it fall against you. You WILL hurt yourself. Remember..... IT'S NEARLY 500lbs!!!!

